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the professor at the breakfast table-第40部分

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fact; I never saw but one; and sheor he; or ithad a mob of boys

after her; or whatever you call the creature; as if she had been


The Little Gentleman stopped short;flushed somewhat; and looked

round with that involuntary; suspicious glance which the subjects of

any bodily misfortune are very apt to cast round them。  His eye

wandered over the company; none of whom; excepting myself and one

other; had; probably; noticed the movement。  They fell at last on

Iris;his next neighbor; you remember。

We know in a moment; on looking suddenly at a person; if that

person's eyes have been fixed on us。

Sometimes we are conscious of it before we turn so as to see the

person。  Strange secrets of curiosity; of impertinence; of malice;

of love; leak out in this way。  There is no need of Mrs。 Felix

Lorraine's reflection in the mirror; to tell us that she is plotting

evil for us behind our backs。  We know it; as we know by the ominous

stillness of a child that some mischief or other is going…on。  A

young girl betrays; in a moment; that her eyes have been feeding on。

the face where you find them fixed; and not merely brushing over it

with their pencils of blue or brown light。

A certain involuntary adjustment assimilates us; you may also

observe; to that upon which we look。  Roses redden the cheeks of her

who stoops to gather them; and buttercups turn little people's chins

yellow。  When we look at a vast landscape; our chests expand as if

we would enlarge to fill it。  When we examine a minute object; we

naturally contract; not only our foreheads; but all our dimensions。

If I see two men wrestling; I wrestle too; with my limbs and

features。  When a country…fellow comes upon the stage; you will see

twenty faces in the boxes putting on the bumpkin expression。  There

is no need of multiplying instances to reach this generalization;

every person and thing we look upon puts its special mark upon us。

If this is repeated often enough; we get a permanent resemblance to

it; or; at least; a fixed aspect which we took from it。  Husband and

wife come to look alike at last; as has often been noticed。  It is a

common saying of a jockey; that he is 〃all horse〃; and I have often

fancied that milkmen get a stiff; upright carriage; and an angular

movement of the arm; that remind one of a pump and the working of

its handle。

All this came in by accident; just because I happened to mention

that the Little Gentleman found that Iris had been looking at him

with her soul in her eyes; when his glance rested on her after

wandering round the company。  What he thought; it is hard to say;

but the shadow of suspicion faded off from his face; and he looked

calmly into the amber eyes; resting his cheek upon the hand that

wore the red jewel。

If it were a possible thing;women are such strange creatures!

Is there any trick that love and their own fancies do not play them?

Just see how they marry!  A woman that gets hold of a bit of manhood

is like one of those Chinese wood…carvers who work on any odd;

fantastic root that comes to hand; and; if it is only bulbous above

and bifurcated below; will always contrive to make a mansuch as he

isout of it。  I should like to see any kind of a man;

distinguishable from a Gorilla; that some good and even pretty woman

could not shape a husband out of。

A child;yes; if you choose to call her so; but such a child!  Do

you know how Art brings all ages together?  There is no age to the

angels and ideal human forms among which the artist lives; and he

shares their youth until his hand trembles and his eye grows dim。

The youthful painter talks of white…bearded Leonardo as if he were a

brother; and the veteran forgets that Raphael died at an age to

which his own is of patriarchal antiquity。

But why this lover of the beautiful should be so drawn to one whom

Nature has wronged so deeply seems hard to explain。  Pity; I

suppose。  They say that leads to love。

I thought this matter over until I became excited and curious; and

determined to set myself more seriously at work to find out what was

going on in these wild hearts and where their passionate lives were

drifting。  I say wild hearts and passionate lives; because I think I

can look through this seeming calmness of youth and this apparent

feebleness of organization; and see that Nature; whom it is very

hard to cheat; is only waiting as the sapper waits in his mine;

knowing that all is in readiness and the slow…match burning quietly

down to the powder。  He will leave it by…and…by; and then it will

take care of itself。

One need not wait to see the smoke coming through the roof of a

house and the flames breaking out of the windows to know that the

building is on fire。  Hark!  There is a quiet; steady; unobtrusive;

crisp; not loud; but very knowing little creeping crackle that is

tolerably intelligible。  There is a whiff of something floating

about; suggestive of toasting shingles。  Also a sharp pyroligneous…

acid pungency in the air that stings one's eyes。  Let us get up and

see what is going on。 Oh;oh;oh! do you know what has got hold

of you?  It is the great red dragon that is born of the little red

eggs we call sparks; with his hundred blowing red manes; and his

thousand lashing red tails; and his multitudinous red eyes glaring

at every crack and key…hole; and his countless red tongues lapping

the beams he is going to crunch presently; and his hot breath

warping the panels and cracking the glass and making old timber

sweat that had forgotten it was ever alive with sap。  Run for your

life! leap! or you will be a cinder in five minutes; that nothing

but a coroner would take for the wreck of a human being!

If any gentleman will have the kindness to stop this run…away

comparison; I shall be much obliged to him。  All I intended to say

was; that we need not wait for hearts to break out in flames to know

that they are full of combustibles and that a spark has got among

them。  I don't pretend to say or know what it is that brings these

two persons together;and when I say together; I only mean that

there is an evident affinity of some kind or other which makes their

commonest intercourse strangely significant; as that each seems to

understand a look or a word of the other。  When the young girl laid

her hand on the Little Gentleman's arm;which so greatly shocked

the Model; you may remember;I saw that she had learned the lion…

tamer's secret。  She masters him; and yet I can see she has a kind

of awe of him; as the man who goes into the cage has of the monster

that he makes a baby of。

One of two things must happen。  The first is love; downright love;

on the part of this young girl; for the poor little misshapen man。

You may laugh; if you like。  But women are apt to love the men who

they think have the largest capacity of loving;and who can love

like one that has thirsted all his life long for the smile of youth

and beauty; and seen it fly his pre
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