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a theologico-political treatise [part iii]-第5部分

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been violated by the worship of the calf; and were; therefore; as liable to

perish as the ark of the covenant。 (28) It is thus scarcely to be wondered

at; that the original documents of Moses are no longer extant; nor that the

books we possess met with the fate we have described; when we consider that

the true original of the Divine covenant; the most sacred object of all; has

totally perished。

(29) Let them cease; therefore; who accuse us of impiety; inasmuch as we

have said nothing against the Word of God; neither have we corrupted it; but

let them keep their anger; if they would wreak it justly; for the ancients

whose malice desecrated the Ark; the Temple; and the Law of God; and all

that was held sacred; subjecting them to corruption。 (30) Furthermore;

if; according to the saying of the Apostle in 2 Cor。 iii:3; they possessed

〃the Epistle of Christ; written not with ink; but with the Spirit of the

living God; not in tables of stone; but in the fleshy tables of the heart;〃

let them cease to worship the letter; and be so anxious concerning it。

(31) I think I have now sufficiently shown in what respect Scripture should

be accounted sacred and Divine; we may now see what should rightly be

understood by the expression; the Word of the Lord; debar (the Hebrew

original) signifies word; speech; command; and thing。 (32) The causes for

which a thing is in Hebrew said to be of God; or is referred to Him; have

been already detailed in Chap。 I。; and we can therefrom easily gather what

meaning Scripture attaches to the phrases; the word; the speech; the

command; or the thing of God。 (33) I need not; therefore; repeat what I

there said; nor what was shown under the third head in the chapter on

miracles。 (34) It is enough to mention the repetition for the better

understanding of what I am about to say … viz。; that the Word of the Lord

when it has reference to anyone but God Himself; signifies that Divine law

treated of in Chap。 IV。; in other words; religion; universal and catholic

to the whole human race; as Isaiah describes it (chap。 i:10); teaching that

the true way of life consists; not in ceremonies; but in charity; and a true

heart; and calling it indifferently God's Law and God's Word。

(35) The expression is also used metaphorically for the order of nature and

destiny (which; indeed; actually depend and follow from the eternal mandate

of the Divine nature); and especially for such parts of such order as were

foreseen by the prophets; for the prophets did not perceive future events as

the result of natural causes; but as the fiats and decrees of God。 (36)

Lastly; it is employed for the command of any prophet; in so far as he had

perceived it by his peculiar faculty or prophetic gift; and not by the

natural light of reason; this use springs chiefly from the usual prophetic

conception of God as a legislator; which we remarked in Chap。 IV。

(37) There are; then; three causes for the Bible's being called

the Word of God: because it teaches true religion; of which God is the

eternal Founder; because it narrates predictions of future events as

though they were decrees of God; because its actual authors generally

perceived things not by their ordinary natural faculties; but by a

power peculiar to themselves; and introduced these things perceived;

as told them by God。

(37) Although Scripture contains much that is merely historical and can be

perceived by natural reason; yet its name is acquired from its chief subject


(38) We can thus easily see how God can be said to be the Author of the

Bible: it is because of the true religion therein contained; and not because

He wished to communicate to men a certain number of books。 (39) We can also

learn from hence the reason for the division into Old and New Testament。

(40) It was made because the prophets who preached religion before Christ;

preached it as a national law in virtue of the covenant entered into under

Moses; while the Apostles who came after Christ; preached it to all men as a

universal religion solely in virtue of Christ's Passion: the cause for the

division is not that the two parts are different in doctrine; nor that they

were written as originals of the covenant; nor; lastly; that the catholic

religion (which is in entire harmony with our nature) was new except in

relation to those who had not known it: 〃 it was in the world;〃 as John the

Evangelist says; 〃 and the world knew it not。〃

(41) Thus; even if we had fewer books of the Old and New Testament than we

have; we should still not be deprived of the Word of God (which; as we have

said; is identical with true religion); even as we do not now hold ourselves

to be deprived of it; though we lack many cardinal writings such as the Book

of the Law; which was religiously guarded in the Temple as the original of

the Covenant; also the Book of Wars; the Book of Chronicles; and many

others; from whence the extant Old Testament was taken and compiled。 (42)

The above conclusion may be supported by many reasons。

(43) I。 Because the books of both Testaments were not written by express

command at one place for all ages; but are a fortuitous collection of the

works of men; writing each as his period and disposition dictated。 (44) So

much is clearly shown by the call of the prophets who were bade to

admonish the ungodly of their time; and also by the Apostolic Epistles。

(45) II。 Because it is one thing to understand the meaning of Scripture

and the prophets; and quite another thing to understand the meaning

 of God; or the actual truth。 (46) This follows from what we said in

Chap。 II。 (47) We showed; in Chap。 VI。; that it applied to historic

narratives; and to miracles: but it by no means applies to questions

concerning true religion and virtue。

(48) III。 Because the books of the Old Testament were selected from many;

and were collected and sanctioned by a council of the Pharisees; as we

showed in Chap。 X。 (49) The books of the New Testament were also chosen from

many by councils which rejected as spurious other books held sacred by many。

(50) But these councils; both Pharisee and Christian; were not composed of

prophets; but only of learned men and teachers。 (51) Still; we must grant

that they were guided in their choice by a regard for the Word of God ; and

they must; therefore; have known what the law of God was。

(52) IV。 Because the Apostles wrote not as prophets; but as teachers (see

last Chapter); and chose whatever method they thought best adapted for those

whom they addressed: and consequently; there are many things in the Epistles

(as we showed at the end of the last Chapter) which are not necessary to


(53) V。 Lastly; because there are four Evangelists in the New Testament; and

it is s
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