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the professor at the breakfast table-第73部分

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growing up between Iris and our young Marylander。  Not that I

suppose there is any distinct understanding between them; but that

the affinity which has drawn him from the remote corner where he sat

to the side of the young girl is quietly bringing their two natures

together。  Just now she is all given up to another; but when he no

longer calls upon her daily thoughts and cares; I warn you not to be

surprised; if this bud of friendship open like the evening primrose;

with a sound as of a sudden stolen kiss; and lo! the flower of full…

blown love lies unfolded before you。

And now the days had come for our little friend; whose whims and

weaknesses had interested us; perhaps; as much as his better traits;

to make ready for that long journey which is easier to the cripple

than to the strong man; and on which none enters so willingly as he

who has borne the life…long load of infirmity during his earthly

pilgrimage。  At this point; under most circumstances; I would close

the doors and draw the veil of privacy before the chamber where the

birth which we call death; out of life into the unknown world; is

working its mystery。  But this friend of ours stood alone in the

world; and; as the last act of his life was mainly in harmony with

the rest of its drama; I do not here feel the force of the objection

commonly lying against that death…bed literature which forms the

staple of a certain portion of the press。  Let me explain what I

mean; so that my readers may think for themselves a little; before

they accuse me of hasty expressions。

The Roman Catholic Church has certain formulas for its dying

children; to which almost all of them attach the greatest

importance。  There is hardly a criminal so abandoned that he is not

anxious to receive the 〃consolations of religion〃 in his last hours。

Even if he be senseless; but still living; I think that the form is

gone through with; just as baptism is administered to the

unconscious new…born child。  Now we do not quarrel with these forms。

We look with reverence and affection upon all symbols which give

peace and comfort to our fellow…creatures。  But the value of the

new…born child's passive consent to the ceremony is null; as

testimony to the truth of a doctrine。  The automatic closing of a

dying man's lips on the consecrated wafer proves nothing in favor of

the Real Presence; or any other dogma。  And; speaking generally; the

evidence of dying men in favor of any belief is to be received with

great caution。

They commonly tell the truth about their present feelings; no doubt。

A dying man's deposition about anything he knows is good evidence。

But it is of much less consequence what a man thinks and says when

he is changed by pain; weakness; apprehension; than what he thinks

when he is truly and wholly himself。  Most murderers die in a very

pious frame of mind; expecting to go to glory at once; yet no man

believes he shall meet a larger average of pirates and cut…throats

in the streets of the New Jerusalem than of honest folks that died

in their beds。

Unfortunately; there has been a very great tendency to make capital

of various kinds out of dying men's speeches。  The lies that have

been put into their mouths for this purpose are endless。  The prime

minister; whose last breath was spent in scolding his nurse; dies

with a magnificent apothegm on his lips; manufactured by a reporter。

Addison gets up a tableau and utters an admirable sentiment;or

somebody makes the posthumous dying epigram for him。  The incoherent

babble of green fields is translated into the language of stately

sentiment。  One would think; all that dying men had to do was to say

the prettiest thing they could;to make their rhetorical point;

and then bow themselves politely out of the world。

Worse than this is the torturing of dying people to get their

evidence in favor of this or that favorite belief。  The camp…

followers of proselyting sects have come in at the close of every

life where they could get in; to strip the languishing soul of its

thoughts; and carry them off as spoils。  The Roman Catholic or other

priest who insists on the reception of his formula means kindly; we

trust; and very commonly succeeds in getting the acquiescence of the

subject of his spiritual surgery; but do not let us take the

testimony of people who are in the worst condition to form opinions

as evidence of the truth or falsehood of that which they accept。  A

lame man's opinion of dancing is not good for much。  A poor fellow

who can neither eat nor drink; who is sleepless and full of pains;

whose flesh has wasted from him; whose blood is like water; who is

gasping for breath; is not in a condition to judge fairly of human

life; which in all its main adjustments is intended for men in a

normal; healthy condition。  It is a remark I have heard from the

wise Patriarch of the Medical Profession among us; that the moral

condition of patients with disease above the great breathing…muscle;

the diaphragm; is much more hopeful than that of patients with

disease below it; in the digestive organs。  Many an honest ignorant

man has given us pathology when he thought he was giving us

psychology。  With this preliminary caution I shall proceed to the

story of the Little Gentleman's leaving us。

When the divinity…student found that our fellow…boarder was not

likely to remain long with us; he; being a young man of tender

conscience and kindly nature; was not a little exercised on his

behalf。  It was undeniable that on several occasions the Little

Gentleman had expressed himself with a good deal of freedom on a

class of subjects which; according to the divinity…student; he had

no right to form an opinion upon。  He therefore considered his

future welfare in jeopardy。

The Muggletonian sect have a very odd way of dealing with people。

If I; the Professor; will only give in to the Muggletonian doctrine;

there shall be no question through all that persuasion that I am

competent to judge of that doctrine; nay; I shall be quoted as

evidence of its truth; while I live; and cited; after I am dead; as

testimony in its behalf。  But if I utter any ever so slight Anti…

Muggletonian sentiment; then I become incompetent to form any

opinion on the matter。  This; you cannot fail to observe; is exactly

the way the pseudo…sciences go to work; as explained in my Lecture

on Phrenology。  Now I hold that he whose testimony would be accepted

in behalf of the Muggletonian doctrine has a right to be heard

against it。  Whoso offers me any article of belief for my signature

implies that I am competent to form an opinion upon it; and if my

positive testimony in its favor is of any value; then my negative

testimony against it is also of value。

I thought my young friend's attitude was a little too much like that

of the Muggletonians。  I also remarked a singular timidity on his

part lest somebody should 〃unsettle 〃 somebody's faith;as if faith

did not require exercis
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