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the adventure of the noble bachelor-第7部分

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it must be someone from America because she had spent so short a

time in this country that she could hardly have allowed anyone to

acquire so deep an influence over her that the mere sight of him would

induce her to change her plans so completely。 You see we have

already arrived; by a process of exclusion; at the idea that she might

have seen an American。 Then who could this American be; and why should

he possess so much influence over her? It might be a lover; it might

be a husband。 Her young womanhood had; I knew; been spent in rough

scenes and under strange conditions。 So far I had got before I ever

heard Lord St。 Simon's narrative。 When he told us of a man in a pew;

of the change in the bride's manner; of so transparent a device for

obtaining a note as the dropping of a bouquet; of her resort to her

confidential maid; and of her very significant allusion to

claim…jumping…which in miners' parlance means taking possession of

that which another person has a prior claim to…the whole situation

became absolutely clear。 She had gone off with a man; and the man

was either a lover or was a previous husband…the chances being in

favour of the latter。〃

  〃And how in the world did you find them?〃

  〃It might have been difficult; but friend Lestrade held

information in his hands the value of which he did not himself know。

The initials were; of course; of the highest importance; but more

valuable still was it to know that within a week he had settled his

bill at one of the most select London hotels。〃

  〃How did you deduce the select?〃

  〃By the select prices。 Eight shillings for a bed and eightpence

for a glass of sherry pointed to one of the most expensive hotels。

There are not many in London which charge at that rate。 In the

second one which I visited in Northumberland Avenue; I learned by an

inspection of the book that Francis H。 Moulton; an American gentleman;

had left only the day before; and on looking over the entries

against him; I came upon the very items which I had seen in the

duplicate bill。 His letters were to be forwarded to 226 Gordon Square;

so thither I travelled; and being fortunate enough to find the

loving couple at home; I ventured to give them some paternal advice

and to point out to them that it would be better in every way that

they should make their position a little clearer both to the general

public and to Lord St。 Simon in particular。 I invited them to meet him

here; and; as you see; I made him keep the appointment。〃

  〃But with no very good result;〃 I remarked。 〃His conduct was

certainly not very gracious。〃

  〃Ah。 Watson;〃 said Holmes; smiling; 〃perhaps you would not be very

gracious either; if; after all the trouble of wooing and wedding;

you found yourself deprived in an instant of wife and of fortune。 I

think that we may judge Lord St。 Simon very mercifully and thank our

stars that we are never likely to find ourselves in the same position。

Draw your chair up and hand me my violin; for the only problem we have

still to solve is how to while away these bleak autumnal evenings。〃

                               …THE END…

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