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the professor at the breakfast table-第22部分

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the blood of empire out of the dugs of a brute; Sir!  The Milesian

wet…nurse is only a convenient vessel through which the American

infant gets the life…blood of this virgin soil; Sir; that is making

man over again; on the sunset pattern!  You don't think what we are

doing and going to do here。  Why; Sir; while commentators are

bothering themselves with interpretation of prophecies; we have got

the new heavens and the new earth over us and under us!  Was there

ever anything in Italy; I should like to know; like a Boston sunset?

This time there was a laugh; and the little man himself almost


Yes;Boston sunsets;perhaps they're as good in some other places;

but I know 'em best here。  Anyhow; the American skies are different

from anything they see in the Old World。  Yes; and the rocks are

different; and the soil is different; and everything that comes out

of the soil; from grass up to Indians; is different。  And now that

the provisional races are dying out…

What do you mean by the provisional races; Sir?said the divinity…

student; interrupting him。

Why; the aboriginal bipeds; to be sure;he answered;the red…crayon

sketch of humanity laid on the canvas before the colors for the real

manhood were ready。

I hope they will come to something yet;said the divinity…student。

Irreclaimable; Sir;irreclaimable!said the Little Gentleman。

Cheaper to breed white men than domesticate a nation of red ones。

When you can get the bitter out of the partridge's thigh; you can

make an enlightened commonwealth of Indians。  A provisional race;

Sir;nothing more。  Exhaled carbonic acid for the use of vegetation;

kept down the bears and catamounts; enjoyed themselves in scalping

and being scalped; and then passed away or are passing away;

according to the programme。

Well; Sir; these races dying out; the white man has to acclimate

himself。  It takes him a good while; but he will come all right by…

and…by; Sir;as sound as a woodchuck;as sound as a musquash!

A new nursery; Sir; with Lake Superior and Huron and all the rest of

'em for wash…basins!  A new race; and a whole new world for the new…

born human soul to work in!  And Boston is the brain of it; and has

been any time these hundred years!  That's all I claim for Boston;

that it is the thinking centre of the continent; and therefore of the


And the grand emporium of modesty;said the divinity…student; a

little mischievously。

Oh; don't talk to me of modesty!answered the Little Gentleman;I

'm past that!  There is n't a thing that was ever said or done in

Boston; from pitching the tea overboard to the last ecclesiastical

lie it tore into tatters and flung into the dock; that was n't

thought very indelicate by some fool or tyrant or bigot; and all the

entrails of commercial and spiritual conservatism are twisted into

colics as often as this revolutionary brain of ours has a fit of

thinking come over it。 No; Sir;show me any other place that is;

or was since the megalosaurus has died out; where wealth and social

influence are so fairly divided between the stationary and the

progressive classes!  Show me any other place where every other

drawing…room is not a chamber of the Inquisition; with papas and

mammas for inquisitors;and the cold shoulder; instead of the 〃dry

pan and the gradual fire;〃 the punishment of 〃heresy〃!

We think Baltimore is a pretty civilized kind of a village;said

the young Marylander; good…naturedly。 But I suppose you can't

forgive it for always keeping a little ahead of Boston in point of

numbers;tell the truth now。  Are we not the centre of something?

Ah; indeed; to be sure you are。  You are the gastronomic metropolis

of the Union。  Why don't you put a canvas…back…duck on the top of the

Washington column?  Why don't you get that lady off from Battle

Monument and plant a terrapin in her place?  Why will you ask for

other glories when you have soft crabs?  No; Sir;you live too well

to think as hard as we do in Boston。  Logic comes to us with the

salt…fish of Cape Ann; rhetoric is born of the beans of Beverly; but

youif you open your mouths to speak; Nature stops them with a fat

oyster; or offers a slice of the breast of your divine bird; and

silences all your aspirations。

And what of Philadelphia?said the Marylander。

Oh; Philadelphia?Waterworks;killed by the Croton and Cochituate;…

…Ben Franklin;borrowed from Boston;David Rittenhouse;made an

orrery;Benjamin Rush;made a medical system;both interesting to

antiquarians;great Red…river raft of medical students;spontaneous

generation of professors to match;more widely known through the

Moyamensing hose…company; and the Wistar parties;…for geological

section of social strata; go to The Club。 Good place to live in;

first…rate market;tip…top peaches。 What do we know about

Philadelphia; except that the engine…companies are always shooting

each other?

And what do you say to New York?asked the Koh…i…noor。

A great city; Sir;replied the Little Gentleman;a very opulent;

splendid city。  A point of transit of much that is remarkable; and of

permanence for much that is respectable。  A great money…centre。  San

Francisco with the mines above…ground;and some of 'em under the

sidewalks。  I have seen next to nothing grandiose; out of New York;

in all our cities。  It makes 'em all look paltry and petty。  Has many

elements of civilization。  May stop where Venice did; though; for

aught we know。 The order of its development is just this:Wealth;

architecture; upholstery; painting; sculpture。  Printing; as a

mechanical art;just as Nicholas Jepson and the Aldi; who were

scholars too; made Venice renowned for it。  Journalism; which is the

accident of business and crowded populations; in great perfection。

Venice got as far as Titian and Paul Veronese and Tintoretto;great

colorists; mark you; magnificent on the flesh…and…blood side of Art;…

…but look over to Florence and see who lie in Santa Crocea; and ask

out of whose loins Dante sprung!

Oh; yes; to be sure; Venice built her Ducal Palace; and her Church of

St。 Mark; and her Casa d' Or; and the rest of her golden houses; and

Venice had great pictures and good music; and Venice had a Golden

Book; in which all the large tax…payers had their names written;but

all that did not make Venice the brain of Italy。

I tell you what; Sir;with all these magnificent appliances of

civilization; it is time we began to hear something from the djinnis

donee whose names are on the Golden Book of our sumptuous; splendid;

marble…placed Venice;something in the higher walks of literature;

something in the councils of the nation。  Plenty of Art; I grant you;

Sir; now; then; for vast libraries; and for mighty scholars and

thinkers and statesmen;five for every Boston one; as the population

is to ours;ten to one more properly; in virtue of centralizing

attraction as the alleged metropolis; and not call our people

provincials; and have to come b
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