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the professor at the breakfast table-第59部分

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seemed there was none of them too humble for her to love; and none

too little cared for by Nature to be without its beauty for her

artist eye and pencil。  By the side of the garden…flowers;of

Spring's curled darlings; the hyacinths; of rosebuds; dear to

sketching maidens; of flower…de…luces and morning…glories; nay;

oftener than these; and more tenderly caressed by the colored brush

that rendered them;were those common growths which fling

themselves to be crushed under our feet and our wheels; making

themselves so cheap in this perpetual martyrdom that we forget each

of them is a ray of the Divine beauty。

Yellow japanned buttercups and star…disked dandelions;just as we

see them lying in the grass; like sparks that have leaped from the

kindling sun of summer; the profuse daisy…like flower which whitens

the fields; to the great disgust of liberal shepherds; yet seems

fair to loving eyes; with its button…like mound of gold set round

with milk…white rays; the tall…stemmed succory; setting its pale

blue flowers aflame; one after another; sparingly; as the lights are

kindled in the candelabra of decaying palaces where the heirs of

dethroned monarchs are dying out; the red and white clovers; the

broad; flat leaves of the plantain;〃the white man's foot;〃 as the

Indians called it;the wiry; jointed stems of that iron creeping

plant which we call 〃knot…grass;〃 and which loves its life so dearly

that it is next to impossible to murder it with a hoe; as it clings

to the cracks of the pavement;all these plants; and many more; she

wove into her fanciful garlands and borders。 On one of the pages

were some musical notes。  I touched them from curiosity on a piano

belonging to one of our boarders。  Strange!  There are passages that

I have heard before; plaintive; full of some hidden meaning; as if

they were gasping for words to interpret them。  She must have heard

the strains that have so excited my curiosity; coming from my

neighbor's chamber。  The illuminated border she had traced round the

page that held these notes took the place of the words they seemed

to be aching for。  Above; a long monotonous sweep of waves; leaden…

hued; anxious and jaded and sullen; if you can imagine such an

expression in water。  On one side an Alpine needle; as it were; of

black basalt; girdled with snow。  On the other a threaded waterfall。

The red morning…tint that shone in the drops had a strange look;

one would say the cliff was bleeding;perhaps she did not mean it。

Below; a stretch of sand; and a solitary bird of prey; with his

wings spread over some unseen object。 And on the very next page a

procession wound along; after the fashion of that on the title…page

of Fuller's 〃Holy War;〃 in which I recognized without difficulty

every boarder at our table in all the glory of the most resplendent

caricaturethree only excepted;the Little Gentleman; myself; and

one other。

I confess I did expect to see something that would remind me of the

girl's little deformed neighbor; if not portraits of him。 There is

a left arm again; though;no;that is from the 〃Fighting

Gladiator;〃the 〃Jeune Heros combattant〃 of the Louvre;there is the

broad ring of the shield。  From a cast; doubtless。  'The separate

casts of the 〃Gladiator's〃 arm look immense; but in its place the

limb looks light; almost slender;such is the perfection of that

miraculous marble。  I never felt as if I touched the life of the old

Greeks until I looked on that statue。'Here is something very odd;

to be sure。  An Eden of all the humped and crooked creatures!  What

could have been in her head when she worked out such a fantasy?  She

has contrived to give them all beauty or dignity or melancholy

grace。  A Bactrian camel lying under a palm。  A dromedary flashing

up the sands;spray of the dry ocean sailed by the 〃ship of the

desert。〃  A herd of buffaloes; uncouth; shaggy…maned; heavy in the

forehand; light in the hind…quarter。  'The buffalo is the lion of

the ruminants。' And there is a Norman horse; with his huge; rough

collar; echoing; as it were; the natural form of the other beast。

And here are twisted serpents; and stately swans; with answering

curves in their bowed necks; as if they had snake's blood under

their white feathers; and grave; high…shouldered herons standing on

one foot like cripples; and looking at life round them with the cold

stare of monumental effigies。 A very odd page indeed!  Not a

creature in it without a curve or a twist; and not one of them a

mean figure to look at。  You can make your own comment; I am

fanciful; you know。  I believe she is trying to idealize what we

vulgarly call deformity; which she strives to look at in the light

of one of Nature's eccentric curves; belonging to her system of

beauty; as the hyperbola; and parabola belong to the conic sections;

though we cannot see them as symmetrical and entire figures; like

the circle and ellipse。  At any rate; I cannot help referring this

paradise of twisted spines to some idea floating in her head

connected with her friend whom Nature has warped in the moulding。

That is nothing to another transcendental fancy of mine。  I

believe her soul thinks itself in his little crooked body at times;

if it does not really get freed or half freed from her own。  Did

you ever see a case of catalepsy?  You know what I mean;transient

loss of sense; will; and motion; body and limbs taking any position

in which they are put; as if they belonged to a lay…figure。  She had

been talking with him and listening to him one day when the boarders

moved from the table nearly all at once。  But she sat as before; her

cheek resting on her hand; her amber eyes wide open and still。  I

went to her; she was breathing as usual; and her heart was beating

naturally enough;but she did not answer。  I bent her arm; it was

as plastic as softened wag; and kept the place I gave it。 This

will never do; though; and I sprinkled a few drops of water on her

forehead。  She started and looked round。 I have been in a dream;

she said;I feel as if all my strength were in this arm;give me

your hand! She took my right hand in her left; which looked soft

and white enough; butGood Heaven!  I believe she will crack my

bones!  All the nervous power in her body must have flashed through

those muscles; as when a crazy lady snaps her iron window…bars;she

who could hardly glove herself when in her common health。  Iris

turned pale; and the tears came to her eyes;she saw she had given

pain。  Then she trembled; and might have fallen but for me;the

poor little soul had been in one of those trances that belong to the

spiritual pathology of higher natures; mostly those of women。

To come back to this wondrous book of Iris。  Two pages faced each

other which I took for symbolical expressions of two states of mind。

On the left hand; a bright blue sky washed over the page; specked

with a single bird。  No trace of earth; but still the winged

creature seemed to be soaring upward and upward。  Faci
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