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the professor at the breakfast table-第80部分

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and join in singing (inwardly) this hymn to the Source of the light

we all need to lead us; and the warmth which alone can make us all


          A SUN…DAY HYMN。

Lord of all being! throned afar;

Thy glory flames from sun and star;

Centre and soul of every sphere;

Yet to each loving heart how near!

Sun of our life; thy quickening ray

Sheds on our path the glow of day;

Star of our hope; thy softened light

Cheers the long watches of the night。

Our midnight is thy smile withdrawn;

Our noontide is thy gracious dawn;

Our rainbow arch thy mercy's sign;

All; save the clouds of sin; are thine!

Lord of all life; below; above;

Whose light is truth; whose warmth is love;

Before thy ever…blazing throne

We ask no lustre of our own。

Grant us thy truth to make us free;

And kindling hearts that burn for thee;

Till all thy living altars claim

One holy light; one heavenly flame。

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