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cousin betty-第79部分

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Valerie shot a flash from her eye which would have killed him on the
spot if looks could effect the vengeance they express。 The police…
officer smiled; he had laid a snare; and the woman had fallen into it。
Marneffe desired his wife to go into the other room and clothe herself
decently; for he and the Baron had come to an agreement on all points;
and Hulot fetched his dressing…gown and came out again。

〃Gentlemen;〃 said he to the two officials; 〃I need not impress on you
to be secret。〃

The functionaries bowed。

The police…officer rapped twice on the door; his clerk came in; sat
down at the 〃bonheur…du…jour;〃 and wrote what the constable dictated
to him in an undertone。 Valerie still wept vehemently。 When she was
dressed; Hulot went into the other room and put on his clothes。
Meanwhile the report was written。

Marneffe then wanted to take his wife home; but Hulot; believing that
he saw her for the last time; begged the favor of being allowed to
speak with her。

〃Monsieur; your wife has cost me dear enough for me to be allowed to
say good…bye to herin the presence of you all; of course。〃

Valerie went up to Hulot; and he whispered in her ear:

〃There is nothing left for us but to fly; but how can we correspond?
We have been betrayed〃

〃Through Reine;〃 she answered。 〃But my dear friend; after this scandal
we can never meet again。 I am disgraced。 Besides; you will hear
dreadful things about meyou will believe them〃

The Baron made a gesture of denial。

〃You will believe them; and I can thank God for that; for then perhaps
you will not regret me。〃

〃He will /not/ die a second…class clerk!〃 said Marneffe to Hulot; as
he led his wife away; saying roughly; 〃Come; madame; if I am foolish
to you; I do not choose to be a fool to others。〃

Valerie left the house; Crevel's Eden; with a last glance at the
Baron; so cunning that he thought she adored him。 The Justice of the
Peace gave Madame Marneffe his arm to the hackney coach with a
flourish of gallantry。 The Baron; who was required to witness the
report; remained quite bewildered; alone with the police…officer。 When
the Baron had signed; the officer looked at him keenly; over his

〃You are very sweet on the little lady; Monsieur le Baron?〃

〃To my sorrow; as you see。〃

〃Suppose that she does not care for you?〃 the man went on; 〃that she
is deceiving you?〃

〃I have long known that; monsieurhere; in this very spot; Monsieur
Crevel and I told each other〃

〃Oh! Then you knew that you were in Monsieur le Maire's private


The constable lightly touched his hat with a respectful gesture。

〃You are very much in love;〃 said he。 〃I say no more。 I respect an
inveterate passion; as a doctor respects an inveterate complaint。I
saw Monsieur de Nucingen; the banker; attacked in the same way〃

〃He is a friend of mine;〃 said the Baron。 〃Many a time have I supped
with his handsome Esther。 She was worth the two million francs she
cost him。〃

〃And more;〃 said the officer。 〃That caprice of the old Baron's cost
four persons their lives。 Oh! such passions as these are like the

〃What had you to say to me?〃 asked the Baron; who took this indirect
warning very ill。

〃Oh! why should I deprive you of your illusions?〃 replied the officer。
〃Men rarely have any left at your age!〃

〃Rid me of them!〃 cried the Councillor。

〃You will curse the physician later;〃 replied the officer; smiling。

〃I beg of you; monsieur。〃

〃Well; then; that woman was in collusion with her husband。〃


〃Yes; sir; and so it is in two cases out of every ten。 Oh! we know it

〃What proof have you of such a conspiracy?〃

〃In the first place; the husband!〃 said the other; with the calm
acumen of a surgeon practised in unbinding wounds。 〃Mean speculation
is stamped in every line of that villainous face。 But you; no doubt;
set great store by a certain letter written by that woman with regard
to the child?〃

〃So much so; that I always have it about me;〃 replied Hulot; feeling
in his breast…pocket for the little pocketbook which he always kept

〃Leave your pocketbook where it is;〃 said the man; as crushing as a
thunder…clap。 〃Here is the letter。I now know all I want to know。
Madame Marneffe; of course; was aware of what that pocketbook

〃She alone in the world。〃

〃So I supposed。Now for the proof you asked for of her collusion with
her husband。〃

〃Let us hear!〃 said the Baron; still incredulous。

〃When we came in here; Monsieur le Baron; that wretched creature
Marneffe led the way; and he took up this letter; which his wife; no
doubt; had placed on this writing…table;〃 and he pointed to the
/bonheur…du…jour/。 〃That evidently was the spot agreed upon by the
couple; in case she should succeed in stealing the letter while you
were asleep; for this letter; as written to you by the lady; is;
combined with those you wrote to her; decisive evidence in a police…

He showed Hulot the note that Reine had delivered to him in his
private room at the office。

〃It is one of the documents in the case;〃 said the police…agent;
〃return it to me; monsieur。〃

〃Well; monsieur;〃 replied Hulot with bitter expression; 〃that woman is
profligacy itself in fixed ratios。 I am certain at this moment that
she has three lovers。〃

〃That is perfectly evident;〃 said the officer。 〃Oh; they are not all
on the streets! When a woman follows that trade in a carriage and a
drawing…room; and her own house; it is not a case for francs and
centimes; Monsieur le Baron。 Mademoiselle Esther; of whom you spoke;
and who poisoned herself; made away with millions。If you will take
my advice; you will get out of it; monsieur。 This last little game
will have cost you dear。 That scoundrel of a husband has the law on
his side。 And indeed; but for me; that little woman would have caught
you again!〃

〃Thank you; monsieur;〃 said the Baron; trying to maintain his dignity。

〃Now we will lock up; the farce is played out; and you can send your
key to Monsieur the Mayor。〃

Hulot went home in a state of dejection bordering on helplessness; and
sunk in the gloomiest thoughts。 He woke his noble and saintly wife;
and poured into her heart the history of the past three years; sobbing
like a child deprived of a toy。 This confession from an old man young
in feeling; this frightful and heart…rending narrative; while it
filled Adeline with pity; also gave her the greatest joy; she thanked
Heaven for this last catastrophe; for in fancy she saw the husband
settled at last in the bosom of his family。

〃Lisbeth was right;〃 said Madame Hulot gently and without any useless
recrimination; 〃she told us how it would be。〃

〃Yes。 If only I had listened to her; instead of flying into a rage;
that day when I wanted poor Hortense to go home rather than compromise
the reputation of thatOh! my dear Adeline; we must save Wenceslas。
He is up to his chin in that mire!〃

〃My poor old man; the respectable middle…classes have turned out no
better than the actresses;〃 said Adeline; with a smile。

The Baroness was alarmed at the change in her Hector; when she saw him
so unhappy; ailing; c
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