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the adventure of the noble bachelor-第2部分

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graceful figure and striking face attracted much attention at the

Westbury House festivities; is an only child; and it is currently

reported that her dowry will run to considerably over the six figures;

with expectancies for the future。 As it is an open secret that the

Duke of Balmoral has been compelled to sell his pictures within the

last few years; and as Lord St。 Simon has no property of his own

save the small estate of Birchmoor; it is obvious that the Californian

heiress is not the only gainer by an alliance which will enable her to

make the easy and common transition from a Republican lady to a

British peeress。〃

  〃Anything else?〃 asked Holmes; yawning。

  〃Oh; yes; plenty。 Then there is another note in the Morning Post

to say that the marriage would be an absolutely quiet one; that it

would be at St。 George's; Hanover Square; that only half a dozen

intimate friends would be invited; and that the party would return

to the furnished house at Lancaster Gate which has been taken by Mr。

Aloysius Doran。 Two days later…that is; on Wednesday last there is a

curt announcement that the wedding had taken place; and that the

honeymoon would be passed at Lord Backwater's place; near Petersfield。

Those are all the notices which appeared before the disappearance of

the bride。〃

  〃Before the what?〃 asked Holmes with a start。

  〃The vanishing of the lady。〃

  〃When did she vanish then?〃

  〃At the wedding breakfast。〃

  〃Indeed。 This is more interesting than it promised to be; quite

dramatic; in fact。〃

  〃Yes; it struck me as being a little out of the common。〃

  〃They often vanish before the ceremony; and occasionally during

the honeymoon; but I cannot call to mind anything quite so prompt as

this。 Pray let me have the details。〃

  〃I warn you that they are very incomplete。〃

  〃Perhaps we may make them less so。〃

  〃Such as they are; they are set forth in a single article of a

morning paper of yesterday; which I will read to you。 It is headed;

'Singular Occurrence at a Fashionable Wedding':

  〃The family of Lord Robert St。 Simon has been thrown into the

greatest consternation by the strange and painful episodes which

have taken place in connection with his wedding。 The ceremony; as

shortly announced in the papers of yesterday; occurred on the previous

morning; but it is only now that it has been possible to confirm the

strange rumours which have been so persistently floating about。 In

spite of the attempts of the friends to hush the matter up; so much

public attention has now been drawn to it that no good purpose can

be served by affecting to disregard what is a common subject for


  〃The ceremony; which was performed at St。 George's; Hanover

Square; was a very quiet one; no one being present save the father

of the bride; Mr。 Aloysius Doran; the Duchess of Balmoral; Lord

Backwater; Lord Eustace; and Lady Clara St。 Simon (the younger brother

and sister of the bridegroom); and Lady Alicia Whittington。 The

whole party proceeded afterwards to the house of Mr。 Aloysius Doran;

at Lancaster Gate; where breakfast had been prepared。 It appears

that some little trouble was caused by a woman; whose name has not

been ascertained; who endeavoured to force her way into the house

after the bridal party; alleging that she had some claim upon Lord St。

Simon。 It was only after a painful and prolonged scene that she was

ejected by the butler and the footman。 The bride; who had

fortunately entered the house before this unpleasant interruption; had

sat down to breakfast with the rest; when she complained of a sudden

indisposition and retired to her room。 Her prolonged absence having

caused some comment; her father followed her; but learned from her

maid that she had only come up to her chamber for an instant; caught

up an ulster and bonnet; and hurried down to the passage。 One of the

footmen declared that he had seen a lady leave the house thus

apparelled; but had refused to credit that it was his mistress;

believing her to be with the company。 On ascertaining that his

daughter had disappeared; Mr。 Aloysius Doran; in conjunction with

the bridegroom; instantly put themselves in communication with the

police; and very energetic inquiries are being made; which will

probably result in a speedy clearing up of this very singular

business。 Up to a late hour last night; however; nothing had

transpired as to the whereabouts of the missing lady。 There are

rumours of foul play in the matter; and it is said that the police

have caused the arrest of the woman who had caused the original

disturbance; in the belief that; from jealousy or some other motive;

she may have been concerned in the strange disappearance of the


  〃And is that all?〃

  〃Only one little item in another of the morning papers; but it is

a suggestive one。〃

  〃And it is…〃

  〃That Miss Flora Millar; the lady who had caused the disturbance;

has actually been arrested。 It appears that she was formerly a

danseuse at the Allegro; and that she has known the bridegroom for

some years。 There are no further particulars; and the whole case is in

your hands now…so far as it has been set forth in the public press。〃

  〃And an exceedingly interesting case it appears to be。 I would not

have missed it for worlds。 But there is a ring at the bell; Watson;

and as the clock makes it a few minutes after four; I have no doubt

that this will prove to be our noble client。 Do not dream of going;

Watson; for I very much prefer having a witness; if only as a check to

my own memory。〃

  〃Lord Robert St。 Simon;〃 announced our page…boy; throwing open the

door。 A gentleman entered; with a pleasant; cultured face;

high…nosed and pale; with something perhaps of petulance about the

mouth; and with the steady; well…opened eye of a man whose pleasant

lot it had ever been to command and to be obeyed。 His manner was

brisk; and yet his general appearance gave an undue impression of age;

for he had a slight forward stoop and a little bend of the knees as he

walked。 His hair; too; as he swept off his very curly…brimmed hat

was grizzled round the edges and thin upon the top。 As to his dress;

it was careful to the verge of foppishness; with high collar; black

frock…coat; white waistcoat; yellow gloves; patent leather shoes;

and light…coloured gaiters。 He advanced slowly into the room;

turning his head from left to right; and swinging in his right hand

the cord which held his golden eyeglasses。

  〃Good…day; Lord St。 Simon;〃 said Holmes; rising and bowing。 〃Pray

take the basket…chair。 This is my friend and colleague; Dr。 Watson。

Draw up a little to the fire; and we will talk this matter over。〃

  〃A most painful matter to me; as you can most readily imagine; Mr。

Holmes。 I have been cut to the quick。 I understand that you have

already managed several delicate cases of this sort; sir; though I

presume that they were hardly from the same class of society。〃

  〃No; I am descending。〃

  〃I beg pardon。〃

  〃My last client of the sort was a king。〃

  〃Oh; really! I had no idea。 And which king?〃

  〃The King of
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