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the professor at the breakfast table-第27部分

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Through all the wanderings of the path;

We still can see our Father's door!


The Professor finds a Fly in his Teacup。

I have a long theological talk to relate; which must be dull reading

to some of my young and vivacious friends。  I don't know; however;

that any of them have entered into a contract to read all that I

write; or that I have promised always to write to please them。  What

if I should sometimes write to please myself?

Now you must know that there are a great many things which interest

me; to some of which this or that particular class of readers may be

totally indifferent。  I love Nature; and human nature; its thoughts;

affections; dreams; aspirations; delusions;Art in all its forms;

virtu in all its eccentricities;old stories from black…letter

volumes and yellow manuscripts; and new projects out of hot brains

not yet imbedded in the snows of age。  I love the generous impulses

of the reformer; but not less does my imagination feed itself upon

the old litanies; so often warmed by the human breath upon which they

were wafted to Heaven that they glow through our frames like our own

heart's blood。  I hope I love good men and women; I know that they

never speak a word to me; even if it be of question or blame; that I

do not take pleasantly; if it is expressed with a reasonable amount

of human kindness。

I have before me at this time a beautiful and affecting letter; which

I have hesitated to answer; though the postmark upon it gave its

direction; and the name is one which is known to all; in some of its

representatives。  It contains no reproach; only a delicately…hinted

fear。  Speak gently; as this dear lady has spoken; and there is no

heart so insensible that it does not answer to the appeal; no

intellect so virile that it does not own a certain deference to the

claims of age; of childhood; of sensitive and timid natures; when

they plead with it not to look at those sacred things by the broad

daylight which they see in mystic shadow。  How grateful would it be

to make perpetual peace with these pleading saints and their

confessors; by the simple act that silences all complainings!  Sleep;

sleep; sleep!  says the Arch…Enchantress of them all;and pours her

dark and potent anodyne; distilled over the fires that consumed her

foes;its large; round drops changing; as we look; into the beads of

her convert's rosary!  Silence! the pride of reason! cries another;

whose whole life is spent in reasoning down reason。

I hope I love good people; not for their sake; but for my own。  And

most assuredly; if any deed of wrong or word of bitterness led me

into an act of disrespect towards that enlightened and excellent

class of men who make it their calling to teach goodness and their

duty to practise it; I should feel that I had done myself an injury

rather than them。  Go and talk with any professional man holding any

of the medieval creeds; choosing one who wears upon his features the

mark of inward and outward health; who looks cheerful; intelligent;

and kindly; and see how all your prejudices melt away in his

presence!  It is impossible to come into intimate relations with a

large; sweet nature; such as you may often find in this class;

without longing to be at one with it in all its modes of being and

believing。  But does it not occur to you that one may love truth as

he sees it; and his race as he views it; better than even the

sympathy and approbation of many good men whom he honors;better

than sleeping to the sound of the Miserere or listening to the

repetition of an effete Confession of Faith?

The three learned professions have but recently emerged from a state

of quasi…barbarism。  None of them like too well to be told of it; but

it must be sounded in their ears whenever they put on airs。  When a

man has taken an overdose of laudanum; the doctors tell us to place

him between two persons who shall make him walk up and down

incessantly; and if he still cannot be kept from going to sleep; they

say that a lash or two over his back is of great assistance。

So we must keep the doctors awake by telling them that they have not

yet shaken off astrology and the doctrine of signatures; as is shown

by the form of their prescriptions; and their use of nitrate of

silver; which turns epileptics into Ethiopians。  If that is not

enough; they must be given over to the scourgers; who like their task

and get good fees for it。  A few score years ago; sick people were

made to swallow burnt toads and powdered earthworms and the expressed

juice of wood…lice。  The physician of Charles I。 and II。 prescribed

abominations not to be named。  Barbarism; as bad as that of Congo or

Ashantee。  Traces of this barbarism linger even in the greatly

improved medical science of our century。  So while the solemn farce

of over…drugging is going on; the world over; the harlequin pseudo…

science jumps on to the stage; whip in hand; with half…a…dozen

somersets; and begins laying about him。

In 1817; perhaps you remember; the law of wager by battle was

unrepealed; and the rascally murderous; and worse than murderous;

clown; Abraham Thornton; put on his gauntlet in open court and defied

the appellant to lift the other which he threw down。  It was not

until the reign of George II。 that the statutes against witchcraft

were repealed。  As for the English Court of Chancery; we know that

its antiquated abuses form one of the staples of common proverbs and

popular literature。  So the laws and the lawyers have to be watched

perpetually by public opinion as much as the doctors do。

I don't think the other profession is an exception。  When the

Reverend Mr。 Cauvin and his associates burned my distinguished

scientific brother;he was burned with green fagots; which made it

rather slow and painful;it appears to me they were in a state of

religious barbarism。  The dogmas of such people about the Father of

Mankind and his creatures are of no more account in my opinion than

those of a council of Aztecs。  If a man picks your pocket; do you not

consider him thereby disqualified to pronounce any authoritative

opinion on matters of ethics?  If a man hangs my ancient female

relatives for sorcery; as they did in this neighborhood a little

while ago; or burns my instructor for not believing as he does; I

care no more for his religious edicts than I should for those of any

other barbarian。

Of course; a barbarian may hold many true opinions; but when the

ideas of the healing art; of the administration of justice; of

Christian love; could not exclude systematic poisoning; judicial

duelling; and murder for opinion's sake; I do not see how we can

trust the verdict of that time relating to any subject which involves

the primal instincts violated in these abominations and absurdities。

What if we are even now in a state of semi…barbarism?

'This physician believes we 〃are even now in a state of semi…

barbarism〃: invasive procedures 
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