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confessio amantis-第107部分

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     Potibus ebrietas conviciata ruit。
Mersa sopore labis; que Bachus inebriat hospes;
     Indignata Venus oscula raro premit。

The grete Senne original;
Which every man in general
Upon his berthe hath envenymed;
In Paradis it was mystymed:
Whan Adam of thilke Appel bot;
His swete morscel was to hot;
Which dedly made the mankinde。
And in the bokes as I finde;
This vice; which so out of rule
Hath sette ous alle; is cleped Gule;  10
Of which the branches ben so grete;
That of hem alle I wol noght trete;
Bot only as touchende of tuo
I thenke speke and of no mo;
Wherof the ferste is Dronkeschipe;
Which berth the cuppe felaschipe。
Ful many a wonder doth this vice;
He can make of a wisman nyce;
And of a fool; that him schal seme
That he can al the lawe deme;   20
And yiven every juggement
Which longeth to the firmament
Bothe of the sterre and of the mone;
And thus he makth a gret clerk sone
Of him that is a lewed man。
Ther is nothing which he ne can;
Whil he hath Dronkeschipe on honde;
He knowth the See; he knowth the stronde;
He is a noble man of armes;
And yit no strengthe is in his armes:    30
Ther he was strong ynouh tofore;
With Dronkeschipe it is forlore;
And al is changed his astat;
And wext anon so fieble and mat;
That he mai nouther go ne come;
Bot al togedre him is benome
The pouer bothe of hond and fot;
So that algate abide he mot。
And alle hise wittes he foryet;
The which is to him such a let;    40
That he wot nevere what he doth;
Ne which is fals; ne which is soth;
Ne which is dai; ne which is nyht;
And for the time he knowth no wyht;
That he ne wot so moche as this;
What maner thing himselven is;
Or he be man; or he be beste。
That holde I riht a sori feste;
Whan he that reson understod
So soudeinliche is woxe wod;    50
Or elles lich the dede man;
Which nouther go ne speke can。
Thus ofte he is to bedde broght;
Bot where he lith yit wot he noght;
Til he arise upon the morwe;
And thanne he seith; 〃O; which a sorwe
It is a man be drinkeles!〃
So that halfdrunke in such a res
With dreie mouth he sterte him uppe;
And seith; 〃Nou baillez a the cuppe。〃        60
That made him lese his wit at eve
Is thanne a morwe al his beleve;
The cuppe is al that evere him pleseth;
And also that him most deseseth;
It is the cuppe whom he serveth;
Which alle cares fro him kerveth
And alle bales to him bringeth:
In joie he wepth; in sorwe he singeth;
For Dronkeschipe is so divers;
It may no whyle stonde in vers。    70
He drinkth the wyn; bot ate laste
The wyn drynkth him and bint him faste;
And leith him drunke be the wal;
As him which is his bonde thral
And al in his subjeccion。
And lich to such condicion;
As forto speke it other wise;
It falleth that the moste wise
Ben otherwhile of love adoted;
And so bewhaped and assoted;    80
Of drunke men that nevere yit
Was non; which half so loste his wit
Of drinke; as thei of such thing do
Which cleped is the jolif wo;
And waxen of here oghne thoght
So drunke; that thei knowe noght
What reson is; or more or lesse。
Such is the kinde of that sieknesse;
And that is noght for lacke of brain;
Bot love is of so gret a main;  90
That where he takth an herte on honde;
Ther mai nothing his miht withstonde:
The wise Salomon was nome;
And stronge Sampson overcome;
The knihtli David him ne mihte
Rescoue; that he with the sihte
Of Bersabee ne was bestad;
Virgile also was overlad;
And Aristotle was put under。
Forthi; mi Sone; it is no wonder   100
If thou be drunke of love among;
Which is above alle othre strong:
And if so is that thou so be;
Tell me thi Schrifte in privite;
It is no schame of such a thew
A yong man to be dronkelew。
Of such Phisique I can a part;
And as me semeth be that art;
Thou scholdest be Phisonomie
Be schapen to that maladie   110
Of lovedrunke; and that is routhe。
Ha; holi fader; al is trouthe
That ye me telle: I am beknowe
That I with love am so bethrowe;
And al myn herte is so thurgh sunke;
That I am verrailiche drunke;
And yit I mai bothe speke and go。
Bot I am overcome so;
And torned fro miself so clene;
That ofte I wot noght what I mene;    120
So that excusen I ne mai
Min herte; fro the ferste day
That I cam to mi ladi kiththe;
I was yit sobre nevere siththe。
Wher I hire se or se hire noght;
With musinge of min oghne thoght;
Of love; which min herte assaileth;
So drunke I am; that mi wit faileth
And al mi brain is overtorned;
And mi manere so mistorned;  130
That I foryete al that I can
And stonde lich a mased man;
That ofte; whanne I scholde pleie;
It makth me drawe out of the weie
In soulein place be miselve;
As doth a labourer to delve;
Which can no gentil mannes chere;
Or elles as a lewed Frere;
Whan he is put to his penance;
Riht so lese I mi contienance。  140
And if it nedes to betyde;
That I in compainie abyde;
Wher as I moste daunce and singe
The hovedance and carolinge;
Or forto go the newefot;
I mai noght wel heve up mi fot;
If that sche be noght in the weie;
For thanne is al mi merthe aweie;
And waxe anon of thoght so full;
Wherof mi limes ben so dull;    150
I mai unethes gon the pas。
For thus it is and evere was;
Whanne I on suche thoghtes muse;
The lust and merthe that men use;
Whan I se noght mi ladi byme;
Al is foryete for the time
So ferforth that mi wittes changen
And alle lustes fro me strangen;
That thei seie alle trewely;
And swere; that it am noght I。  160
For as the man which ofte drinketh;
With win that in his stomac sinketh
Wext drunke and witles for a throwe;
Riht so mi lust is overthrowe;
And of myn oghne thoght so mat
I wexe; that to myn astat
Ther is no lime wol me serve;
Bot as a drunke man I swerve;
And suffre such a Passion;
That men have gret compassion;  170
And everich be himself merveilleth
What thing it is that me so eilleth。
Such is the manere of mi wo
Which time that I am hire fro;
Til eft ayein that I hire se。
Bot thanne it were a nycete
To telle you hou that I fare:
For whanne I mai upon hire stare;
Hire wommanhede; hire gentilesse;
Myn herte is full of such gladnesse;  180
That overpasseth so mi wit;
That I wot nevere where it sit;
Bot am so drunken of that sihte;
Me thenkth that for the time I mihte
Riht sterte thurgh the hole wall;
And thanne I mai wel; if I schal;
Bothe singe and daunce and lepe aboute;
And holde forth the lusti route。
Bot natheles it falleth so
Fulofte; that I fro hire go  190
Ne mai; bot as it were a stake;
I stonde avisement to take
And loke upon hire faire face;
That for the while out of the place
For al the world ne myhte I wende。
Such lust comth thanne unto mi mende;
So that withoute mete or drinke;
Of lusti thoughtes whiche I thinke
Me thenkth I mihte stonden evere;
And so it were to me levere  200
Than such a sihte forto leve;
If that sche wolde yif me leve
To have so mochel of mi wille。
And thus thenkende I stonde stille
Withoute blenchinge of myn yhe;
Riht as me thoghte that I syhe
Of Paradis the moste joie:
And so therwhile I me rejoie;
Into myn herte a gret desir;
The which is hotere than the fyr;  210
Al soudeinliche upon me renneth;
That al mi thoght withinne brenneth;
And am so ferforth overcome
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