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on sophistical refutations-第1部分

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                           ON SOPHISTICAL REFUTATIONS

                                  by Aristotle

                     translated by W。 A。 Pickard…Cambridge

                              Book I


  LET us now discuss sophistic refutations; i。e。 what appear to be

refutations but are really fallacies instead。 We will begin in the

natural order with the first。

  That some reasonings are genuine; while others seem to be so but are

not; is evident。 This happens with arguments; as also elsewhere;

through a certain likeness between the genuine and the sham。 For

physically some people are in a vigorous condition; while others

merely seem to be so by blowing and rigging themselves out as the

tribesmen do their victims for sacrifice; and some people are

beautiful thanks to their beauty; while others seem to be so; by

dint of embellishing themselves。 So it is; too; with inanimate things;

for of these; too; some are really silver and others gold; while

others are not and merely seem to be such to our sense; e。g。 things

made of litharge and tin seem to be of silver; while those made of

yellow metal look golden。 In the same way both reasoning and

refutation are sometimes genuine; sometimes not; though inexperience

may make them appear so: for inexperienced people obtain only; as it

were; a distant view of these things。 For reasoning rests on certain

statements such that they involve necessarily the assertion of

something other than what has been stated; through what has been

stated: refutation is reasoning involving the contradictory of the

given conclusion。 Now some of them do not really achieve this;

though they seem to do so for a number of reasons; and of these the

most prolific and usual domain is the argument that turns upon names

only。 It is impossible in a discussion to bring in the actual things

discussed: we use their names as symbols instead of them; and

therefore we suppose that what follows in the names; follows in the

things as well; just as people who calculate suppose in regard to

their counters。 But the two cases (names and things) are not alike。

For names are finite and so is the sum…total of formulae; while things

are infinite in number。 Inevitably; then; the same formulae; and a

single name; have a number of meanings。 Accordingly just as; in

counting; those who are not clever in manipulating their counters

are taken in by the experts; in the same way in arguments too those

who are not well acquainted with the force of names misreason both

in their own discussions and when they listen to others。 For this

reason; then; and for others to be mentioned later; there exists

both reasoning and refutation that is apparent but not real。 Now for

some people it is better worth while to seem to be wise; than to be

wise without seeming to be (for the art of the sophist is the

semblance of wisdom without the reality; and the sophist is one who

makes money from an apparent but unreal wisdom); for them; then; it is

clearly essential also to seem to accomplish the task of a wise man

rather than to accomplish it without seeming to do so。 To reduce it to

a single point of contrast it is the business of one who knows a

thing; himself to avoid fallacies in the subjects which he knows and

to be able to show up the man who makes them; and of these

accomplishments the one depends on the faculty to render an answer;

and the other upon the securing of one。 Those; then; who would be

sophists are bound to study the class of arguments aforesaid: for it

is worth their while: for a faculty of this kind will make a man

seem to be wise; and this is the purpose they happen to have in view。

  Clearly; then; there exists a class of arguments of this kind; and

it is at this kind of ability that those aim whom we call sophists。

Let us now go on to discuss how many kinds there are of sophistical

arguments; and how many in number are the elements of which this

faculty is composed; and how many branches there happen to be of

this inquiry; and the other factors that contribute to this art。


  Of arguments in dialogue form there are four classes:

  Didactic; Dialectical; Examination…arguments; and Contentious

arguments。 Didactic arguments are those that reason from the

principles appropriate to each subject and not from the opinions

held by the answerer (for the learner should take things on trust):

dialectical arguments are those that reason from premisses generally

accepted; to the contradictory of a given thesis:

examination…arguments are those that reason from premisses which are

accepted by the answerer and which any one who pretends to possess

knowledge of the subject is bound to know…in what manner; has been

defined in another treatise: contentious arguments are those that

reason or appear to reason to a conclusion from premisses that

appear to be generally accepted but are not so。 The subject; then;

of demonstrative arguments has been discussed in the Analytics;

while that of dialectic arguments and examination…arguments has been

discussed elsewhere: let us now proceed to speak of the arguments used

in competitions and contests。


  First we must grasp the number of aims entertained by those who

argue as competitors and rivals to the death。 These are five in

number; refutation; fallacy; paradox; solecism; and fifthly to

reduce the opponent in the discussion to babbling…i。e。 to constrain

him to repeat himself a number of times: or it is to produce the

appearance of each of these things without the reality。 For they

choose if possible plainly to refute the other party; or as the second

best to show that he is committing some fallacy; or as a third best to

lead him into paradox; or fourthly to reduce him to solecism; i。e。

to make the answerer; in consequence of the argument; to use an

ungrammatical expression; or; as a last resort; to make him repeat



  There are two styles of refutation: for some depend on the

language used; while some are independent of language。 Those ways of

producing the false appearance of an argument which depend on language

are six in number: they are ambiguity; amphiboly; combination;

division of words; accent; form of expression。 Of this we may assure

ourselves both by induction; and by syllogistic proof based on

this…and it may be on other assumptions as well…that this is the

number of ways in which we might fall to mean the same thing by the

same names or expressions。 Arguments such as the following depend upon

ambiguity。 'Those learn who know: for it is those who know their

letters who learn the letter
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