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the professor at the breakfast table-第51部分

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It must be confessed that Phrenology has a certain resemblance to

the Pseudo…sciences。  I did not say it was a Pseudo…science。

I have often met persons who have been altogether struck up and

amazed at the accuracy with which some wandering Professor of

Phrenology had read their characters written upon their skulls。  Of

course the Professor acquires his information solely through his

cranial inspections and manipulations。 What are you laughing at?

(to the boarders。)But let us just suppose; for a moment; that a

tolerably cunning fellow; who did not know or care anything about

Phrenology; should open a shop and undertake to read off people's

characters at fifty cents or a dollar apiece。  Let us see how well

he could get along without the 〃organs。〃

I will suppose myself to set up such a shop。  I would invest one

hundred dollars; more or less; in casts of brains; skulls; charts;

and other matters that would make the most show for the money。  That

would do to begin with。  I would then advertise myself as the

celebrated Professor Brainey; or whatever name I might choose; and

wait for my first customer。  My first customer is a middle…aged man。

I look at him;ask him a question or two; so as to hear him talk。

When I have got the hang of him; I ask him to sit down; and proceed

to fumble his skull; dictating as follows:




                             Each to be accompanied with a wink。

Amativeness; 7。        Most men love the conflicting sex; and all

                    men love to be told they do。

Alimentiveness; 8。     Don't you see that he has burst off his

                 lowest waistcoat…button with feeding;hey

Acquisitiveness; 8。    Of course。  A middle…aged Yankee。

Approbativeness 7+。    Hat well brushed。  Hair ditto。  Mark the

                       effect of that plus sign。

Self…Esteem 6。         His face shows that。

Benevolence 9。         That'll please him。

Conscientiousness 8?   That fraction looks first…rate。

Mirthfulness 7         Has laughed twice since he came in。

Ideality 9             That sounds well。

Form; Size; Weight;    4 to 6。  Average everything that

Color; Locality;       cannot be guessed。

Eventuality; etc。 etc。

                And so of the other faculties。

Of course; you know; that isn't the way the Phrenologists do。  They

go only by the bumps。 What do you keep laughing so for?  (to the

boarders。) I only said that is the way I should practise

〃Phrenology〃 for a living。

                    End of my Lecture。

The Reformers have good heads; generally。  Their faces are

commonly serene enough; and they are lambs in private intercourse;

even though their voices may be like

         The wolf's long howl from Oonalaska's shore;

when heard from the platform。  Their greatest spiritual danger is

from the perpetual flattery of abuse to which they are exposed。

These lines are meant to caution them。



No fear lest praise should make us proud!

We know how cheaply that is won;

The idle homage of the crowd

Is proof of tasks as idly done。

A surface…smile may pay the toil

That follows still the conquering Right;

With soft; white hands to dress the spoil

That sunbrowned valor clutched in fight。

Sing the sweet song of other days;

Serenely placid; safely true;

And o'er the present's parching ways

Thy verse distils like evening dew。

But speak in words of living power;

They fall like drops of scalding rain

That plashed before the burning shower

Swept o'er the cities of the plain!

Then scowling Hate turns deadly pale;

Then Passion's half…coiled adders spring;

And; smitten through their leprous mail;

Strike right and left in hope to sting。

If thou; unmoved by poisoning wrath;

Thy feet on earth; thy heart above;

Canst walk in peace thy kingly path;

Unchanged in trust; unchilled in love;

Too kind for bitter words to grieve;

Too firm for clamor to dismay;

When Faith forbids thee to believe;

And Meekness calls to disobey; 

Ah; then beware of mortal pride!

The smiling pride that calmly scorns

Those foolish fingers; crimson dyed

In laboring on thy crown of thorns!


One of our boardersperhaps more than one was concerned in itsent

in some questions to me; the other day; which; trivial as some of

them are; I felt bound to answer。

1。Whether a lady was ever known to write a letter covering only a

single page?

To this I answered; that there was a case on record where a lady had

but half a sheet of paper and no envelope; and being obliged to send

through the post…office; she covered only one side of the paper

(crosswise; lengthwise; and diagonally)。

2。What constitutes a man a gentleman?

To this I gave several answers; adapted to particular classes of


a。  Not trying to be a gentleman。

b。  Self…respect underlying courtesy。

c。  Knowledge and observance of the fitness of things in social


d。  f。 s。 d。  (as many suppose。)

3。Whether face or figure is most attractive in the female sex?

Answered in the following epigram; by a young man about town:

     Quoth Tom; 〃Though fair her features be;

     It is her figure pleases me。〃

     〃What may her figure be?〃 I cried。

     〃One hundred thousand!〃 he replied。

When this was read to the boarders; the young man John said he

should like a chance to 〃step up〃 to a figger of that kind; if the

girl was one of the right sort。

The landlady said them that merried for money didn't deserve the

blessin' of a good wife。  Money was a great thing when them that had

it made a good use of it。  She had seen better days herself; and

knew what it was never to want for anything。  One of her cousins

merried a very rich old gentleman; and she had heerd that he said he

lived ten year longer than if he'd staid by himself without anybody

to take care of him。  There was nothin' like a wife for nussin' sick

folks and them that couldn't take care of themselves。

The young man John got off a little wink; and pointed slyly with his

thumb in the direction of our diminutive friend; for whom he seemed

to think this speech was intended。

If it was meant for him; he did n't appear to know that it was。

Indeed; he seems somewhat listless of late; except when the

conversation falls upon one of those larger topics that specially

interest him; and then he grows excited; speaks loud and fast;

sometimes almost savagely;and; I have noticed once or twice;

presses his left hand to his right side; as if there were something

that ached; or weighed; or throbbed in that region。

While he speaks in this way; the general conversation is

interrupted; and we all listen t
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