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the professor at the breakfast table-第15部分

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Sophomores; a very quiet; peaceable fellow; just stepped out of the

crowd; and; running straight at the groom; as he stood there;

sparring away; struck him with the sole of his foot; a straight blow;

as if it had been with his fist; and knocked him heels over head and

senseless; so that he had to be carried off from the field。  This

ugly way of hitting is the great trick of the French gavate; which is

not commonly thought able to stand its ground against English

pugilistic science。  These are old recollections; with not much to

recommend them; except; perhaps; a dash of life; which may be worth a

little something。

The young Marylander brought them all up; you may remember。  He

recalled to my mind those two splendid pieces of vitality I told you

of。  Both have been long dead。 How often we see these great red…

flaring flambeaux of life blown out; as it were; by a puff of wind;

and the little; single…wicked night…lamp of being; which some

white…faced and attenuated invalid shades with trembling fingers;

flickering on while they go out one after another; until its glimmer

is all that is left to us of the generation to which it belonged!

I told you that I was perfectly sure; beforehand; we should find some

pleasing girlish or womanly shape to fill the blank at our table and

match the dark…haired youth at the upper corner。

There she sits; at the very opposite corner; just as far off as

accident could put her from this handsome fellow; by whose side she

ought; of course; to be sitting。  One of the 〃positive〃 blondes; as

my friend; you may remember; used to call them。  Tawny…haired;

amber…eyed; full…throated; skin as white as a blanched almond。  Looks

dreamy to me; not self…conscious; though a black ribbon round her

neck sets it off as a Marie…Antoinette's diamond…necklace could not

do。  So in her dress; there is a harmony of tints that looks as if an

artist had run his eye over her and given a hint or two like the

finishing touch to a picture。  I can't help being struck with her;

for she is at once rounded and fine in feature; looks calm; as

blondes are apt to; and as if she might run wild; if she were trifled

with。  It is just as I knew it would be;and anybody can see that

our young Marylander will be dead in love with her in a week。

Then if that little man would only turn out immensely rich and have

the good…nature to die and leave them all his money; it would be as

nice as a three…volume novel。

The Little Gentleman is in a flurry; I suspect; with the excitement

of having such a charming neighbor next him。  I judge so mainly by

his silence and by a certain rapt and serious look on his face; as if

he were thinking of something that had happened; or that might

happen; or that ought to happen;or how beautiful her young life

looked; or how hardly Nature had dealt with him; or something which

struck him silent; at any rate。  I made several conversational

openings for him; but he did not fire up as he often does。  I even

went so far as to indulge in; a fling at the State House; which; as

we all know; is in truth a very imposing structure; covering less

ground than St。 Peter's; but of similar general effect。  The little

man looked up; but did not reply to my taunt。  He said to the young

lady; however; that the State House was the Parthenon of our

Acropolis; which seemed to please her; for she smiled; and he

reddened a little;so I thought。  I don't think it right to watch

persons who are the subjects of special infirmity;but we all do it。

I see that they have crowded the chairs a little at that end of the

table; to make room for another newcomer of the lady sort。  A well…

mounted; middle…aged preparation; wearing her hair without a cap;

pretty wide in the parting; though;contours vaguely hinted;

features very quiet;says little as yet; but seems to keep her eye

on the young lady; as if having some responsibility for her

My record is a blank for some days after this。  In the mean time I

have contrived to make out the person and the story of our young

lady; who; according to appearances; ought to furnish us a heroine

for a boarding…house romance before a year is out。  It is very

curious that she should prove connected with a person many of us have

heard of。  Yet; curious as it is; I have been a hundred times struck

with the circumstance that the most remote facts are constantly

striking each other; just as vessels starting from ports thousands of

miles apart pass close to each other in the naked breadth of the

ocean; nay; sometimes even touch; in the dark; with a crack of

timbers; a gurgling of water; a cry of startled sleepers;a cry

mysteriously echoed in warning dreams; as the wife of some Gloucester

fisherman; some coasting skipper; wakes with a shriek; calls the name

of her husband; and sinks back to uneasy slumbers upon her lonely

pillow;a widow。

Oh; these mysterious meetings!  Leaving all the vague; waste; endless

spaces of the washing desert; the ocean…steamer and the fishing…smack

sail straight towards each other as if they ran in grooves ploughed

for them in the waters from the beginning of creation!  Not only

things and events; but our own thoughts; are so full of these

surprises; that; if there were a reader in my parish who did not

recognize the familiar occurrence of what I am now going to mention;

I should think it a case for the missionaries of the Society for the

Propagation of Intelligence among the Comfortable Classes。

There are about as many twins in the births of thought as of

children。  For the first time in your lives you learn some fact or

come across some idea。  Within an hour; a day; a week; that same fact

or idea strikes you from another quarter。  It seems as if it had

passed into space and bounded back upon you as an echo from the blank

wall that shuts in the world of thought。  Yet no possible connection

exists between the two channels by which the thought or the fact

arrived。  Let me give an infinitesimal illustration。

One of the Boys mentioned; the other evening; in the course of a very

pleasant poem he read us; a little trick of the Commons…table

boarders; which I; nourished at the parental board; had never heard

of。  Young fellows being always hungryAllow me to stop dead…short;

in order to utter an aphorism which has been forming itself in one of

the blank interior spaces of my intelligence; like a crystal in the

cavity of a geode。

               Aphorism by the Professor。

In order to know whether a human being is young or old; offer it food

of different kinds at short intervals。  If young; it will eat

anything at any hour of the day or night。  If old; it observes stated

periods; and you might as well attempt to regulate the time of

highwater to suit a fishing…party as to change these periods。

The crucial experiment is this。  Offer a bulky and boggy bun to the

suspected individual just ten minutes before dinner。  If this is

eagerly accepted and devoured; the f
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