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a theologico-political treatise [part iii]-第14部分

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preach false gods; even though their miracles be real。

(77) The only reason; then; which we have for belief in Scripture or the

writings of the prophets; is the doctrine we find therein; and the

signs by which it is confirmed。 (78) For as we see that the prophets extol

charity and justice above all things; and have no other object; we

conclude that they did not write from unworthy motives; but because they

really thought that men might become blessed through obedience and faith:

further; as we see that they confirmed their teaching with signs and

wonders; we become persuaded that they did not speak at random; nor run riot

in their prophecies。 (79) We are further strengthened in our conclusion by

the fact that the morality they teach is in evident agreement with reason;

for it is no accidental coincidence that the Word of God which we find in

the prophets coincides with the Word of God written in our hearts。 (80) We

may; I say; conclude this from the sacred books as certainly as did the Jews

of old from the living voice of the prophets: for we showed in Chap。 XII。

that Scripture has come down to us intact in respect to its doctrine and

main narratives。

(81) Therefore this whole basis of theology and Scripture; though it does

not admit of mathematical proof; may yet be accepted with the approval of

our judgment。 (82) It would be folly to refuse to accept what is confirmed

by such ample prophetic testimony; and what has proved such a comfort to

those whose reason is comparatively weak; and such a benefit to the state; a

doctrine; moreover; which we may believe in without the slightest peril or

hurt; and should reject simply because it cannot be mathematically proved:

it is as though we should admit nothing as true; or as a wise rule of life;

which could ever; in any possible way; be called in question; or as though

most of our actions were not full of uncertainty and hazards。

(83) I admit that those who believe that theology and philosophy are

mutually contradictory; and that therefore either one or the other must be

thrust from its throne … I admit; I say; that such persons are not

unreasonable in attempting to put theology on a firm basis; and to

demonstrate its truth mathematically。 (84) Who; unless he were desperate or

mad; would wish to bid an incontinent farewell to reason; or to despise the

arts and sciences; or to deny reason's certitude? (85) But; in the

meanwhile; we cannot wholly absolve them from blame; inasmuch as they invoke

the aid of reason for her own defeat; and attempt infallibly to prove her

fallible。 (86) While they are trying to prove mathematically the

authority and truth of theology; and to take away the authority of natural

reason; they are in reality only bringing theology under reason's dominion;

and proving that her authority has no weight unless natural reason be at the

back of it。

(87) If they boast that they themselves assent because of the inward

testimony of the Holy Spirit; and that they only invoke the aid of reason

because of unbelievers; in order to convince them; not even so can this meet

with our approval; for we can easily show that they have spoken either from

emotion or vain…glory。 (88) It most clearly follows from the last chapter

that the Holy Spirit only gives its testimony in favour of works; called by

Paul (in Gal。 v:22) the fruits of the Spirit; and is in itself really

nothing but the mental acquiescence which follows a good action in our

souls。 (89) No spirit gives testimony concerning the certitude of matters

within the sphere of speculation; save only reason; who is mistress; as we

have shown; of the whole realm of truth。 (90) If then they assert that they

possess this Spirit which makes them certain of truth; they speak falsely;

and according to the prejudices of the emotions; or else they are in great

dread lest they should be vanquished by philosophers and exposed to public

ridicule; and therefore they flee; as it were; to the altar; but their

refuge is vain; for what altar will shelter a man who has outraged reason?

(91) However; I pass such persons over; for I think I have fulfilled my

purpose; and shown how philosophy should be separated from theology; and

wherein each consists; that neither should be subservient to the other; but

that each should keep her unopposed dominion。 (92) Lastly; as occasion

offered; I have pointed out the absurdities; the inconveniences; and the

evils following from the extraordinary confusion which has hitherto

prevailed between the two subjects; owing to their not being properly

distinguished and separated。 (93) Before I go further I would expressly

state (though I have said it before) that I consider the utility and the

need for Holy Scripture or Revelation to be very great。 (94) For as we

cannot perceive by the natural light of reason that simple obedience is the

path of salvation 'Endnote 25'; and are taught by revelation only that it is

so by the special grace of God; which our reason cannot attain; it follows

that the Bible has brought a very great consolation to mankind。 (95) All

are able to obey; whereas there are but very few; compared with the

aggregate of humanity; who can acquire the habit of virtue under the unaided

guidance of reason。 (96) Thus if we had not the testimony of Scripture; we

should doubt of the salvation of nearly all men。

End of Part 3 … Chapters XI to XV。



Endnote 24。 (1) 〃Now I think。〃 (2) The translators render the {Greek}

word 〃I infer〃; and assert that Paul uses it as synonymous with {a Greek

word}。 (3) But the former word has; in Greek; the same meaning as the Hebrew

word rendered to think; to esteem; to judge。 (4) And this signification

would be in entire agreement with the Syriac translation。 (5) This Syriac

translation (if it be a translation; which is very doubtful; for we know

neither the time of its appearance; nor the translators and Syriac was the

vernacular of the Apostles) renders the text before us in a way well

explained by Tremellius as 〃we think; therefore。〃


Endnote 25。 (1) 〃That simple obedience is the path of salvation。〃 (2)

In other words; it is enough for salvation or blessedness; that we should

embrace the Divine decrees as laws or commands; there is no need to conceive

them as eternal truths。 (3) This can be taught us by Revelation; not Reason;

as appears from the demonstrations given in Chapter IV。

End of Part III … Chapters XI to XV。

End of Part III

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