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the professor at the breakfast table-第18部分

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suddenly; and he lay still; with open eyes and mouth。  He had taken

his last degree。

Little Miss Iris could not be said to begin life with a very

brilliant rainbow over her; in a worldly point of view。  A limited

wardrobe of man's attire; such as poor tutors wear;a few good

books; principally classics;a print or two; and a plaster model of

the Pantheon; with some pieces of furniture which had seen service;

these; and a child's heart full of tearful recollections and strange

doubts and questions; alternating with the cheap pleasures which are

the anodynes of childish grief; such were the treasures she

inherited。 No;I forgot。  With that kindly sentiment which all of

us feel for old men's first children;frost…flowers of the early

winter season; the old tutor's students had remembered him at a time

when he was laughing and crying with his new parental emotions; and

running to the side of the plain crib in which his alter egg; as he

used to say; was swinging; to hang over the little heap of stirring

clothes; from which looked the minute; red; downy; still; round face;

with unfixed eyes and working lips;in that unearthly gravity which

has never yet been broken by a smile; and which gives to the earliest

moon…year or two of an infant's life the character of a first old

age; to counterpoise that second childhood which there is one chance

in a dozen it may reach by and by。  The boys had remembered the old

man and young father at that tender period of his hard; dry life。

There came to him a fair; silver goblet; embossed with classical

figures; and bearing on a shield the graver words; Ex dono

pupillorum。  The handle on its side showed what use the boys had

meant it for; and a kind letter in it; written with the best of

feeling; in the worst of Latin; pointed delicately to its

destination。  Out of this silver vessel; after a long; desperate;

strangling cry; which marked her first great lesson in the realities

of life; the child took the blue milk; such as poor tutors and their

children get; tempered with water; and sweetened a little; so as to

bring it nearer the standard established by the touching indulgence

and partiality of Nature;who had mingled an extra allowance of

sugar in the blameless food of the child at its mother's breast; as

compared with that of its infant brothers and sisters of the bovine


But a willow will grow in baked sand wet with rainwater。  An air…

plant will grow by feeding on the winds。  Nay; those huge forests

that overspread great continents have built themselves up mainly from

the air…currents with which they are always battling。  The oak is but

a foliated atmospheric crystal deposited from the aerial ocean that

holds the future vegetable world in solution。  The storm that tears

its leaves has paid tribute to its strength; and it breasts the

tornado clad in the spoils of a hundred hurricanes。

Poor little Iris!  What had she in common with the great oak in the

shadow of which we are losing sight of her?She lived and grew like

that;this was all。  The blue milk ran into her veins and filled

them with thin; pure blood。  Her skin was fair; with a faint tinge;

such as the white rosebud shows before it opens。  The doctor who had

attended her father was afraid her aunt would hardly be able to

〃raise 〃 her;〃delicate child;〃hoped she was not consumptive;

thought there was a fair chance she would take after her father。

A very forlorn…looking person; dressed in black; with a white

neckcloth; sent her a memoir of a child who died at the age of two

years and eleven months; after having fully indorsed all the

doctrines of the particular persuasion to which he not only belonged

himself; but thought it very shameful that everybody else did not

belong。  What with foreboding looks and dreary death…bed stories; it

was a wonder the child made out to live through it。  It saddened her

early years; of course;it distressed her tender soul with thoughts

which; as they cannot be fully taken in; should be sparingly used as

instruments of torture to break down the natural cheerfulness of a

healthy child; or; what is infinitely worse; to cheat a dying one out

of the kind illusions with which the Father of All has strewed its

downward path。

The child would have died; no doubt; and; if properly managed; might

have added another to the long catalogue of wasting children who have

been as cruelly played upon by spiritual physiologists; often with

the best intentions; as ever the subject of a rare disease by the

curious students of science。

Fortunately for her; however; a wise instinct had guided the late

Latin tutor in the selection of the partner of his life; and the

future mother of his child。  The deceased tutoress was a tranquil;

smooth woman; easily nourished; as such people are;a quality which

is inestimable in a tutor's wife;and so it happened that the

daughter inherited enough vitality from the mother to live through

childhood and infancy and fight her way towards womanhood; in spite

of the tendencies she derived from her other parent。

Two and two do not always make four; in this matter of hereditary

descent of qualities。  Sometimes they make three; and sometimes five。

It seems as if the parental traits at one time showed separate; at

another blended;that occasionally; the force of two natures is

represented in the derivative one by a diagonal of greater value than

either original line of living movement;that sometimes there is a

loss of vitality hardly to be accounted for; and again a forward

impulse of variable intensity in some new and unforeseen direction。

So it was with this child。  She had glanced off from her parental

probabilities at an unexpected angle。  Instead of taking to classical

learning like her father; or sliding quietly into household duties

like her mother; she broke out early in efforts that pointed in the

direction of Art。  As soon as she could hold a pencil she began to

sketch outlines of objects round her with a certain air and spirit。

Very extraordinary horses; but their legs looked as if they could

move。  Birds unknown to Audubon; yet flying; as it were; with a rush。

Men with impossible legs; which did yet seem to have a vital

connection with their most improbable bodies。  By…and…by the doctor;

on his beast;an old man with a face looking as if Time had kneaded

it like dough with his knuckles; with a rhubarb tint and flavor

pervading himself and his sorrel horse and all their appurtenances。

A dreadful old man!  Be sure she did not forget those saddle…bags

that held the detestable bottles out of which he used to shake those

loathsome powders which; to virgin childish palates that find heaven

in strawberries and peaches; are Well; I suppose I had better stop。

Only she wished she was dead sometimes when she heard him coming。

On the next leaf would figure the gentleman with the black coat and

white cravat; as he looked when he came and entertained her with

stories con
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