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on sophistical refutations-第20部分

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examination dialectically but also with a show of knowledge; we

therefore proposed for our treatise not only the aforesaid aim of

being able to exact an account of any view; but also the aim of

ensuring that in standing up to an argument we shall defend our thesis

in the same manner by means of views as generally held as possible。

The reason of this we have explained; for this; too; was why

Socrates used to ask questions and not to answer them; for he used

to confess that he did not know。 We have made clear; in the course

of what precedes; the number both of the points with reference to

which; and of the materials from which; this will be accomplished; and

also from what sources we can become well supplied with these: we have

shown; moreover; how to question or arrange the questioning as a

whole; and the problems concerning the answers and solutions to be

used against the reasonings of the questioner。 We have also cleared up

the problems concerning all other matters that belong to the same

inquiry into arguments。 In addition to this we have been through the

subject of Fallacies; as we have already stated above。

  That our programme; then; has been adequately completed is clear。

But we must not omit to notice what has happened in regard to this

inquiry。 For in the case of all discoveries the results of previous

labours that have been handed down from others have been advanced

bit by bit by those who have taken them on; whereas the original

discoveries generally make advance that is small at first though

much more useful than the development which later springs out of them。

For it may be that in everything; as the saying is; 'the first start

is the main part': and for this reason also it is the most

difficult; for in proportion as it is most potent in its influence; so

it is smallest in its compass and therefore most difficult to see:

whereas when this is once discovered; it is easier to add and

develop the remainder in connexion with it。 This is in fact what has

happened in regard to rhetorical speeches and to practically all the

other arts: for those who discovered the beginnings of them advanced

them in all only a little way; whereas the celebrities of to…day are

the heirs (so to speak) of a long succession of men who have

advanced them bit by bit; and so have developed them to their

present form; Tisias coming next after the first founders; then

Thrasymachus after Tisias; and Theodorus next to him; while several

people have made their several contributions to it: and therefore it

is not to be wondered at that the art has attained considerable

dimensions。 Of this inquiry; on the other hand; it was not the case

that part of the work had been thoroughly done before; while part

had not。 Nothing existed at all。 For the training given by the paid

professors of contentious arguments was like the treatment of the

matter by Gorgias。 For they used to hand out speeches to be learned by

heart; some rhetorical; others in the form of question and answer;

each side supposing that their arguments on either side generally fall

among them。 And therefore the teaching they gave their pupils was

ready but rough。 For they used to suppose that they trained people

by imparting to them not the art but its products; as though any one

professing that he would impart a form of knowledge to obviate any

pain in the feet; were then not to teach a man the art of

shoe…making or the sources whence he can acquire anything of the kind;

but were to present him with several kinds of shoes of all sorts:

for he has helped him to meet his need; but has not imparted an art to

him。 Moreover; on the subject of Rhetoric there exists much that has

been said long ago; whereas on the subject of reasoning we had nothing

else of an earlier date to speak of at all; but were kept at work

for a long time in experimental researches。 If; then; it seems to

you after inspection that; such being the situation as it existed at

the start; our investigation is in a satisfactory condition compared

with the other inquiries that have been developed by tradition;

there must remain for all of you; or for our students; the task of

extending us your pardon for the shortcomings of the inquiry; and

for the discoveries thereof your warm thanks。

                                   …THE END…

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