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cousin betty-第69部分

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rag; looked at the model; and asked:

〃What is that?〃

〃A group for which I had just had an idea。〃

〃And why did you hide it?〃

〃I did not mean you to see it till it was finished。〃

〃The woman is very pretty;〃 said Hortense。

And a thousand suspicions cropped up in her mind; as; in India; tall;
rank plants spring up in a night…time。

By the end of three weeks; Madame Marneffe was intensely irritated by
Hortense。 Women of that stamp have a pride of their own; they insist
that men shall kiss the devil's hoof; they have no forgiveness for the
virtue that does not quail before their dominion; or that even holds
its own against them。 Now; in all that time Wenceslas had not paid one
visit in the Rue Vanneau; not even that which politeness required to a
woman who had sat for Delilah。

Whenever Lisbeth called on the Steinbocks; there had been nobody at
home。 Monsieur and madame lived in the studio。 Lisbeth; following the
turtle doves to their nest at le Gros…Caillou; found Wenceslas hard at
work; and was informed by the cook that madame never left monsieur's
side。 Wenceslas was a slave to the autocracy of love。 So now Valerie;
on her own account; took part with Lisbeth in her hatred of Hortense。

Women cling to a lover that another woman is fighting for; just as
much as men do to women round whom many coxcombs are buzzing。 Thus any
reflections /a propos/ to Madame Marneffe are equally applicable to
any lady…killing rake; he is; in fact; a sort of male courtesan。
Valerie's last fancy was a madness; above all; she was bent on getting
her group; she was even thinking of going one morning to the studio to
see Wenceslas; when a serious incident arose of the kind which; to a
woman of that class; may be called the spoil of war。

This is how Valerie announced this wholly personal event。

She was breakfasting with Lisbeth and her husband。

〃I say; Marneffe; what would you say to being a second time a father?〃

〃You don't mean ita baby?Oh; let me kiss you!〃

He rose and went round the table; his wife held up her head so that he
could just kiss her hair。

〃If that is so;〃 he went on; 〃I am head…clerk and officer of the
Legion of Honor at once。 But you must understand; my dear; Stanislas
is not to be the sufferer; poor little man。〃

〃Poor little man?〃 Lisbeth put in。 〃You have not set your eyes on him
these seven months。 I am supposed to be his mother at the school; I am
the only person in the house who takes any trouble about him。〃

〃A brat that costs us a hundred crowns a quarter!〃 said Valerie。 〃And
he; at any rate; is your own child; Marneffe。 You ought to pay for his
schooling out of your salary。The newcomer; far from reminding us of
butcher's bills; will rescue us from want。〃

〃Valerie;〃 replied Marneffe; assuming an attitude like Crevel; 〃I hope
that Monsieur le Baron Hulot will take proper charge of his son; and
not lay the burden on a poor clerk。 I intend to keep him well up to
the mark。 So take the necessary steps; madame! Get him to write you
letters in which he alludes to his satisfaction; for he is rather
backward in coming forward in regard to my appointment。〃

And Marneffe went away to the office; where his chief's precious
leniency allowed him to come in at about eleven o'clock。 And; indeed;
he did little enough; for his incapacity was notorious; and he
detested work。

No sooner were they alone than Lisbeth and Valerie looked at each
other for a moment like Augurs; and both together burst into a loud
fit of laughter。

〃I say; Valerieis it the fact?〃 said Lisbeth; 〃or merely a farce?〃

〃It is a physical fact!〃 replied Valerie。 〃Now; I am sick and tired of
Hortense; and it occurred to me in the night that I might fire this
infant; like a bomb; into the Steinbock household。〃

Valerie went back to her room; followed by Lisbeth; to whom she showed
the following letter:

  〃WENCESLAS MY DEAR;I still believe in your love; though it is
  nearly three weeks since I saw you。 Is this scorn? Delilah can
  scarcely believe that。 Does it not rather result from the tyranny
  of a woman whom; as you told me; you can no longer love?
  Wenceslas; you are too great an artist to submit to such dominion。
  Home is the grave of glory。Consider now; are you the Wenceslas
  of the Rue du Doyenne? You missed fire with my father's statue;
  but in you the lover is greater than the artist; and you have had
  better luck with his daughter。 You are a father; my beloved

  〃If you do not come to me in the state I am in; your friends would
  think very badly of you。 But I love you so madly; that I feel I
  should never have the strength to curse you。 May I sign myself as


〃What do you say to my scheme for sending this note to the studio at a
time when our dear Hortense is there by herself?〃 asked Valerie。 〃Last
evening I heard from Stidmann that Wenceslas is to pick him up at
eleven this morning to go on business to Chanor's; so that gawk
Hortense will be there alone。〃

〃But after such a trick as that;〃 replied Lisbeth; 〃I cannot continue
to be your friend in the eyes of the world; I shall have to break with
you; to be supposed never to visit you; or even to speak to you。〃

〃Evidently;〃 said Valerie; 〃but〃

〃Oh! be quite easy;〃 interrupted Lisbeth; 〃we shall often meet when I
am Madame la Marechale。 They are all set upon it now。 Only the Baron
is in ignorance of the plan; but you can talk him over。〃

〃Well;〃 said Valerie; 〃but it is quite likely that the Baron and I may
be on distant terms before long。〃

〃Madame Olivier is the only person who can make Hortense demand to see
the letter;〃 said Lisbeth。 〃And you must send her to the Rue Saint…
Dominique before she goes on to the studio。〃

〃Our beauty will be at home; no doubt;〃 said Valerie; ringing for
Reine to call up Madame Olivier。

Ten minutes after the despatch of this fateful letter; Baron Hulot
arrived。 Madame Marneffe threw her arms round the old man's neck with
kittenish impetuosity。

〃Hector; you are a father!〃 she said in his ear。 〃That is what comes
of quarreling and making friends again〃

Perceiving a look of surprise; which the Baron did not at once
conceal; Valerie assumed a reserve which brought the old man to
despair。 She made him wring the proofs from her one by one。 When
conviction; led on by vanity; had at last entered his mind; she
enlarged on Monsieur Marneffe's wrath。

〃My dear old veteran;〃 said she; 〃you can hardly avoid getting your
responsible editor; our representative partner if you like; appointed
head…clerk and officer of the Legion of Honor; for you really have
done for the poor man; he adores his Stanislas; the little monstrosity
who is so like him; that to me he is insufferable。 Unless you prefer
to settle twelve hundred francs a year on Stanislasthe capital to be
his; and the life…interest payable to me; of course〃

〃But if I am to settle securities; I would rather it should be on my
own son; and not on the monstrosity;〃 said the Baron。

This rash speech; in which the words 〃my own son〃 came out as full as
a river in flood; was; by the end of the hour; ratified as a formal
promise to s
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