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cousin betty-第57部分

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what; Hulot; do you go back to your wife; your money matters are not
looking well; I have heard talk of certain notes of hand given to a
low usurer whose special line of business is lending to these sluts; a
man named Vauvinet。 For my part; I am cured of your 'real ladies。'
And; after all; at our time of life what do we want of these swindling
hussies; who; to be honest; cannot help playing us false? You have
white hair and false teeth; I am of the shape of Silenus。 I shall go
in for saving。 Money never deceives one。 Though the Treasury is indeed
open to all the world twice a year; it pays you interest; and this
woman swallows it。 With you; my worthy friend; as Gubetta; as my
partner in the concern; I might have resigned myself to a shady
bargainno; a philosophical calm。 But with a Brazilian who has
possibly smuggled in some doubtful colonial produce〃

〃Woman is an inexplicable creature!〃 said Hulot。

〃I can explain her;〃 said Crevel。 〃We are old; the Brazilian is young
and handsome。〃

〃Yes; that; I own; is true;〃 said Hulot; 〃we are older than we were。
But; my dear fellow; how is one to do without these pretty creatures
seeing them undress; twist up their hair; smile cunningly through
their fingers as they screw up their curl…papers; put on all their
airs and graces; tell all their lies; declare that we don't love them
when we are worried with business; and they cheer us in spite of

〃Yes; by the Power! It is the only pleasure in life!〃 cried Crevel。
〃When a saucy little mug smiles at you and says; 'My old dear; you
don't know how nice you are! I am not like other women; I suppose; who
go crazy over mere boys with goats' beards; smelling of smoke; and as
coarse as serving…men! For in their youth they are so insolent!They
come in and they bid you good…morning; and out they go。I; whom you
think such a flirt; I prefer a man of fifty to these brats。 A man who
will stick by me; who is devoted; who knows a woman is not to be
picked up every day; and appreciates us。That is what I love you for;
you old monster!'and they fill up these avowals with little pettings
and prettinesses andFaugh! they are as false as the bills on the
Hotel de Ville。〃

〃A lie is sometimes better than the truth;〃 said Hulot; remembering
sundry bewitching scenes called up by Crevel; who mimicked Valerie。
〃They are obliged to act upon their lies; to sew spangles on their
stage frocks〃

〃And they are ours; after all; the lying jades!〃 said Crevel coarsely。

〃Valerie is a witch;〃 said the Baron。 〃She can turn an old man into a
young one。〃

〃Oh; yes!〃 said Crevel; 〃she is an eel that wriggles through your
hands; but the prettiest eel; as white and sweet as sugar; as amusing
as Arnaland ingenious!〃

〃Yes; she is full of fun;〃 said Hulot; who had now quite forgotten his

The colleagues went to bed the best friends in the world; reminding
each other of Valerie's perfections; the tones of her voice; her
kittenish way; her movements; her fun; her sallies of wit; and of
affections; for she was an artist in love; and had charming impulses;
as tenors may sing a scena better one day than another。 And they fell
asleep; cradled in tempting and diabolical visions lighted by the
fires of hell。

At nine o'clock next morning Hulot went off to the War Office; Crevel
had business out of town; they left the house together; and Crevel
held out his hand to the Baron; saying:

〃To show that there is no ill…feeling。 For we; neither of us; will
have anything more to say to Madame Marneffe?〃

〃Oh; this is the end of everything;〃 replied Hulot with a sort of

By half…past ten Crevel was mounting the stairs; four at a time; up to
Madame Marneffe's apartment。 He found the infamous wretch; the
adorable enchantress; in the most becoming morning wrapper; enjoying
an elegant little breakfast in the society of the Baron Montes de
Montejanos and Lisbeth。 Though the sight of the Brazilian gave him a
shock; Crevel begged Madame Marneffe to grant him two minutes' speech
with her。 Valerie led Crevel into the drawing…room。

〃Valerie; my angel;〃 said the amorous Mayor; 〃Monsieur Marneffe cannot
have long to live。 If you will be faithful to me; when he dies we will
be married。 Think it over。 I have rid you of Hulot。So just consider
whether this Brazilian is to compare with a Mayor of Paris; a man who;
for your sake; will make his way to the highest dignities; and who can
already offer you eighty…odd thousand francs a year。〃

〃I will think it over;〃 said she。 〃You will see me in the Rue du
Dauphin at two o'clock; and we can discuss the matter。 But be a good
boyand do not forget the bond you promised to transfer to me。〃

She returned to the dining…room; followed by Crevel; who flattered
himself that he had hit on a plan for keeping Valerie to himself; but
there he found Baron Hulot; who; during this short colloquy; had also
arrived with the same end in view。 He; like Crevel; begged for a brief
interview。 Madame Marneffe again rose to go to the drawing…room; with
a smile at the Brazilian that seemed to say; 〃What fools they are!
Cannot they see you?〃

〃Valerie;〃 said the official; 〃my child; that cousin of yours is an
American cousin〃

〃Oh; that is enough!〃 she cried; interrupting the Baron。 〃Marneffe
never has been; and never will be; never can be my husband! The first;
the only man I ever loved; has come back quite unexpectedly。 It is no
fault of mine! But look at Henri and look at yourself。 Then ask
yourself whether a woman; and a woman in love; can hesitate for a
moment。 My dear fellow; I am not a kept mistress。 From this day forth
I refuse to play the part of Susannah between the two Elders。 If you
really care for me; you and Crevel; you will be our friends; but all
else is at an end; for I am six…and…twenty; and henceforth I mean to
be a saint; an admirable and worthy wifeas yours is。〃

〃Is that what you have to say?〃 answered Hulot。 〃Is this the way you
receive me when I come like a Pope with my hands full of Indulgences?
Well; your husband will never be a first…class clerk; nor be
promoted in the Legion of Honor。〃

〃That remains to be seen;〃 said Madame Marneffe; with a meaning look
at Hulot。

〃Well; well; no temper;〃 said Hulot in despair。 〃I will call this
evening; and we will come to an understanding。〃

〃In Lisbeth's rooms then。〃

〃Very goodat Lisbeth's;〃 said the old dotard。

Hulot and Crevel went downstairs together without speaking a word till
they were in the street; but outside on the sidewalk they looked at
each other with a dreary laugh。

〃We are a couple of old fools;〃 said Crevel。

〃I have got rid of them;〃 said Madame Marneffe to Lisbeth; as she sat
down once more。 〃I never loved and I never shall love any man but my
Jaguar;〃 she added; smiling at Henri Montes。 〃Lisbeth; my dear; you
don't know。 Henri has forgiven me the infamy to which I was reduced by

〃It was my own fault;〃 said the Brazilian。 〃I ought to have sent you a
hundred thousand francs。〃

〃Poor boy!〃 said Valerie; 〃I might have worked for my living; but my
fingers were not made for thatask Lisbeth。〃

The Brazilian went away the happiest man i
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