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confessio amantis-第108部分

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Al soudeinliche upon me renneth;
That al mi thoght withinne brenneth;
And am so ferforth overcome;
That I not where I am become;
So that among the hetes stronge
In stede of drinke I underfonge
A thoght so swete in mi corage;
That nevere Pyment ne vernage
Was half so swete forto drinke。
For as I wolde; thanne I thinke    220
As thogh I were at myn above;
For so thurgh drunke I am of love;
That al that mi sotye demeth
Is soth; as thanne it to me semeth。
And whyle I mai tho thoghtes kepe;
Me thenkth as thogh I were aslepe
And that I were in goddes barm;
Bot whanne I se myn oghne harm;
And that I soudeinliche awake
Out of my thought; and hiede take  230
Hou that the sothe stant in dede;
Thanne is mi sekernesse in drede
And joie torned into wo;
So that the hete is al ago
Of such sotie as I was inne。
And thanne ayeinward I beginne
To take of love a newe thorst;
The which me grieveth altherworst;
For thanne comth the blanche fievere;
With chele and makth me so to chievere;  240
And so it coldeth at myn herte;
That wonder is hou I asterte;
In such a point that I ne deie:
For certes ther was nevere keie
Ne frosen ys upon the wal
More inly cold that I am al。
And thus soffre I the hote chele;
Which passeth othre peines fele;
In cold I brenne and frese in hete:
And thanne I drinke a biter swete      250
With dreie lippe and yhen wete。
Lo; thus I tempre mi diete;
And take a drauhte of such reles;
That al mi wit is herteles;
And al myn herte; ther it sit;
Is; as who seith; withoute wit;
So that to prove it be reson
In makinge of comparison
Ther mai no difference be
Betwen a drunke man and me。  260
Bot al the worste of everychon
Is evere that I thurste in on;
The more that myn herte drinketh;
The more I may; so that me thinketh;
My thurst schal nevere ben aqueint。
God schilde that I be noght dreint
Of such a superfluite:
For wel I fiele in mi degre
That al mi wit is overcast;
Wherof I am the more agast;  270
That in defaulte of ladischipe
Per chance in such a drunkeschipe
I mai be ded er I be war。
For certes; fader; this I dar
Beknowe and in mi schrifte telle:
Bot I a drauhte have of that welle;
In which mi deth is and mi lif;
Mi joie is torned into strif;
That sobre schal I nevere worthe;
Bot as a drunke man forworthe;  280
So that in londe where I fare
The lust is lore of mi welfare;
As he that mai no bote finde。
Bot this me thenkth a wonder kinde;
As I am drunke of that I drinke;
So am I ek for falte of drinke;
Of which I finde no reles:
Bot if I myhte natheles
Of such a drinke as I coveite;
So as me liste; have o receite;    290
I scholde assobre and fare wel。
Bot so fortune upon hire whiel
On hih me deigneth noght to sette;
For everemore I finde a lette:
The boteler is noght mi frend;
Which hath the keie be the bend;
I mai wel wisshe and that is wast;
For wel I wot; so freissh a tast;
Bot if mi grace be the more;
I schal assaie neveremore。   300
Thus am I drunke of that I se;
For tastinge is defended me;
And I can noght miselven stanche:
So that; mi fader; of this branche
I am gultif; to telle trouthe。
Mi Sone; that me thenketh routhe;
For lovedrunke is the meschief
Above alle othre the most chief;
If he no lusti thoght assaie;
Which mai his sori thurst allaie:  310
As for the time yit it lisseth
To him which other joie misseth。
Forthi; mi Sone; aboven alle
Thenk wel; hou so it the befalle;
And kep thi wittes that thou hast;
And let hem noght be drunke in wast:
Bot natheles ther is no wyht
That mai withstonde loves miht。
Bot why the cause is; as I finde;
Of that ther is diverse kinde   320
Of lovedrunke; why men pleigneth
After the court which al ordeigneth;
I wol the tellen the manere;
Nou lest; mi Sone; and thou schalt hiere。
For the fortune of every chance
After the goddes pourveance
To man it groweth from above;
So that the sped of every love
Is schape there; er it befalle。
For Jupiter aboven alle;  330
Which is of goddes soverein;
Hath in his celier; as men sein;
Tuo tonnes fulle of love drinke;
That maken many an herte sinke
And many an herte also to flete;
Or of the soure or of the swete。
That on is full of such piment;
Which passeth all entendement
Of mannes witt; if he it taste;
And makth a jolif herte in haste:  340
That other biter as the galle;
Which makth a mannes herte palle;
Whos drunkeschipe is a sieknesse
Thurgh fielinge of the biternesse。
Cupide is boteler of bothe;
Which to the lieve and to the lothe
Yifth of the swete and of the soure;
That some lawhe; and some loure。
Bot for so moche as he blind is;
Fulofte time he goth amis    350
And takth the badde for the goode;
Which hindreth many a mannes fode
Withoute cause; and forthreth eke。
So be ther some of love seke;
Whiche oghte of reson to ben hole;
And some comen to the dole
In happ and as hemselve leste
Drinke undeserved of the beste。
And thus this blinde Boteler
Yifth of the trouble in stede of cler    360
And ek the cler in stede of trouble:
Lo; hou he can the hertes trouble;
And makth men drunke al upon chaunce
Withoute lawe of governance。
If he drawe of the swete tonne;
Thanne is the sorwe al overronne
Of lovedrunke; and schalt noght greven
So to be drunken every even;
For al is thanne bot a game。
Bot whanne it is noght of the same;   370
And he the biter tonne draweth;
Such drunkeschipe an herte gnaweth
And fiebleth al a mannes thoght;
That betre him were have drunke noght
And al his bred have eten dreie;
For thanne he lest his lusti weie
With drunkeschipe; and wot noght whider
To go; the weies ben so slider;
In which he mai per cas so falle;
That he schal breke his wittes alle。  380
And in this wise men be drunke
After the drink that thei have drunke:
Bot alle drinken noght alike;
For som schal singe and som schal syke;
So that it me nothing merveilleth;
Mi Sone; of love that thee eilleth;
For wel I knowe be thi tale;
That thou hast drunken of the duale;
Which biter is; til god the sende
Such grace that thou miht amende。  390
Bot; Sone; thou schalt bidde and preie
In such a wise as I schal seie;
That thou the lusti welle atteigne
Thi wofull thurstes to restreigne
Of love; and taste the swetnesse;
As Bachus dede in his distresse;
Whan bodiliche thurst him hente
In strange londes where he wente。
This Bachus Sone of Jupiter
Was hote; and as he wente fer   400
Be his fadres assignement
To make a werre in Orient;
And gret pouer with him he ladde;
So that the heiere hond he hadde
And victoire of his enemys;
And torneth homward with his pris;
In such a contre which was dreie
A meschief fell upon the weie。
As he rod with his compainie
Nyh to the strondes of Lubie;   410
Ther myhte thei no drinke finde
Of water nor of other kinde;
So that himself and al his host
Were of defalte of drinke almost
Destruid; and thanne Bachus preide
To Jupiter; and thus he seide:
〃O hihe fader; that sest al;
To whom is reson that I schal
Beseche and preie in every nede;
Behold; mi fader; and tak hiede    420
This wofull thurst that we ben inne
To staunche; and grante ous forto winne;
And sauf unto the contre fare;
Wher that oure lusti loves are
Waitende upon oure hom cominge。〃
And w
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