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the professor at the breakfast table-第33部分

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Where Moab's daughter; homeless and forlorn;

Found Boaz slumbering by his heaps of corn;

And some remembered how the holy scribe;

Skilled in the lore of every jealous tribe;

Traced the warm blood of Jesse's royal son

To that fair alien; bravely wooed and won。

So fared they on to seek the promised sign

That marked the anointed heir of David's line。

At last; by forms of earthly semblance led;

They found the crowded inn; the oxen's shed。

No pomp was there; no glory shone around

On the coarse straw that strewed the reeking ground;

One dim retreat a flickering torch betrayed;

In that poor cell the Lord of Life was laid!

The wondering shepherds told their breathless tale

Of the bright choir that woke the sleeping vale;

Told how the skies with sudden glory flamed;

Told how the shining multitude proclaimed

〃Joy; joy to earth!  Behold the hallowed morn!

In David's city Christ the Lord is born!

'Glory to God!' let angels shout on high;

'Good…will to men!' the listening Earth reply!〃

They spoke with hurried words and accents wild;

Calm in his cradle slept the heavenly child。

No trembling word the mother's joy revealed;

One sigh of rapture; and her lips were sealed;

Unmoved she saw the rustic train depart;

But kept their words to ponder in her heart。

Twelve years had passed; the boy was fair and tall;

Growing in wisdom; finding grace with all。

The maids of Nazareth; as they trooped to fill

Their balanced urns beside the mountain…rill;

The gathered matrons; as they sat and spun;

Spoke in soft words of Joseph's quiet son。

No voice had reached the Galilean vale

Of star…led kings or awe…struck shepherds' tale;

In the meek; studious child they only saw

The future Rabbi; learned in Israel's law。

So grew the boy; and now the feast was near;

When at the holy place the tribes appear。

Scarce had the home…bred child of Nazareth seen

Beyond the hills that girt the village…green;

Save when at midnight; o'er the star…lit sands;

Snatched from the steel of Herod's murdering bands;

A babe; close…folded to his mother's breast;

Through Edom's wilds he sought the sheltering West。

Then Joseph spake : 〃Thy boy hath largely grown;

Weave him fine raiment; fitting to be shown;

Fair robes beseem the pilgrim; as the priest

Goes he not with us to the holy feast?〃

And Mary culled the flaxen fibres white;

Till eve she spun; she spun till morning light。

The thread was twined; its parting meshes through

》From hand to hand her restless shuttle flew;

Till the full web was wound upon the beam;

Love's curious toil;a vest without a seam!

They reach the holy place; fulfil the days

To solemn feasting given; and grateful praise。

At last they turn; and far Moriah's height

Melts in the southern sky and fades from sight。

All day the dusky caravan has flowed

In devious trails along the winding road;

(For many a step their homeward path attends;

And all the sons of Abraham are as friends。)

Evening has come;the hour of rest and joy;

Hush! hush!that whisper;…〃Where is Mary's boy?〃

O weary hour!  O aching days that passed

Filled with strange fears; each wilder than the last:

The soldier's lance;the fierce centurion's sword;

The crushing wheels that whirl some Roman lord;

The midnight crypt that suck's the captive's breath;

The blistering sun on Hinnom's vale of death!

Thrice on his cheek had rained the morning light;

Thrice on his lips the mildewed kiss of night;

Crouched by some porphyry column's shining plinth;

Or stretched beneath the odorous terebinth。

At last; in desperate mood; they sought once more

The Temple's porches; searched in vain before;

They found him seated with the ancient men;

The grim old rufflers of the tongue and pen;

Their bald heads glistening as they clustered near;

Their gray beards slanting as they turned to hear;

Lost in half…envious wonder and surprise

That lips so fresh should utter words so wise。

And Mary said;as one who; tried too long;

Tells all her grief and half her sense of wrong;

What is this thoughtless thing which thou hast done?

Lo; we have sought thee sorrowing; O my son!

〃Few words he spake; and scarce of filial tone;

Strange words; their sense a mystery yet unknown;

Then turned with them and left the holy hill;

To all their mild commands obedient still。

The tale was told to Nazareth's sober men;

And Nazareth's matrons told it oft again;

The maids retold it at the fountain's side;

The youthful shepherds doubted or denied;

It passed around among the listening friends;

With all that fancy adds and fiction fends;

Till newer marvels dimmed the young renown

Of Joseph's son; who talked the Rabbis down。

But Mary; faithful to its lightest word;

Kept in her heart the sayings she had heard;

Till the dread morning rent the Temple's veil;

And shuddering Earth confirmed the wondrous tale。

Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall;

A mother's secret hope outlives them all。


You don't look so dreadful poor in the face as you did a while back。

Bloated some; I expect。

This was the cheerful and encouraging and elegant remark with which

the Poor Relation greeted the divinity…student one morning。

Of course every good man considers it a great sacrifice on his part

to continue living in this transitory; unsatisfactory; and

particularly unpleasant world。  This is so much a matter of course;

that I was surprised to see the divinity…student change color。  He

took a look at a small and uncertain…minded glass which hung slanting

forward over the chapped sideboard。  The image it returned to him had

the color of a very young pea somewhat overboiled。  The scenery of a

long tragic drama flashed through his mind as the lightning…express…

train whishes by a station: the gradual dismantling process of

disease; friends looking on; sympathetic; but secretly chuckling over

their own stomachs of iron and lungs of caoutchouc; nurses attentive;

but calculating their crop; and thinking how soon it will be ripe; so

that they can go to your neighbor; who is good for a year or so

longer; doctors assiduous; but giving themselves a mental shake; as

they go out of your door; which throws off your particular grief as a

duck sheds a raindrop from his oily feathers; undertakers solemn; but

happy; then the great subsoil cultivator; who plants; but never looks

for fruit in his garden; then the stone…cutter; who puts your name on

the slab which has been waiting for you ever since the birds or

beasts made their tracks on the new red sandstone; then the grass and

the dandelions and the buttercups;Earth saying to the mortal

body; with her sweet symbolism; 〃You have scarred my bosom; but you

are forgiven〃; then a glimpse of the soul as a floating consciousness

without very definite form or place; but dimly conceived of as an

upright column of vapor or mist several times larger than life…size;

so far a
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