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on sophistical refutations-第6部分

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grant if he were asked。 Of course; in some cases the moment we add the

missing question; we also show up its falsity; e。g。 in fallacies

that depend on language and on solecism。 If then; fallacious proofs of

the contradictory of a thesis depend on their appearing to refute;

it is clear that the considerations on which both proofs of false

conclusions and an apparent refutation depend must be the same in

number。 Now an apparent refutation depends upon the elements

involved in a genuine one: for the failure of one or other of these

must make the refutation merely apparent; e。g。 that which depends on

the failure of the conclusion to follow from the argument (the

argument ad impossible) and that which treats two questions as one and

so depends upon a flaw in the premiss; and that which depends on the

substitution of an accident for an essential attribute; and…a branch

of the last…that which depends upon the consequent: more over; the

conclusion may follow not in fact but only verbally: then; instead

of proving the contradictory universally and in the same respect and

relation and manner; the fallacy may be dependent on some limit of

extent or on one or other of these qualifications: moreover; there

is the assumption of the original point to be proved; in violation

of the clause 'without reckoning in the original point'。 Thus we

should have the number of considerations on which the fallacious

proofs depend: for they could not depend on more; but all will

depend on the points aforesaid。

  A sophistical refutation is a refutation not absolutely but

relatively to some one: and so is a proof; in the same way。 For unless

that which depends upon ambiguity assumes that the ambiguous term

has a single meaning; and that which depends on like verbal forms

assumes that substance is the only category; and the rest in the

same way; there will be neither refutations nor proofs; either

absolutely or relatively to the answerer: whereas if they do assume

these things; they will stand; relatively to the answerer; but

absolutely they will not stand: for they have not secured a

statement that does have a single meaning; but only one that appears

to have; and that only from this particular man。


  The number of considerations on which depend the refutations of

those who are refuted; we ought not to try to grasp without a

knowledge of everything that is。 This; however; is not the province of

any special study: for possibly the sciences are infinite in number;

so that obviously demonstrations may be infinite too。 Now

refutations may be true as well as false: for whenever it is

possible to demonstrate something; it is also possible to refute the

man who maintains the contradictory of the truth; e。g。 if a man has

stated that the diagonal is commensurate with the side of the

square; one might refute him by demonstrating that it is

incommensurate。 Accordingly; to exhaust all possible refutations we

shall have to have scientific knowledge of everything: for some

refutations depend upon the principles that rule in geometry and the

conclusions that follow from these; others upon those that rule in

medicine; and others upon those of the other sciences。 For the

matter of that; the false refutations likewise belong to the number of

the infinite: for according to every art there is false proof; e。g。

according to geometry there is false geometrical proof; and

according to medicine there is false medical proof。 By 'according to

the art'; I mean 'according to the principles of it'。 Clearly; then;

it is not of all refutations; but only of those that depend upon

dialectic that we need to grasp the common…place rules: for these

stand in a common relation to every art and faculty。 And as regards

the refutation that is according to one or other of the particular

sciences it is the task of that particular scientist to examine

whether it is merely apparent without being real; and; if it be

real; what is the reason for it: whereas it is the business of

dialecticians so to examine the refutation that proceeds from the

common first principles that fall under no particular special study。

For if we grasp the startingpoints of the accepted proofs on any

subject whatever we grasp those of the refutations current on that

subject。 For a refutation is the proof of the contradictory of a given

thesis; so that either one or two proofs of the contradictory

constitute a refutation。 We grasp; then; the number of

considerations on which all such depend: if; however; we grasp this;

we also grasp their solutions as well; for the objections to these are

the solutions of them。 We also grasp the number of considerations on

which those refutations depend; that are merely apparent…apparent; I

mean; not to everybody; but to people of a certain stamp; for it is an

indefinite task if one is to inquire how many are the considerations

that make them apparent to the man in the street。 Accordingly it is

clear that the dialectician's business is to be able to grasp on how

many considerations depends the formation; through the common first

principles; of a refutation that is either real or apparent; i。e。

either dialectical or apparently dialectical; or suitable for an



  It is no true distinction between arguments which some people draw

when they say that some arguments are directed against the expression;

and others against the thought expressed: for it is absurd to

suppose that some arguments are directed against the expression and

others against the thought; and that they are not the same。 For what

is failure to direct an argument against the thought except what

occurs whenever a man does not in using the expression think it to

be used in his question in the same sense in which the person

questioned granted it? And this is the same thing as to direct the

argument against the expression。 On the other hand; it is directed

against the thought whenever a man uses the expression in the same

sense which the answerer had in mind when he granted it。 If now any

(i。e。 both the questioner and the person questioned); in dealing

with an expression with more than one meaning; were to suppose it to

have one meaning…as e。g。 it may be that 'Being' and 'One' have many

meanings; and yet both the answerer answers and the questioner puts

his question supposing it to be one; and the argument is to the effect

that 'All things are one'…will this discussion be directed any more

against the expression than against the thought of the person

questioned? If; on the other hand; one of them supposes the expression

to have many meanings; it is clear that such a discussion will not

be directed against the thought。 Such being the 
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