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my buried treasure-第1部分

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My Buried Treasure

by Richard Harding Davis

This is a true story of a search for buried treasure。 The only
part that is not true is the name of the man with whom I searched
for the treasure。 Unless I keep his name out of it he will not let
me write the story; and; as it was his expedition and as my share
of the treasure is only what I can make by writing the story; I
must write as he dictates。 I think the story should be told;
because our experience was unique; and might be of benefit to
others。 And; besides; I need the money。

There is; however; no agreement preventing me from describing him
as I think he is; or reporting; as accurately as I can; what he
said and did as he said and did it。

For purposes of identification I shall call him Edgar Powell。 The
last name has no significance; but the first name is not chosen at
random。 The leader of our expedition; the head and brains of it;
was and is the sort of man one would address as Edgar。 No one would
think of calling him 〃Ed;〃 or 〃Eddie;〃 any more than he would
consider slapping him on the back。

We were together at college; but; as six hundred other boys were
there at the same time; that gives no clew to his identity。 Since
those days; until he came to see me about the treasure; we had not
met。 All I knew of him was that he had succeeded his father in
manufacturing unshrinkable flannels。 Of course; the reader
understands that is not the article of commerce he manufactures;
but it is near enough; and it suggests the line of business to
which he gives his life's blood。 It is not similar to my own line
of work; and in consequence; when he wrote me; on the unshrinkable
flannels official writing…paper; that he wished to see me in
reference to a matter of business of 〃mutual benefit;〃 I was
considerably puzzled。

A few days later; at nine in the morning; an hour of his own
choosing; he came to my rooms in New York City。

Except that he had grown a beard; he was as I remembered him; thin
and tall; but with no chest; and stooping shoulders。 He wore
eye…glasses; and as of old through these he regarded you
disapprovingly and warily as though he suspected you might try to
borrow money; or even joke with him。 As with Edgar I had never felt
any temptation to do either; this was irritating。

But from force of former habit we greeted each other by our first
names; and he suspiciously accepted a cigar。 Then; after fixing me
both with his eyes and with his eye…glasses and swearing me to
secrecy; he began abruptly。

〃Our mills;〃 he said; 〃are in New Bedford; and I own several small
cottages there and in Fairhaven。 I rent them out at a moderate
rate。 The other day one of my tenants; a Portuguese sailor; was
taken suddenly ill and sent for me。 He had made many voyages in and
out of Bedford to the South Seas; whaling; and he told me on his
last voyage he had touched at his former home at Teneriffe。 There
his grandfather had given him a document that had been left him by
his father。 His grandfather said it contained an important secret;
but one that was of value only in America; and that when he
returned to that continent he must be very careful to whom he
showed it。 He told me it was written in a kind of English he could
not understand; and that he had been afraid to let any one see it。
He wanted me to accept the document in payment of the rent he owed
me; with the understanding that I was not to look at it; and that
if he got well I was to give it back。 If he pulled through; he was
to pay me in some other way; but if he died I was to keep the
document。 About a month ago he died; and I examined the paper。 It
purports to tell where there is buried a pirate's treasure。 And;〃
added Edgar; gazing at me severely and as though he challenged me
to contradict him; I intend to dig for it!〃

Had he told me he contemplated crossing the Rocky Mountains in a
Baby Wright; or leading a cotillon; I could not have been more
astonished。 I am afraid I laughed aloud。

〃You!〃 I exclaimed。 〃Search for buried treasure?〃

My tone visibly annoyed him。 Even the eye…glasses radiated

〃I see nothing amusing in the idea;〃 Edgar protested coldly。 〃It is
a plain business proposition。 I find the outlay will be small; and
if I am successful the returns should be large; at a rough estimate
about one million dollars。〃

Even to…day; no true American; at the thought of one million
dollars; can remain covered。 His letter to me had said; 〃for our
mutual benefit。〃 I became respectful and polite; I might even say
abject。 After all; the ties that bind us in those dear old college
days are not lightly to be disregarded。

〃If I can be of any service to you; Edgar; old man;〃 I assured him
heartily; 〃if I can help you find it; you know I shall be only too
happy。〃 With regret I observed that my generous offer did not seem
to deeply move him。

〃I came to you in this matter;〃 he continued stiffly; 〃because you
seemed to be the sort of person who would be interested in a search
for buried treasure。〃

〃I am;〃 I exclaimed。 〃Always have been。〃

〃Have you;〃 he demanded searchingly; 〃any practical experience?〃

I tried to appear at ease; but I knew then just how the man who
applies to look after your furnace feels; when you ask him if he
can also run a sixty horse…power dynamo。

〃I have never actually FOUND any buried treasure;〃 I admitted; 〃but
I know where lots of it is; and I know just how to go after it。〃 I
endeavored to dazzle him with expert knowledge。

〃Of course;〃 I went on airily; 〃I am familiar with all the
expeditions that have tried for the one on Cocos Island; and I know
all about the Peruvian treasure on Trinidad; and the lost treasures
of Jalisco near Guadalajara; and the sunken galleon on the Grand
Cayman; and when I was on the Isle of Pines I had several very
tempting offers to search there。 And the late Captain Boynton
invited me〃

〃But;〃 interrupted Edgar in a tone that would tolerate no trifling;
〃you yourself have never financed or organized an expedition with
the object in view of〃

〃Oh; that part's easy!〃 I assured him。 〃The fitting…out part you
can safely leave to me。〃 I assumed a confidence that I hoped he
might believe was real。 〃There's always a tramp steamer in the Erie
Basin;〃 I said; 〃that one can charter for any kind of adventure;
and I have the addresses of enough soldiers of fortune;
filibusters; and professional revolutionists to man a battle…ship;
all fine fellows in a tight corner。 And I'll promise you they'll
follow us to hell; and back〃

〃That!〃 exclaimed Edgar; 〃is exactly what I feared! 〃

〃I beg your pardon!〃 I exclaimed。

〃That's exactly what I DON'T want;〃 said Edgar sternly。 〃I don't
INTEND to get into any tight corners。 I don't WANT to go to hell!〃

I saw that in my enthusiasm I had perhaps alarmed him。 I continued
more temperately。

〃Any expedition after treasure;〃 I pointed out; 〃is never without
risk。 You must have discipline; and you must have picked men。
Suppose there's a mutiny? Suppose they try to rob us of the
treasure on our way home? We must have men we can rely on; and men
who know how to pump a Winchester。 I can get you bot
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