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cousin betty-第9部分

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salary in your hands; and I will make a fortune for Hortense; and some
savings for the future; in business。〃

The wife's deep belief in her husband's power and superior talents; in
his capabilities and character; had; in fact; for the moment allayed
her anxiety。

What the Baroness' reflections and tears were after Crevel's departure
may now be clearly imagined。 The poor woman had for two years past
known that she was at the bottom of a pit; but she had fancied herself
alone in it。 How her son's marriage had been finally arranged she had
not known; she had known nothing of Hector's connection with the
grasping Jewess; and; above all; she hoped that no one in the world
knew anything of her troubles。 Now; if Crevel went about so ready to
talk of the Baron's excesses; Hector's reputation would suffer。 She
could see; under the angry ex…perfumer's coarse harangue; the odious
gossip behind the scenes which led to her son's marriage。 Two
reprobate hussies had been the priestesses of this union planned at
some orgy amid the degrading familiarities of two tipsy old sinners。

〃And has he forgotten Hortense!〃 she wondered。

〃But he sees her every day; will he try to find her a husband among
his good…for…nothing sluts?〃

At this moment it was the mother that spoke rather than the wife; for
she saw Hortense laughing with her Cousin Bettythe reckless laughter
of heedless youth; and she knew that such hysterical laughter was
quite as distressing a symptom as the tearful reverie of solitary
walks in the garden。

Hortense was like her mother; with golden hair that waved naturally;
and was amazingly long and thick。 Her skin had the lustre of mother…
of…pearl。 She was visibly the offspring of a true marriage; of a pure
and noble love in its prime。 There was a passionate vitality in her
countenance; a brilliancy of feature; a full fount of youth; a fresh
vigor and abundance of health; which radiated from her with electric
flashes。 Hortense invited the eye。

When her eye; of deep ultramarine blue; liquid with the moisture of
innocent youth; rested on a passer…by; he was involuntarily thrilled。
Nor did a single freckle mar her skin; such as those with which many a
white and golden maid pays toll for her milky whiteness。 Tall; round
without being fat; with a slender dignity as noble as her mother's;
she really deserved the name of goddess; of which old authors were so
lavish。 In fact; those who saw Hortense in the street could hardly
restrain the exclamation; 〃What a beautiful girl!〃

She was so genuinely innocent; that she could say to her mother:

〃What do they mean; mamma; by calling me a beautiful girl when I am
with you? Are not you much handsomer than I am?〃

And; in point of fact; at seven…and…forty the Baroness might have been
preferred to her daughter by amateurs of sunset beauty; for she had
not yet lost any of her charms; by one of those phenomena which are
especially rare in Paris; where Ninon was regarded as scandalous;
simply because she thus seemed to enjoy such an unfair advantage over
the plainer women of the seventeenth century。

Thinking of her daughter brought her back to the father; she saw him
sinking by degrees; day after day; down to the social mire; and even
dismissed some day from his appointment。 The idea of her idol's fall;
with a vague vision of the disasters prophesied by Crevel; was such a
terror to the poor woman; that she became rapt in the contemplation
like an ecstatic。

Cousin Betty; from time to time; as she chatted with Hortense; looked
round to see when they might return to the drawing…room; but her young
cousin was pelting her with questions; and at the moment when the
Baroness opened the glass door she did not happen to be looking。

Lisbeth Fischer; though the daughter of the eldest of the three
brothers; was five years younger than Madame Hulot; she was far from
being as handsome as her cousin; and had been desperately jealous of
Adeline。 Jealousy was the fundamental passion of this character;
marked by eccentricitiesa word invented by the English to describe
the craziness not of the asylum; but of respectable households。 A
native of the Vosges; a peasant in the fullest sense of the word;
lean; brown; with shining black hair and thick eyebrows joining in a
tuft; with long; strong arms; thick feet; and some moles on her narrow
simian facesuch is a brief description of the elderly virgin。

The family; living all under one roof; had sacrificed the common…
looking girl to the beauty; the bitter fruit to the splendid flower。
Lisbeth worked in the fields; while her cousin was indulged; and one
day; when they were alone together; she had tried to destroy Adeline's
nose; a truly Greek nose; which the old mothers admired。 Though she
was beaten for this misdeed; she persisted nevertheless in tearing the
favorite's gowns and crumpling her collars。

At the time of Adeline's wonderful marriage; Lisbeth had bowed to
fate; as Napoleon's brothers and sisters bowed before the splendor of
the throne and the force of authority。

Adeline; who was extremely sweet and kind; remembered Lisbeth when she
found herself in Paris; and invited her there in 1809; intending to
rescue her from poverty by finding her a husband。 But seeing that it
was impossible to marry the girl out of hand; with her black eyes and
sooty brows; unable; too; to read or write; the Baron began by
apprenticing her to a business; he placed her as a learner with the
embroiderers to the Imperial Court; the well…known Pons Brothers。

Lisbeth; called Betty for short; having learned to embroider in gold
and silver; and possessing all the energy of a mountain race; had
determination enough to learn to read; write; and keep accounts; for
her cousin the Baron had pointed out the necessity for these
accomplishments if she hoped to set up in business as an embroiderer。

She was bent on making a fortune; in two years she was another
creature。 In 1811 the peasant woman had become a very presentable;
skilled; and intelligent forewoman。

Her department; that of gold and silver lace…work; as it is called;
included epaulettes; sword…knots; aiguillettes; in short; the immense
mass of glittering ornaments that sparkled on the rich uniforms of the
French army and civil officials。 The Emperor; a true Italian in his
love of dress; had overlaid the coats of all his servants with silver
and gold; and the Empire included a hundred and thirty…three
Departments。 These ornaments; usually supplied to tailors who were
solvent and wealthy paymasters; were a very secure branch of trade。

Just when Cousin Betty; the best hand in the house of Pons Brothers;
where she was forewoman of the embroidery department; might have set
up in business on her own account; the Empire collapsed。 The olive…
branch of peace held out by the Bourbons did not reassure Lisbeth; she
feared a diminution of this branch of trade; since henceforth there
were to be but eighty…six Departments to plunder; instead of a hundred
and thirty…three; to say nothing of the immense reduction of the army。
Utterly scared by the ups and downs of industry; she refused the
Baron's offers of help; and he though
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