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confessio amantis-第103部分

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Benymth; he mai noght wel eschue
The peine comende afterward;
For he hath mad his foreward
With Sacrilegge forto duelle;
Which hath his heritage in helle。
And if we rede of tholde lawe;
I finde write; in thilke dawe
Of Princes hou ther weren thre
Coupable sore in this degre。    7010
That on of hem was cleped thus;
The proude king Antiochus;
That other Nabuzardan hihte;
Which of his crualte behyhte
The temple to destruie and waste;
And so he dede in alle haste;
The thridde; which was after schamed;
Was Nabugodonosor named;
And he Jerusalem putte under;
Of Sacrilegge and many a wonder    7020
There in the holi temple he wroghte;
Which Baltazar his heir aboghte;
Whan Mane; Techel; Phares write
Was on the wal; as thou miht wite;
So as the bible it hath declared。
Bot for al that it is noght spared
Yit nou aday; that men ne pile;
And maken argument and skile
To Sacrilegge as it belongeth;
For what man that ther after longeth;    7030
He takth non hiede what he doth。
And riht so; forto telle soth;
In loves cause if I schal trete;
Ther ben of suche smale and grete:
If thei no leisir fynden elles;
Thei wol noght wonden for the belles;
Ne thogh thei sen the Prest at masse;
That wol thei leten overpasse。
If that thei finde here love there;
Thei stonde and tellen in hire Ere;   7040
And axe of god non other grace;
Whyl thei ben in that holi place;
Bot er thei gon som avantage
Ther wol thei have; and som pilage
Of goodli word or of beheste;
Or elles thei take ate leste
Out of hir hand or ring or glove;
So nyh the weder thei wol love;
As who seith sche schal noght foryete;
Nou I this tokne of hire have gete:   7050
Thus halwe thei the hihe feste。
Such thefte mai no cherche areste;
For al is leveful that hem liketh;
To whom that elles it misliketh。
And ek riht in the selve kinde
In grete Cites men mai finde
This lusti folk; that make it gay;
And waite upon the haliday:
In cherches and in Menstres eke
Thei gon the wommen forto seke;    7060
And wher that such on goth aboute;
Tofore the faireste of the route;
Wher as thei sitten alle arewe;
Ther wol he most  his bodi schewe;
His croket kembd and theron set
A Nouche with a chapelet;
Or elles on of grene leves;
Which late com out of the greves;
Al for he scholde seme freissh。
And thus he loketh on the fleissh;        7070
Riht as an hauk which hath a sihte
Upon the foul; ther he schal lihte;
And as he were of faierie;
He scheweth him tofore here yhe
In holi place wher thei sitte;
Al forto make here hertes flitte。
His yhe nawher wole abyde;
Bot loke and prie on every syde
On hire and hire; as him best lyketh:
And otherwhile among he syketh;    7080
Thenkth on of hem; 〃That was for me;〃
And so ther thenken tuo or thre;
And yit he loveth non of alle;
Bot wher as evere his chance falle。
And natheles to seie a soth;
The cause why that he so doth
Is forto stele an herte or tuo;
Out of the cherche er that he go:
And as I seide it hier above;
Al is that Sacrilege of love;   7090
For wel mai be he stelth away
That he nevere after yelde may。
Tell me forthi; my Sone; anon;
Hast thou do Sacrilege; or non;
As I have said in this manere?
Mi fader; as of this matiere
I wole you tellen redely
What I have do; bot trewely
I mai excuse min entente;
That nevere I yit to cherche wente    7100
In such manere as ye me schryve;
For no womman that is on lyve。
The cause why I have it laft
Mai be for I unto that craft
Am nothing able so to stele;
Thogh ther be wommen noght so fele。
Bot yit wol I noght seie this;
Whan I am ther mi ladi is;
In whom lith holly mi querele;
And sche to cherche or to chapele  7110
Wol go to matins or to messe;…
That time I waite wel and gesse;
To cherche I come and there I stonde;
And thogh I take a bok on honde;
Mi contienance is on the bok;
Bot toward hire is al my lok;
And if so falle that I preie
Unto mi god; and somwhat seie
Of Paternoster or of Crede;
Al is for that I wolde spede;   7120
So that mi bede in holi cherche
Ther mihte som miracle werche
Mi ladi herte forto chaunge;
Which evere hath be to me so strange。
So that al mi devocion
And al mi contemplacion
With al min herte and mi corage
Is only set on hire ymage;
And evere I waite upon the tyde。
If sche loke eny thing asyde;   7130
That I me mai of hire avise;
Anon I am with covoitise
So smite; that me were lief
To ben in holi cherche a thief;
Bot noght to stele a vestement;
For that is nothing mi talent;
Bot I wold stele; if that I mihte;
A glad word or a goodly syhte;
And evere mi service I profre;
And namly whan sche wol gon offre;    7140
For thanne I lede hire; if I may;
For somwhat wolde I stele away。
Whan I beclippe hire on the wast;
Yit ate leste I stele a tast;
And otherwhile 〃grant mercy〃
Sche seith; and so winne I therby
A lusti touch; a good word eke;
Bot al the remenant to seke
Is fro mi pourpos wonder ferr。
So mai I seie; as I seide er;   7150
In holy cherche if that I wowe;
My conscience it wolde allowe;
Be so that up amendement
I mihte gete assignement
Wher forto spede in other place:
Such Sacrilege I holde a grace。
And thus; mi fader; soth to seie;
In cherche riht as in the weie;
If I mihte oght of love take;
Such hansell have I noght forsake。    7160
Bot finali I me confesse;
Ther is in me non holinesse;
Whil I hire se in eny stede;
And yit; for oght that evere I dede;
No Sacrilege of hire I tok;
Bot if it were of word or lok;
Or elles if that I hir fredde;
Whan I toward offringe hir ledde;
Take therof what I take may;
For elles bere I noght away:    7170
For thogh I wolde oght elles have;
Alle othre thinges ben so save
And kept with such a privilege;
That I mai do no Sacrilege。
God wot mi wille natheles;
Thogh I mot nedes kepe pes
And malgre myn so let it passe;
Mi will therto is noght the lasse;
If I mihte other wise aweie。
Forthi; mi fader; I you preie;  7180
Tell what you thenketh therupon;
If I therof have gult or non。
Thi will; mi Sone; is forto blame;
The remenant is bot a game;
That I have herd the telle as yit。
Bot tak this lore into thi wit;
That alle thing hath time and stede;
The cherche serveth for the bede;
The chambre is of an other speche。
Bot if thou wistest of the wreche;    7190
Hou Sacrilege it hath aboght;
Thou woldest betre ben bethoght;
And for thou schalt the more amende;
A tale I wole on the despende。
To alle men; as who seith; knowe
It is; and in the world thurgh blowe;
Hou that of Troie Lamedon
To Hercules and to Jasoun;
Whan toward Colchos out of Grece
Be See sailende upon a piece    7200
Of lond of Troie reste preide;…
Bot he hem wrathfulli congeide:
And for thei founde him so vilein;
Whan thei come into Grece ayein;
With pouer that thei gete myhte
Towardes Troie thei hem dyhte;
And ther thei token such vengance;
Wherof stant yit the remembrance;
For thei destruide king and al;
And leften bot the brente wal。  7210
The Grecs of Troiens many slowe
And prisoners thei toke ynowe;
Among the whiche ther was on;
The kinges doughter Lamedon;
Esiona; that faire thing;
Which unto Thelamon the king
Be Hercules and be thassent
Of al the hole parlement
Was at his wille yove and granted。
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