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cousin betty-第76部分

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  you have made for your Valerie; she is not; and never will be;
  ungrateful; you are; and will ever be; my only husband。 Think no
  more of the twelve hundred francs a year I asked you to settle on
  the dear little Hector who is to come some months hence; I will
  not cost you anything more。 And besides; my money will always be

  〃Oh; if you only loved me as I love you; my Hector; you would
  retire on your pension; we should both take leave of our family;
  our worries; our surroundings; so full of hatred; and we should go
  to live with Lisbeth in some pretty country placein Brittany; or
  wherever you like。 There we should see nobody; and we should be
  happy away from the world。 Your pension and the little property I
  can call my own would be enough for us。 You say you are jealous;
  well; you would then have your Valerie entirely devoted to her
  Hector; and you would never have to talk in a loud voice; as you
  did the other day。 I shall have but one childoursyou may be
  sure; my dearly loved old veteran。

  〃You cannot conceive of my fury; for you cannot know how he
  treated me; and the foul words he vomited on your Valerie。 Such
  words would disgrace my paper; a woman such as I amMontcornet's
  daughterought never to have heard one of them in her life。 I
  only wish you had been there; that I might have punished him with
  the sight of the mad passion I felt for you。 My father would have
  killed the wretch; I can only do as women dolove you devotedly!
  Indeed; my love; in the state of exasperation in which I am; I
  cannot possibly give up seeing you。 I must positively see you; in
  secret; every day! That is what we are; we women。 Your resentment
  is mine。 If you love me; I implore you; do not let him be
  promoted; leave him to die a second…class clerk。

  〃At this moment I have lost my head; I still seem to hear him
  abusing me。 Betty; who had meant to leave me; has pity on me; and
  will stay for a few days。

  〃My dear kind love; I do not know yet what is to be done。 I see
  nothing for it but flight。 I always delight in the country
  Brittany; Languedoc; what you will; so long as I am free to love
  you。 Poor dear; how I pity you! Forced now to go back to your old
  Adeline; to that lachrymal urnfor; as he no doubt told you; the
  monster means to watch me night and day; he spoke of a detective!
  Do not come here; he is capable of anything I know; since he could
  make use of me for the basest purposes of speculation。 I only wish
  I could return you all the things I have received from your

  〃Ah! my kind Hector; I may have flirted; and have seemed to you to
  be fickle; but you did not know your Valerie; she liked to tease
  you; but she loves you better than any one in the world。

  〃He cannot prevent your coming to see your cousin; I will arrange
  with her that we have speech with each other。 My dear old boy;
  write me just a line; pray; to comfort me in the absence of your
  dear self。 (Oh; I would give one of my hands to have you by me on
  our sofa!) A letter will work like a charm; write me something
  full of your noble soul; I will return your note to you; for I
  must be cautious; I should not know where to hide it; he pokes his
  nose in everywhere。 In short; comfort your Valerie; your little
  wife; the mother of your child。To think of my having to write to
  you; when I used to see you every day。 As I say to Lisbeth; 'I did
  not know how happy I was。' A thousand kisses; dear boy。 Be true to


〃And tears!〃 said Hulot to himself as he finished this letter; 〃tears
which have blotted out her name。How is she?〃 said he to Reine。

〃Madame is in bed; she has dreadful spasms;〃 replied Reine。 〃She had a
fit of hysterics that twisted her like a withy round a faggot。 It came
on after writing。 It comes of crying so much。 She heard monsieur's
voice on the stairs。〃

The Baron in his distress wrote the following note on office paper
with a printed heading:

  〃Be quite easy; my angel; he will die a second…class clerk!Your
  idea is admirable; we will go and live far from Paris; where we
  shall be happy with our little Hector; I will retire on my
  pension; and I shall be sure to find some good appointment on a

  〃Ah; my sweet friend; I feel so much the younger for your letter!
  I shall begin life again and make a fortune; you will see; for our
  dear little one。 As I read your letter; a thousand times more
  ardent than those of the /Nouvelle Heloise/; it worked a miracle!
  I had not believed it possible that I could love you more。 This
  evening; at Lisbeth's you will see


Reine carried off this reply; the first letter the Baron had written
to his 〃sweet friend。〃 Such emotions to some extent counterbalanced
the disasters growling in the distance; but the Baron; at this moment
believing he could certainly avert the blows aimed at his uncle;
Johann Fischer; thought only of the deficit。

One of the characteristics of the Bonapartist temperament is a firm
belief in the power of the sword; and confidence in the superiority of
the military over civilians。 Hulot laughed to scorn the Public
Prosecutor in Algiers; where the War Office is supreme。 Man is always
what he has once been。 How can the officers of the Imperial Guard
forget that time was when the mayors of the largest towns in the
Empire and the Emperor's prefects; Emperors themselves on a minute
scale; would come out to meet the Imperial Guard; to pay their
respects on the borders of the Departments through which it passed;
and to do it; in short; the homage due to sovereigns?

At half…past four the baron went straight to Madame Marneffe's; his
heart beat as high as a young man's as he went upstairs; for he was
asking himself this question; 〃Shall I see her? or shall I not?〃

How was he now to remember the scene of the morning when his weeping
children had knelt at his feet? Valerie's note; enshrined for ever in
a thin pocket…book over his heart; proved to him that she loved him
more than the most charming of young men。

Having rung; the unhappy visitor heard within the shuffling slippers
and vexatious scraping cough of the detestable master。 Marneffe opened
the door; but only to put himself into an attitude and point to the
stairs; exactly as Hulot had shown him the door of his private room。

〃You are too exclusively Hulot; Monsieur Hulot!〃 said he。

The Baron tried to pass him; Marneffe took a pistol out of his pocket
and cocked it。

〃Monsieur le Baron;〃 said he; 〃when a man is as vile as I amfor you
think me very vile; don't you?he would be the meanest galley…slave
if he did not get the full benefit of his betrayed honor。You are for
war; it will be hot work and no quarter。 Come here no more; and do not
attempt to get past me。 I have given the police notice of my position
with regard to you。〃

And taking advantage of Hulot's amazement; he pushed him out and shut
the door。

〃What a low scoundrel!〃 said Hulot to himself; as he went upstairs to
Lisbeth。 〃I understand her letter now。 Valerie and I will go away from
Paris。 Valerie is
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