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the professor at the breakfast table-第75部分

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All this; of course; was nothing but my poor notion about these

matters。 I am simply an 〃outsider;〃 you know; only it doesn't do

very well for a nest of Hingham boxes to talk too much about

outsiders and insiders!

After this talk of ours; I think these two young people went pretty

regularly to the Church of the Galileans。  Still they could not keep

away from the sweet harmonies and rhythmic litanies of Saint

Polycarp on the great Church festival…days; so that; between the

two; they were so much together; that the boarders began to make

remarks; and our landlady said to me; one day; that; though it was

noon of her business; them that had eyes couldn't help seein' that

there was somethin' goin'; on between them two young people; she

thought the young man was a very likely young man; though jest what

his prospecs was was unbeknown to her; but she thought he must be

doing well; and rather guessed he would be able to take care of a

femily; if he didn't go to takin' a house; for a gentleman and his

wife could board a great deal cheaper than they could keep house;

but then that girl was nothin' but a child; and wouldn't think of

bein' married this five year。  They was good boarders; both of 'em;

paid regular; and was as pooty a couple as she ever laid eyes on。

To come back to what I began to speak of before; …the divinity…

student was exercised in his mind about the Little Gentleman; and;

in the kindness of his heart;for he was a good young man;and in

the strength of his convictions;for he took it for granted that he

and his crowd were right; and other folks and their crowd were

wrong;he determined to bring the Little Gentleman round to his

faith before he died; if he could。  So he sent word to the sick man;

that he should be pleased to visit him and have some conversation

with him; and received for answer that he would be welcome。

The divinity…student made him a visit; therefore and had a somewhat

remarkable interview with him; which I shall briefly relate; without

attempting to justify the positions taken by the Little Gentleman。

He found him weak; but calm。  Iris sat silent by his pillow。

After the usual preliminaries; the divinity…student said; in a kind

way; that he was sorry to find him in failing health; that he felt

concerned for his soul; and was anxious to assist him in making

preparations for the great change awaiting him。

I thank you; Sir;said the Little Gentleman; permit me to ask you;

what makes you think I am not ready for it; Sir; and that you can do

anything to help me; Sir?

I address you only as a fellow…man;said the divinity…student;and

therefore a fellow…sinner。

I am not a man; Sir! said the Little Gentleman。 I was born into

this world the wreck of a man; and I shall not be judged with a race

to which I do not belong。  Look at this! he said; and held up his

withered arm。 See there! and he pointed to his misshapen

extremities。 Lay your hand here! and he laid his own on the

region of his misplaced heart。 I have known nothing of the life of

your race。  When I first came to my consciousness; I found myself an

object of pity; or a sight to show。  The first strange child I ever

remember hid its face and would not come near me。  I was a broken…

hearted as well as broken…bodied boy。  I grew into the emotions of

ripening youth; and all that I could have loved shrank from my

presence。  I became a man in years; and had nothing in common with

manhood but its longings。  My life is the dying pang of a worn…out

race; and I shall go down alone into the dust; out of this world of

men and women; without ever knowing the fellowship of the one or the

love of the other。  I will not die with a lie rattling in my throat。

If another state of being has anything worse in store for me; I have

had a long apprenticeship to give me strength that I may bear it。  I

don't believe it; Sir!  I have too much faith for that。  God has not

left me wholly without comfort; even here。  I love this old place

where I was born;the heart of the world beats under the three

hills of Boston; Sir!  I love this great land; with so many tall men

in it; and so many good; noble women。 His eyes turned to the

silent figure by his pillow。 I have learned to accept meekly what

has been allotted to me; but I cannot honestly say that I think my

sin has been greater than my suffering。  I bear the ignorance and

the evil…doing of whole generations in my single person。  I never

drew a breath of air nor took a step that was not a punishment for

another's fault。  I may have had many wrong thoughts; but I cannot

have done many wrong deeds;for my cage has been a narrow one; and

I have paced it alone。  I have looked through the bars and seen the

great world of men busy and happy; but I had no part in their

doings。  I have known what it was to dream of the great passions;

but since my mother kissed me before she died; no woman's lips have

pressed my cheek;nor ever will。

The young girl's eyes glittered with a sudden film; and almost

without a thought; but with a warm human instinct that rushed up

into her face with her heart's blood; she bent over and kissed him。

It was the sacrament that washed out the memory of long years of

bitterness; and I should hold it an unworthy thought to defend her。

The Little Gentleman repaid her with the only tear any of us ever

saw him shed。

The divinity…student rose from his place; and; turning away from the

sick man; walked to the other side of the room; where he bowed his

head and was still。  All the questions he had meant to ask had faded

from his memory。  The tests he had。  prepared by which to judge of

his fellow…creature's fitness for heaven seemed to have lost their

virtue。  He could trust the crippled child of sorrow to the Infinite

Parent。  The kiss of the fair…haired girl had been like a sign from

heaven; that angels watched over him whom he was presuming but a

moment before to summon before the tribunal of his private judgment。

Shall I pray with you?he said; after a pause。  A little before he

would have said; Shall I pray for you?The Christian religion; as

taught by its Founder; is full of sentiment。  So we must not blame

the divinity…student; if he was overcome by those yearnings of human

sympathy which predominate so much more in the sermons of the Master

than in the writings of his successors; and which have made the

parable of the Prodigal Son the consolation of mankind; as it has

been the stumbling…block of all exclusive doctrines。

Pray! said the Little Gentleman。

The divinity…student prayed; in low; tender tones;

Iris and the Little Gentleman that God would look on his servant

lying helpless at the feet of his mercy; that He would remember his

long years of bondage in the flesh; that He would deal gently with

the bruised reed。  Thou hast visited the sins of the fathers upon

this their child。  Oh; turn away from him the penalties of his own

transgressions!  Thou hast lai
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