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a theologico-political treatise [part iii]-第12部分

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clear doctrines。 (9) Therefore he laid down the universal rule; that

whatsoever Scripture teaches dogmatically; and affirms expressly; must on

its own sole authority be admitted as absolutely true: that there is no

doctrine in the Bible which directly contradicts the general tenour of

the whole: but only some which appear to involve a difference; for the

phrases of Scripture often seem to imply something contrary to what has been

expressly taught。 (10) Such phrases; and such phrases only; we may interpret


(11) For instance; Scripture clearly teaches the unity of God (see Deut。

vi:4); nor is there any text distinctly asserting a plurality of gods; but

in several passages God speaks of Himself; and the prophets speak of Him; in

the plural number; such phrases are simply a manner of speaking; and do not

mean that there actually are several gods: they are to be explained

metaphorically; not because a plurality of gods is repugnant to reason; but

because Scripture distinctly asserts that there is only one。

(12) So; again; as Scripture asserts (as Alpakhar thinks) in Deut。 iv:15;

that God is incorporeal; we are bound; solely by the authority of this text;

and not by reason; to believe that God has no body: consequently we must

explain metaphorically; on the sole authority of Scripture; all those

passages which attribute to God hands; feet; &c。; and take them merely as

figures of speech。 (13) Such is the opinion of Alpakhar。 In so far as he

seeks to explain Scripture by Scripture; I praise him; but I marvel that a

man gifted with reason should wish to debase that faculty。 (14) It is

true that Scripture should be explained by Scripture; so long as we are in

difficulties about the meaning and intention of the prophets; but when we

have elicited the true meaning; we must of necessity make use of our

judgment and reason in order to assent thereto。 (15) If reason; however;

much as she rebels; is to be entirely subjected to Scripture; I ask;

are we to effect her submission by her own aid; or without her; and

blindly? (16) If the latter; we shall surely act foolishly and

injudiciously; if the former; we assent to Scripture under the dominion of

reason; and should not assent to it without her。 (17) Moreover; I may ask

now; is a man to assent to anything against his reason? (18) What is denial

if it be not reason's refusal to assent? (19) In short; I am astonished that

anyone should wish to subject reason; the greatest of gifts and a light from

on high; to the dead letter which may have been corrupted by human malice;

that it should be thought no crime to speak with contempt of mind; the true

handwriting of God's Word; calling it corrupt; blind; and lost; while it is

considered the greatest of crimes to say the same of the letter; which is

merely the reflection and image of God's Word。 (20) Men think it pious

to trust nothing to reason and their own judgment; and impious to doubt the

faith of those who have transmitted to us the sacred books。 (21) Such

conduct is not piety; but mere folly。 And; after all; why are they so

anxious? What are they afraid of? (22) Do they think that faith and religion

cannot be upheld unless … men purposely keep themselves in ignorance; and

turn their backs on reason? (23) If this be so; they have but a timid trust

in Scripture。

(23) However; be it far from me to say that religion should seek to enslave

reason; or reason religion; or that both should not be able to keep their

sovereignity in perfect harmony。 (24) I will revert to this question

presently; for I wish now to discuss Alpakhar's rule。

(26) He requires; as we have stated; that we should accept as true; or

reject as false; everything asserted or denied by Scripture; and he further

states that Scripture never expressly asserts or denies anything which

contradicts its assertions or negations elsewhere。 (27) The rashness of

such a requirement and statement can escape no one。 (28) For (passing over

the fact that he does not notice that Scripture consists of different books;

written at different times; for different people; by different authors: and

also that his requirement is made on his own authority without

any corroboration from reason or Scripture) he would be bound to show that

all passages which are indirectly contradictory of the rest; can be

satisfactorily explained metaphorically through the nature of the language

and the context: further; that Scripture has come down to us untampered

with。 (29) However; we will go into the matter at length。

(30) Firstly; I ask what shall we do if reason prove recalcitrant? (31)

Shall we still be bound to affirm whatever Scripture affirms; and to deny

whatever Scripture denies? (32) Perhaps it will be answered that Scripture

contains nothing repugnant to reason。 (33) But I insist !hat it expressly

affirms and teaches that God is jealous (namely; in the decalogue itself;

and in Exod。 xxxiv:14; and in Deut。 iv:24; and in many other places); and I

assert that such a doctrine is repugnant to reason。 (34) It must; I suppose;

in spite of all; be accepted as true。 If there are any passages in

Scripture which imply that God is not jealous; they must be taken

metaphorically as meaning nothing of the kind。 (35) So; also; Scripture

expressly states (Exod。 xix:20; &c。) that God came down to Mount Sinai; and

it attributes to Him other movements from place to place; nowhere

directly stating that God does not so move。 (36) Wherefore; we must take the

passage literally; and Solomon's words (I Kings viii:27); 〃But will God

dwell on the earth? (37) Behold the heavens and earth cannot contain thee;〃

inasmuch as they do not expressly state that God does not move from place to

place; but only imply it; must be explained away till they have no further

semblance of denying locomotion to the Deity。 (38) So also we must believe

that the sky is the habitation and throne of God; for Scripture expressly

says so; and similarly many passages expressing the opinions of the prophets

or the multitude; which reason and philosophy; but not Scripture; tell us to

be false; must be taken as true if we are io follow the guidance of our

author; for according to him; reason has nothing to do with the matter。 (39)

Further; it is untrue that Scripture never contradicts itself directly; but

only by implication。 (40) For Moses says; in so many words (Deut。 iv:24);

〃The Lord thy God is a consuming fire;〃 and elsewhere expressly denies that

God has any likeness to visible things。 (Deut。 iv。 12。) (41) If it be

decided that the latter passage only contradicts the former by implication;

and must be adapted thereto; lest it seem to negative it; let us grant that

God is a fire; or rather; lest we should seem to have taken leave

of our senses; let us pass the ma
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