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the professor at the breakfast table-第42部分

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I confess; that; when I woke up the other evening; and heard; first

a sweet complaining cry; and then footsteps; and then the dragging

sound;nothing but his bed; I am quite sure;I felt a stirring in

the roots of my hair as the feasters did in Keats's terrible poem of


There is nothing very odd in my feeling nervous when I happen to lie

awake and get listening for sounds。  Just keep your ears open any

time after midnight; when you are lying in bed in a lone attic of a

dark night。  What horrid; strange; suggestive; unaccountable noises

you will hear!  The stillness of night is a vulgar error。  All the

dead things seem to be alive。  Crack!  That is the old chest of

drawers; you never hear it crack in the daytime。  Creak!  There's a

door ajar; you know you shut them all。

Where can that latch be that rattles so?  Is anybody trying it

softly?  or; worse than any body; is?  (Cold shiver。) Then a

sudden gust that jars all the windows;very strange!there does

not seem to be any wind about that it belongs to。  When it stops;

you hear the worms boring in the powdery beams overhead。  Then steps

outside;a stray animal; no doubt。  All right;but a gentle

moisture breaks out all over you; and then something like a whistle

or a cry;another gust of wind; perhaps; that accounts for the

rustling that just made your heart roll over and tumble about; so

that it felt more like a live rat under your ribs than a part of

your own body; then a crash of something that has fallen;blown

over; very likely Pater noster; qui es in coelis! for you are

damp and cold; and sitting bolt upright; and the bed trembling so

that the death…watch is frightened and has stopped ticking!

No;night is an awful time for strange noises and secret doings。

Who ever dreamed; till one of our sleepless neighbors told us of it;

of that Walpurgis gathering of birds and beasts of prey;foxes; and

owls; and crows; and eagles; that come from all the country round on

moonshiny nights to crunch the clams and muscles; and pick out the

eyes of dead fishes that the storm has thrown on Chelsea Beach?  Our

old mother Nature has pleasant and cheery tones enough for us when

she comes in her dress of blue and gold over the eastern hill…tops;

but when she follows us up…stairs to our beds in her suit of black

velvet and diamonds; every creak of her sandals and every whisper of

her lips is full of mystery and fear。

You understand; then; distinctly; that I do not believe there is

anything about this singular little neighbor of mine which is as it

should not be。  Probably a visit to his room would clear up all that

has puzzled me; and make me laugh at the notions which began; I

suppose; in nightmares; and ended by keeping my imagination at work

so as almost to make me uncomfortable at times。  But it is not so

easy to visit him as some of our other boarders; for various reasons

which I will not stop to mention。  I think some of them are rather

pleased to get 〃the Professor〃 under their ceilings。

The young man John; for instance; asked me to come up one day and

try some 〃old Burbon;〃 which he said was A 1。  On asking him what

was the number of his room; he answered; that it was forty…'leven;

sky…parlor floor; but that I shouldn't find it; if he did n't go

ahead to show me the way。  I followed him to his habitat; being very

willing to see in what kind of warren he burrowed; and thinking I

might pick up something about the boarders who had excited my


Mighty close quarters they were where the young man John bestowed

himself and his furniture; this last consisting of a bed; a chair; a

bureau; a trunk; and numerous pegs with coats and 〃pants〃 and

〃vests;〃as he was in the habit of calling waist…coats and

pantaloons or trousers;hanging up as if the owner had melted out

of them。  Several prints were pinned up unframed;among them that

grand national portrait…piece; 〃Barnum presenting Ossian E。 Dodge to

Jenny Lind;〃 and a picture of a famous trot; in which I admired anew

the cabalistic air of that imposing array of expressions; and

especially the Italicized word; 〃Dan Mace names b。 h。 Major Slocum;〃

and 〃Hiram Woodruff names g。 m。 Lady Smith。〃  〃Best three in five。

Time: 2。40; 2。46; 2。50。〃

That set me thinking how very odd this matter of trotting horses is;

as an index of the mathematical exactness of the laws of living

mechanism。  I saw Lady Suffolk trot a mile in 2。26。  Flora Temple

has trotted close down to 2。20; and Ethan Allen in 2。25; or less。

Many horses have trotted their mile under 2。30; none that I remember

in public as low down as 2。20。  From five to ten seconds; then; in

about a hundred and sixty is the whole range of the maxima of the

present race of trotting horses。  The same thing is seen in the

running of men。  Many can run a mile in five minutes; but when one

comes to the fractions below; they taper down until somewhere about

4。30 the maximum is reached。  Averages of masses have been studied

more than averages of maxima and minima。  We know from the

Registrar…General's Reports; that a certain number of childrensay

from one to two dozendie every year in England from drinking hot

water out of spouts of teakettles。  We know; that; among suicides;

women and men past a certain age almost never use fire…arms。  A

woman who has made up her mind to die is still afraid of a pistol or

a gun。  Or is it that the explosion would derange her costume?

I say; averages of masses we have; but our tables of maxima we owe

to the sporting men more than to the philosophers。  The lesson their

experience teaches is; that Nature makes no leaps;does nothing per

saltum。  The greatest brain that ever lived; no doubt; was only a

small fraction of an idea ahead of the second best。  Just look at

the chess…players。  Leaving out the phenomenal exceptions; the nice

shades that separate the skilful ones show how closely their brains

approximate;almost as closely as chronometers。  Such a person is a

〃knight…player;〃he must have that piece given him。  Another must

have two pawns。  Another; 〃pawn and two;〃 or one pawn and two moves。

Then we find one who claims 〃pawn and move;〃 holding himself; with

this fractional advantage; a match for one who would be pretty sure

to beat him playing even。 So much are minds alike; and you and I

think we are 〃peculiar;〃that Nature broke her jelly…mould after

shaping our cerebral convolutions。  So I reflected; standing and

looking at the picture。

I say; Governor;broke in the young man John;them bosses '11

stay jest as well; if you'll only set down。  I've had 'em this year;

and they haven't stirred。 He spoke; and handed the chair towards

me;seating himself; at the same time; on the end of the bed。

You have lived in this house some time?I said;with a note of

interrogation at the end of the statement。

Do I look as if I'd lost much fleshsaid he; answering my question

by another。

No;said I;for that matter; I think you do cre
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