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confessio amantis-第101部分

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Ther schal no castell ben assailed;
Bot thogh I hadde hertes ten;
And were als strong as alle men;
If I be noght myn oghne man
And dar noght usen that I can;
I mai miselve noght recovere。
Thogh I be nevere man so povere;   6580
I bere an herte and hire it is;
So that me faileth wit in this;
Hou that I scholde of myn acord
The servant lede ayein the lord:
For if mi fot wolde awher go;
Or that min hand wolde elles do;
Whan that myn herte is therayein;
The remenant is al in vein。
And thus me lacketh alle wele;
And yit ne dar I nothing stele  6590
Of thing which longeth unto love:
And ek it is so hyh above;
I mai noght wel therto areche;
Bot if so be at time of speche;
Ful selde if thanne I stele may
A word or tuo and go my way。
Betwen hire hih astat and me
Comparison ther mai non be;
So that I fiele and wel I wot;
Al is to hevy and to hot  6600
To sette on hond withoute leve:
And thus I mot algate leve
To stele that I mai noght take;
And in this wise I mot forsake
To ben a thief ayein mi wille
Of thing which I mai noght fulfille。
For that Serpent which nevere slepte
The flees of gold so wel ne kepte
In Colchos; as the tale is told;
That mi ladi a thousendfold  6610
Nys betre yemed and bewaked;
Wher sche be clothed or be naked。
To kepe hir bodi nyht and day;
Sche hath a wardein redi ay;
Which is so wonderful a wyht;
That him ne mai no mannes myht
With swerd ne with no wepne daunte;
Ne with no sleihte of charme enchaunte;
Wherof he mihte be mad tame;
And Danger is his rihte name;   6620
Which under lock and under keie;
That noman mai it stele aweie;
Hath al the Tresor underfonge
That unto love mai belonge。
The leste lokinge of hire yhe
Mai noght be stole; if he it syhe;
And who so gruccheth for so lyte;
He wolde sone sette a wyte
On him that wolde stele more。
And that me grieveth wonder sore;  6630
For this proverbe is evere newe;
That stronge lokes maken trewe
Of hem that wolden stele and pyke:
For so wel can ther noman slyke
Be him ne be non other mene;
To whom Danger wol yive or lene
Of that tresor he hath to kepe。
So thogh I wolde stalke and crepe;
And wayte on eve and ek on morwe;
Of Danger schal I nothing borwe;   6640
And stele I wot wel may I noght:
And thus I am riht wel bethoght;
Whil Danger stant in his office;
Of Stelthe; which ye clepe a vice;
I schal be gultif neveremo。
Therfore I wolde he were ago
So fer that I nevere of him herde;
Hou so that afterward it ferde:
For thanne I mihte yit per cas
Of love make som pourchas    6650
Be Stelthe or be som other weie;
That nou fro me stant fer aweie。
Bot; fader; as ye tolde above;
Hou Stelthe goth a nyht for love;
I mai noght wel that point forsake;
That ofte times I ne wake
On nyhtes; whan that othre slepe;
Bot hou; I prei you taketh kepe。
Whan I am loged in such wise
That I be nyhte mai arise;   6660
At som wyndowe and loken oute
And se the housinge al aboute;
So that I mai the chambre knowe
In which mi ladi; as I trowe;
Lyth in hir bed and slepeth softe;
Thanne is myn herte a thief fulofte:
For there I stonde to beholde
The longe nyhtes that ben colde;
And thenke on hire that lyth there。
And thanne I wisshe that I were    6670
Als wys as was Nectanabus
Or elles as was Prothes;
That couthen bothe of nigromaunce
In what liknesse; in what semblaunce;
Riht as hem liste; hemself transforme:
For if I were of such a forme;
I seie thanne I wolde fle
Into the chambre forto se
If eny grace wolde falle;
So that I mihte under the palle    6680
Som thing of love pyke and stele。
