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the professor at the breakfast table-第23部分

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attraction as the alleged metropolis; and not call our people

provincials; and have to come begging to us to write the lives of

Hendrik Hudson and Gouverneur Morris!

The Little Gentleman was on his hobby; exalting his own city at the

expense of every other place。  I have my doubts if he had been in

either of the cities he had been talking about。  I was just going to

say something to sober him down; if I could; when the young

Marylander spoke up。

Come; now;he said;what's the use of these comparisons?  Did n't I

hear this gentleman saying; the other day; that every American owns

all America?  If you have really got more brains in Boston than other

folks; as you seem to think; who hates you for it; except a pack of

scribbling fools?  If I like Broadway better than Washington Street;

what then?  I own them both; as much as anybody owns either。 I am an

American;and wherever I look up and see the stars and stripes

overhead; that is home to me!

He spoke; and looked up as if he heard the emblazoned folds crackling

over him in the breeze。  We all looked up involuntarily; as if we

should see the national flag by so doing。  The sight of the dingy

ceiling and the gas…fixture depending therefrom dispelled the


Bravo!  bravo!said the venerable gentleman on the other side of the

table。 Those are the sentiments of Washington's Farewell Address。

Nothing better than that since the last chapter in Revelations。

Five…and…forty years ago there used to be Washington societies; and

little boys used to walk in processions; each little boy having a

copy of the Address; bound in red; hung round his neck by a ribbon。

Why don't they now?  Why don't they now?  I saw enough of hating each

other in the old Federal times; now let's love each other; I say;

let's love each other; and not try to make it out that there is n't

any place fit to live in except the one we happen to be born in。

It dwarfs the mind; I think;said I;to feed it on any localism。

The full stature of manhood is shrivelled

The color burst up into my cheeks。  What was I saying;I; who would

not for the world have pained our unfortunate little boarder by an


I will go;he said;and made a movement with his left arm to let

himself down from his high chair。

No;no;he does n't mean it;you must not go;said a kind voice

next him; and a soft; white hand was laid upon his arm。

Iris; my dear!exclaimed another voice; as of a female; in accents

that might be considered a strong atmospheric solution of duty with

very little flavor of grace。

She did not move for this address; and there was a tableau that

lasted some seconds。  For the young girl; in the glory of half…blown

womanhood; and the dwarf; the cripple; the misshapen little creature

covered with Nature's insults; looked straight into each other's


Perhaps no handsome young woman had ever looked at him so in his

life。  Certainly the young girl never had looked into eyes that

reached into her soul as these did。  It was not that they were in

themselves supernaturally bright;but there was the sad fire in them

that flames up from the soul of one who looks on the beauty of woman

without hope; but; alas! not without emotion。  To him it seemed as if

those amber gates had been translucent as the brown water of a

mountain brook; and through them he had seen dimly into a virgin

wilderness; only waiting for the sunrise of a great passion for all

its buds to blow and all its bowers to ring with melody。

That is my image; of course;not his。  It was not a simile that was

in his mind; or is in anybody's at such a moment;it was a pang of

wordless passion; and then a silent; inward moan。

A lady's wish;he said; with a certain gallantry of manner;makes

slaves of us all。 And Nature; who is kind to all her children; and

never leaves the smallest and saddest of all her human failures

without one little comfit of self…love at the bottom of his poor

ragged pocket;Nature suggested to him that he had turned his

sentence well; and he fell into a reverie; in which the old thoughts

that were always hovering dust outside the doors guarded by Common

Sense; and watching for a chance to squeeze in; knowing perfectly

well they would be ignominiously kicked out again as soon as Common

Sense saw them; flocked in pell…mell;misty; fragmentary; vague;

half…ashamed of themselves; but still shouldering up against his

inner consciousness till it warmed with their contact:John

Wilkes'sthe ugliest man's in Englandsaying; that with half…an…

hour's start he would cut out the handsomest man in all the land in

any woman's good graces; Cadenusold and savageleading captive

Stella and Vanessa; and then the stray line of a ballad; 〃And a

winning tongue had he;〃as much as to say; it is n't looks; after

all; but cunning words; that win our Eves over;just as of old when

it was the worst…looking brute of the lot that got our grandmother to

listen to his stuff and so did the mischief。

Ah; dear me!  We rehearse the part of Hercules with his club;

subjugating man and woman in our fancy; the first by the weight of

it; and the second by our handling of it;we rehearse it; I say; by

our own hearth…stones; with the cold poker as our club; and the

exercise is easy。  But when we come to real life; the poker is in the

fore; and; ten to one; if we would grasp it; we find it too hot to

hold;lucky for us; if it is not white…hot; and we do not have to

leave the skin of our hands sticking to it when we fling it down or

drop it with a loud or silent cry!

I am frightened when I find into what a labyrinth of human

character and feeling I am winding。  I meant to tell my thoughts; and

to throw in a few studies of manner and costume as they pictured

themselves for me from day to day。  Chance has thrown together at the

table with me a number of persons who are worth studying; and I mean

not only to look on them; but; if I can; through them。  You can get

any man's or woman's secret; whose sphere is circumscribed by your

own; if you will only look patiently on them long enough。  Nature is

always applying her reagents to character; if you will take the pains

to watch her。  Our studies of character; to change the image; are

very much like the surveyor's triangulation of a geographical

province。  We get a base…line in organization; always; then we get an

angle by sighting some distant object to which the passions or

aspirations of the subject of our observation are tending; then

another;and so we construct our first triangle。  Once fix a man's

ideals; and for the most part the rest is easy。  A wants to die worth

half a million。  Good。  B (female) wants to catch him;and outlive

him。  All right。  Minor details at our leisure。

What is it; of all your experiences; of all your thoughts; of all

your misdoings; that lies at the very bottom of the great heap of

acts of consciousness which make up your past life?  What should you

most di
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