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a theologico-political treatise [part iii]-第1部分

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A Theologico…Political Treatise 'Part III'

by Benedict de Spinoza

Also known as Baruch Spinoza

Translated by R。 H。 M。 Elwes

Part III … Chapters XI to XV


CHAPTER XI … An Inquiry whether the Apostles wrote their

Epistles as Apostles and Prophets; or merely as Teachers;

and an Explanation of what is meant by Apostle。

The epistles not in the prophetic style。

The Apostles not commanded to write or preach in particular places。

Different methods of teaching adopted by the Apostles。

CHAPTER XII … Of the true Original of the Divine Law;

and wherefore Scripture is called Sacred; and the Word of God。

How that; in so far as it contains the Word of God;

it has come down to us uncorrupted。

CHAPTER XIII … It is shown; that Scripture teaches only very Simple Doctrines;

such as suffice for right conduct。

Error in speculative doctrine not impious … nor knowledge pious。

Piety consists in obedience。

CHAPTER XIV … Definitions of Faith; the True Faith; and the Foundations

of Faith; which is once for all separated from Philosophy。

Danger resulting from the vulgar idea of faith。

The only test of faith obedience and good works。

As different men are disposed to obedience by different opinions;

universal faith can contain only the simplest doctrines。

Fundamental distinction between faith and philosophy …

the key…stone of the present treatise。

CHAPTER XV … Theology is shown not to be subservient to

Reason; nor Reason to Theology: a Definition of the reason

which enables us to accept the Authority of the Bible。

Theory that Scripture must be accommodated to Reason …

maintained by Maimonides … already refuted in Chapter vii。

Theory that Reason must be accommodated to Scripture …

maintained by Alpakhar … examined。

And refuted。

Scripture and Reason independent of one another。

Certainty; of fundamental faith not mathematical but moral。

Great utility of Revelation。

Authors Endnotes to the Treatise。




(1) No reader of the New Testament can doubt that the Apostles were

prophets; but as a prophet does not always speak by revelation; but only; at

rare intervals; as we showed at the end of Chap。 I。; we may fairly inquire

whether the Apostles wrote their Epistles as prophets; by revelation and

express mandate; as Moses; Jeremiah; and others did; or whether only as

private individuals or teachers; especially as Paul; in Corinthians xiv:6;

mentions two sorts of preaching。

(2) If we examine the style of the Epistles; we shall find it totally

different from that employed by the prophets。

(3) The prophets are continually asserting that they speak by the command of

God: 〃Thus saith the Lord;〃 〃The Lord of hosts saith;〃 〃The command of the

Lord;〃 &c。; and this was their habit not only in assemblies of the prophets;

but also in their epistles containing revelations; as appears from the epistle

of Elijah to Jehoram; 2 Chron。 xxi:12; which begins; 〃Thus saith the Lord。〃

(4) In the Apostolic Epistles we find nothing of the sort。 (5) Contrariwise;

in I Cor。 vii:40 Paul speaks according to his own opinion and in many

passages we come across doubtful and perplexed phrase; such as; 〃We think;

therefore;〃 Rom。 iii:28; 〃Now I think;〃 'Endnote 24';  Rom。 viii:18; and so

on。 (6) Besides these; other expressions are met with very different from

those used by the prophets。 (7) For instance; 1 Cor。 vii:6; 〃But I speak

this by permission; not by commandment;〃 〃I give my judgment as one that

hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful〃 (1 Cor。 vii:25); and so on

in many other passages。 (8) We must also remark that in the aforesaid

chapter the Apostle says that when he states that he has or has

not the precept or commandment of God; he does not mean the precept or

commandment of God revealed to himself; but only the words uttered by Christ

in His Sermon on the Mount。 (9) Furthermore; if we examine the manner in

which the Apostles give out evangelical doctrine; we shall see that it

differs materially from the method adopted by the prophets。 (10) The

Apostles everywhere reason as if they were arguing rather than prophesying;

the prophecies; on the other hand; contain only dogmas and commands。 (11)

God is therein introduced not as speaking to reason; but as issuing decrees

by His absolute fiat。 (12) The authority of the prophets does not submit to

discussion; for whosoever wishes to find rational ground for his arguments;

by that very wish submits them to everyone's private judgment。 (13) This

Paul; inasmuch as he uses reason; appears to have done; for he says in 1

Cor。 x:15; 〃I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say。〃 (14) The prophets;

as we showed at the end of Chapter I。; did not perceive what was revealed by

virtue of their natural reason; and though there are certain passages in the

Pentateuch which seem to be appeals to induction; they turn out; on nearer

examination; to be nothing but peremptory commands。 (15) For instance; when

Moses says; Deut。 xxxi:27; 〃Behold; while I am yet alive with you; this day

ye have been rebellious against the Lord; and how much more after

my death;〃 we must by no means conclude that Moses wished to convince the

Israelites by reason that they would necessarily fall away from the worship

of the Lord after his death; for the argument would have been false; as

Scripture itself shows: the Israelites continued faithful during the lives

of Joshua and the elders; and afterwards during the time of Samuel; David;

and Solomon。 (16) Therefore the words of Moses are merely a moral

injunction; in which he predicts rhetorically the future backsliding of the

people so as to impress it vividly on their imagination。 (17) I say that

Moses spoke of himself in order to lend likelihood to his prediction; and

not as a prophet by revelation; because in verse 21 of the same chapter we

are told that God revealed the same thing to Moses in different words; and

there was no need to make Moses certain by argument of God's prediction and

decree; it was only necessary that it should be vividly impressed on

his imagination; and this could not be better accomplished than by

imagining the existing contumacy of the people; of which he had had frequent

experience; as likely to extend into the future。

(18) All the arguments employed by Moses in the five books are to be

understood in a similar manner; they are not
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