And thus I thenke thoghtes fele;
And thogh therof nothing be soth;
Yit ese as for a time it doth:
Bot ate laste whanne I finde
That I am falle into my mynde;
And se that I have stonde longe
And have no profit underfonge;
Than stalke I to mi bedd withinne。
And this is al that evere I winne  6690
Of love; whanne I walke on nyht:
Mi will is good; bot of mi myht
Me lacketh bothe and of mi grace;
For what so that mi thoght embrace;
Yit have I noght the betre ferd。
Mi fader; lo; nou have ye herd
What I be Stelthe of love have do;
And hou mi will hath be therto:
If I be worthi to penance
I put it on your ordinance。  6700
Mi Sone; of Stelthe I the behiete;
Thogh it be for a time swete;
At ende it doth bot litel good;
As be ensample hou that it stod
Whilom; I mai thee telle nou。
I preie you; fader; sei me hou。
Mi Sone; of him which goth be daie
Be weie of Stelthe to assaie;
In loves cause and takth his preie;
Ovide seide as I schal seie;    6710
And in his Methamor he tolde
A tale; which is good to holde。
The Poete upon this matiere
Of Stelthe wrot in this manere。
Venus; which hath this lawe in honde
Of thing which mai noght be withstonde;
As sche which the tresor to warde
Of love hath withinne hir warde;
Phebum to love hath so constreigned;
That he withoute reste is peined   6720
With al his herte to coveite
A Maiden; which was warded streyte
Withinne chambre and kept so clos;
That selden was whan sche desclos
Goth with hir moder forto pleie。
Leuchotoe; so as men seie;
This Maiden hihte; and Orchamus
Hir fader was; and befell thus。
This doughter; that was kept so deere;
And hadde be fro yer to yeere   6730
Under hir moder discipline
A clene Maide and a Virgine;
Upon the whos nativite
Of comelihiede and of beaute
Nature hath set al that sche may;
That lich unto the fresshe Maii;
Which othre monthes of the yeer
Surmonteth; so withoute pier
Was of this Maiden the feture。
Wherof Phebus out of mesure  6740
Hire loveth; and on every syde
Awaiteth; if so mai betyde;
That he thurgh eny sleihte myhte
Hire lusti maidenhod unrihte;
The which were al his worldes welthe。
And thus lurkende upon his stelthe
In his await so longe he lai;
Til it befell upon a dai;
That he thurghout hir chambre wall
Cam in al sodeinliche; and stall   6750
That thing which was to him so lief。
Bot wo the while; he was a thief!
For Venus; which was enemie
Of thilke loves micherie;
Discovereth al the pleine cas
To Clymene; which thanne was
Toward Phebus his concubine。
And sche to lette the covine
Of thilke love; dedli wroth
To pleigne upon this Maide goth;   6760
And tolde hire fader hou it stod;
Wherof for sorwe welnyh wod
Unto hire moder thus he saide:
〃Lo; what it is to kepe a Maide!
To Phebus dar I nothing speke;
Bot upon hire I schal be wreke;
So that these Maidens after this
Mow take ensample; what it is
To soffre her maidenhed be stole;
Wherof that sche the deth schal thole。〃  6770
And bad with that do make a pet;
Wherinne he hath his douhter set;
As he that wol no pite have;
So that sche was al quik begrave
And deide anon in his presence。
Bot Phebus; for the reverence
Of that sche hadde be his love;
Hath wroght thurgh his pouer above;
That sche sprong up out of the molde
Into a flour was named golde;   6780
Which stant governed of the Sonne。
And thus whan love is evele wonne;
Fulofte it comth to repentaile。
Mi fader; that is no mervaile;
Whan that the conseil is bewreid。
Bot ofte time love hath pleid
And stole many a prive game;
Which nevere yit cam into blame;
Whan that the thinges weren hidde。
Bot in youre tale; as it betidde;  6790
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