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cousin betty-第66部分

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him ever since half…past nine。 From half…past nine till ten she had
listened to the passing carriages; telling herself that never before
had her husband come in so late from dining with Florent and Chanor。
She sat sewing by the child's cot; for she had begun to save a
needlewoman's pay for the day by doing the mending herself。From ten
till half…past; a suspicion crossed her mind; she sat wondering:

〃Is he really gone to dinner; as he told me; with Chanor and Florent?
He put on his best cravat and his handsomest pin when he dressed。 He
took as long over his toilet as a woman when she wants to make the
best of herself。I am crazy! He loves me!And here he is!〃

But instead of stopping; the cab she heard went past。

From eleven till midnight Hortense was a victim to terrible alarms;
the quarter where they lived was now deserted。

〃If he has set out on foot; some accident may have happened;〃 thought
she。 〃A man may be killed by tumbling over a curbstone or failing to
see a gap。 Artists are so heedless! Or if he should have been stopped
by robbers!It is the first time he has ever left me alone here for
six hours and a half!But why should I worry myself? He cares for no
one but me。〃

Men ought to be faithful to the wives who love them; were it only on
account of the perpetual miracles wrought by true love in the sublime
regions of the spiritual world。 The woman who loves is; in relation to
the man she loves; in the position of a somnambulist to whom the
magnetizer should give the painful power; when she ceases to be the
mirror of the world; of being conscious as a woman of what she has
seen as a somnambulist。 Passion raises the nervous tension of a woman
to the ecstatic pitch at which presentiment is as acute as the insight
of a clairvoyant。 A wife knows she is betrayed; she will not let
herself say so; she doubts stillshe loves so much! She gives the lie
to the outcry of her own Pythian power。 This paroxysm of love deserves
a special form of worship。

In noble souls; admiration of this divine phenomenon will always be a
safeguard to protect them from infidelity。 How should a man not
worship a beautiful and intellectual creature whose soul can soar to
such manifestations?

By one in the morning Hortense was in a state of such intense anguish;
that she flew to the door as she recognized her husband's ring at the
bell; and clasped him in her arms like a mother。

〃At lasthere you are!〃 cried she; finding her voice again。 〃My
dearest; henceforth where you go I go; for I cannot again endure the
torture of such waiting。I pictured you stumbling over a curbstone;
with a fractured skull! Killed by thieves!No; a second time I know I
should go mad。Have you enjoyed yourself so much?And without me!
Bad boy!〃

〃What can I say; my darling? There was Bixiou; who drew fresh
caricatures for us; Leon de Lora; as witty as ever; Claude Vignon; to
whom I owe the only consolatory article that has come out about the
Montcornet statue。 There were〃

〃Were there no ladies?〃 Hortense eagerly inquired。

〃Worthy Madame Florent〃

〃You said the Rocher de Cancale。Were you at the Florents'?〃

〃Yes; at their house; I made a mistake。〃

〃You did not take a coach to come home?〃


〃And you have walked from the Rue des Tournelles?〃

〃Stidmann and Bixiou came back with me along the boulevards as far as
the Madeleine; talking all the way。〃

〃It is dry then on the boulevards and the Place de la Concorde and the
Rue de Bourgogne? You are not muddy at all!〃 said Hortense; looking at
her husband's patent leather boots。

It had been raining; but between the Rue Vanneau and the Rue Saint…
Dominique Wenceslas had not got his boots soiled。

〃Herehere are five thousand francs Chanor has been so generous as to
lend me;〃 said Wenceslas; to cut short this lawyer…like examination。

He had made a division of the ten thousand…franc notes; half for
Hortense and half for himself; for he had five thousand francs' worth
of debts of which Hortense knew nothing。 He owed money to his foreman
and his workmen。

〃Now your anxieties are relieved;〃 said he; kissing his wife。 〃I am
going to work to…morrow morning。 So I am going to bed this minute to
get up early; by your leave; my pet。〃

The suspicion that had dawned in Hortense's mind vanished; she was
miles away from the truth。 Madame Marneffe! She had never thought of
her。 Her fear for her Wenceslas was that he should fall in with street
prostitutes。 The names of Bixiou and Leon de Lora; two artists noted
for their wild dissipations; had alarmed her。

Next morning she saw Wenceslas go out at nine o'clock; and was quite

〃Now he is at work again;〃 said she to herself; as she proceeded to
dress her boy。 〃I see he is quite in the vein! Well; well; if we
cannot have the glory of Michael Angelo; we may have that of Benvenuto

Lulled by her own hopes; Hortense believed in a happy future; and she
was chattering to her son of twenty months in the language of
onomatopoeia that amuses babes when; at about eleven o'clock; the
cook; who had not seen Wenceslas go out; showed in Stidmann。

〃I beg pardon; madame;〃 said he。 〃Is Wenceslas gone out already?〃

〃He is at the studio。〃

〃I came to talk over the work with him。〃

〃I will send for him;〃 said Hortense; offering Stidmann a chair。

Thanking Heaven for this piece of luck; Hortense was glad to detain
Stidmann to ask some questions about the evening before。 Stidmann
bowed in acknowledgment of her kindness。 The Countess Steinbock rang;
the cook appeared; and was desired to go at once and fetch her master
from the studio。

〃You had an amusing dinner last night?〃 said Hortense。 〃Wenceslas did
not come in till past one in the morning。〃

〃Amusing? not exactly;〃 replied the artist; who had intended to
fascinate Madame Marneffe。 〃Society is not very amusing unless one is
interested in it。 That little Madame Marneffe is clever; but a great

〃And what did Wenceslas think of her?〃 asked poor Hortense; trying to
keep calm。 〃He said nothing about her to me。〃

〃I will only say one thing;〃 said Stidmann; 〃and that is; that I think
her a very dangerous woman。〃

Hortense turned as pale as a woman after childbirth。

〃Soit was atat Madame Marneffe's that you dinedand notnot with
Chanor?〃 said she; 〃yesterdayand Wenceslasand he〃

Stidmann; without knowing what mischief he had done; saw that he had

The Countess did not finish her sentence; she simply fainted away。 The
artist rang; and the maid came in。 When Louise tried to get her
mistress into her bedroom; a serious nervous attack came on; with
violent hysterics。 Stidmann; like any man who by an involuntary
indiscretion has overthrown the structure built on a husband's lie to
his wife; could not conceive that his words should produce such an
effect; he supposed that the Countess was in such delicate health that
the slightest contradiction was mischievous。

The cook presently returned to say; unfortunately in loud tones; that
her master was not in the studio。 In the midst of her anguish;
Hortense heard; and the hysterical fit came on again。

〃Go and fetch madame's mother;〃 said Lou
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