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a theologico-political treatise [part iii]-第3部分

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us in Scripture: by the same method the Apostles; from what they saw

and heard; and from what was revealed to them; were enabled to form and

elicit many conclusions which they would have been able to teach to men had

it been permissible。

(43) Further; although religion; as preached by the Apostles; does not come

within the sphere of reason; in so far as it consists in the narration of

the life of Christ; yet its essence; which is chiefly moral; like the whole

of Christ's doctrine; can readily; be apprehended by the natural

faculties of all。

(44) Lastly; the Apostles had no lack of supernatural illumination for the

purpose of adapting the religion they had attested by signs to the

understanding of everyone so that it might be readily received; nor for

exhortations on the subject: in fact; the object of the Epistles is to teach

and exhort men to lead that manner of life which each of the Apostles judged

best for confirming them in religion。 (45) We may here repeat our former

remark; that the Apostles had received not only the faculty of preaching the

history; of Christ as prophets; and confirming it with signs; but also

authority for teaching and exhorting according as each thought best。 (46)

Paul (2 Tim。 i:11); 〃Whereunto I am appointed a preacher; and an apostle;

and a teacher of the Gentiles;〃 and again (I Tim。 ii:7); 〃Whereunto I am

ordained a preacher and an apostle (I speak the truth in Christ and lie

not); a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity。〃 (47) These passages; I

say; show clearly the stamp both of the apostleship and the teachership:

the authority for admonishing whomsoever and wheresoever he pleased is

asserted by Paul in the Epistle to Philemon; v:8: 〃Wherefore; though I might

be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient; yet;〃 &c。;

where we may remark that if Paul had received from God as a prophet

what he wished to enjoin Philemon; and had been bound to speak in his

prophetic capacity; he would not have been able to change the command of God

into entreaties。 (48) We must therefore understand him to refer to the

permission to admonish which he had received as a teacher; and not as a

prophet。 (49) We have not yet made it quite clear that the Apostles might

each choose his own way of teaching; but only that by virtue of their

Apostleship they were teachers as well as prophets; however; if we

call reason to our aid we shall clearly see that an authority to teach

implies authority to choose the method。 (50) It will nevertheless be;

perhaps; more satisfactory to draw all our proofs from Scripture; we are

there plainly told that each Apostle chose his particular method (Rom。 xv:

20): 〃Yea; so have I strived to preach the gospel; not where Christ was

named; lest I should build upon another man's foundation。〃 (51) If

all the Apostles had adopted the same method of teaching; and had all built

up the Christian religion on the same foundation; Paul would have had no

reason to call the work of a fellow…Apostle 〃another man's foundation;〃

inasmuch as it would have been identical with his own: his calling it

another man's proved that each Apostle built up his religious instruction on

different foundations; thus resembling other teachers who have each their

own method; and prefer instructing quite ignorant people who have never

learnt under another master; whether the subject be science; languages; or

even the indisputable truths of mathematics。 (52) Furthermore; if we go

through the Epistles at all attentively; we shall see that the Apostles;

while agreeing about religion itself; are at variance as to the foundations

it rests on。 (53) Paul; in order to strengthen men's religion; and show them

that salvation depends solely on the grace of God; teaches that no one can

boast of works; but only of faith; and that no one can be justified by works

(Rom。 iii:27;28); in fact; he preaches the complete doctrine of

predestination。 (54) James; on the other hand; states that man is justified

by works; and not by faith only (see his Epistle; ii:24); and omitting all

the disputations of Paul; confines religion to a very few elements。

(55) Lastly; it is indisputable that from these different ground; for

religion selected by the Apostles; many quarrels and schisms distracted the

Church; even in the earliest times; and doubtless they will continue so to

distract it for ever; or at least till religion is separated from

philosophical speculations; and reduced to the few simple doctrines taught

by Christ to His disciples; such a task was impossible for the Apostles;

because the Gospel was then unknown to mankind; and lest its novelty should

offend men's ears it had to be adapted to the disposition of

contemporaries (2 Cor。 ix:19; 20); and built up on the groundwork most

familiar and accepted at the time。 (56) Thus none of the Apostles

philosophized more than did Paul; who was called to preach to the Gentiles;

other Apostles preaching to the Jews; who despised philosophy; similarly;

adapted themselves to the temper of their hearers (see Gal。 ii。 11); and

preached a religion free from all philosophical speculations。 (57) How blest

would our age be if it could witness a religion freed also from all the

trammels of superstition!





(1) Those who look upon the Bible as a message sent down by God from Heaven

to men; will doubtless cry out that I have committed the sin against the

Holy Ghost because I have asserted that the Word of God is faulty;

mutilated; tampered with; and inconsistent; that we possess it only in

fragments; and that the original of the covenant which God made with the

Jews has been lost。 (2) However; I have no doubt that a little reflection

will cause them to desist from their uproar: for not only reason but the

expressed opinions of prophets and apostles openly proclaim that God's

eternal Word and covenant; no less than true religion; is Divinely inscribed

in human hearts; that is; in the human mind; and that this is the true

original of God's covenant; stamped with His own seal; namely; the idea of

Himself; as it were; with the image of His Godhood。

(3) Religion was imparted to the early Hebrews as a law written down;

because they were at that time in the condition of children; but afterwards

Moses (Deut。 xxx:6) and Jeremiah (xxxi:33) predicted a time coming when the

Lord should write His law in their hearts。 (4) Thus only the Jews; and

amongst them chiefly the Sadducees; struggled for the law written on

tablets; least of all need those who bear it inscribed on their hearts join

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