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cousin betty-第56部分

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This back building had long served as a store…room; backshop; and
kitchen to one of the shops facing the street。 Crevel had cut off
these three rooms from the rest of the ground floor; and Grindot had
transformed them into an inexpensive private residence。 There were two
ways infrom the front; through the shop of a furniture…dealer; to
whom Crevel let it at a low price; and only from month to month; so as
to be able to get rid of him in case of his telling tales; and also
through a door in the wall of the passage; so ingeniously hidden as to
be almost invisible。 The little apartment; comprising a dining…room;
drawing…room; and bedroom; all lighted from above; and standing partly
on Crevel's ground and partly on his neighbor's; was very difficult to
find。 With the exception of the second…hand furniture…dealer; the
tenants knew nothing of the existence of this little paradise。

The doorkeeper; paid to keep Crevel's secrets; was a capital cook。 So
Monsieur le Maire could go in and out of his inexpensive retreat at
any hour of the night without any fear of being spied upon。 By day; a
lady; dressed as Paris women dress to go shopping; and having a key;
ran no risk in coming to Crevel's lodgings; she would stop to look at
the cheapened goods; ask the price; go into the shop; and come out
again; without exciting the smallest suspicion if any one should
happen to meet her。

As soon as Crevel had lighted the candles in the sitting…room; the
Baron was surprised at the elegance and refinement it displayed。 The
perfumer had given the architect a free hand; and Grindot had done
himself credit by fittings in the Pompadour style; which had in fact
cost sixty thousand francs。

〃What I want;〃 said Crevel to Grindot; 〃is that a duchess; if I
brought one there; should be surprised at it。〃

He wanted to have a perfect Parisian Eden for his Eve; his 〃real
lady;〃 his Valerie; his duchess。

〃There are two beds;〃 said Crevel to Hulot; showing him a sofa that
could be made wide enough by pulling out a drawer。 〃This is one; the
other is in the bedroom。 We can both spend the night here。〃

〃Proof!〃 was all the Baron could say。

Crevel took a flat candlestick and led Hulot into the adjoining room;
where he saw; on a sofa; a superb dressing…gown belonging to Valerie;
which he had seen her wear in the Rue Vanneau; to display it before
wearing it in Crevel's little apartment。 The Mayor pressed the spring
of a little writing…table of inlaid work; known as a /bonheur…du…
jour/; and took out of it a letter that he handed to the Baron。

〃Read that;〃 said he。

The Councillor read these words written in pencil:

  〃I have waited in vain; you old wretch! A woman of my quality does
  not expect to be kept waiting by a retired perfumer。 There was no
  dinner orderedno cigarettes。 I will make you pay for this!〃

〃Well; is that her writing?〃

〃Good God!〃 gasped Hulot; sitting down in dismay。 〃I see all the
things she usesher caps; her slippers。 Why; how long since?〃

Crevel nodded that he understood; and took a packet of bills out of
the little inlaid cabinet。

〃You can see; old man。 I paid the decorators in December; 1838。 In
October; two months before; this charming little place was first

Hulot bent his head。

〃How the devil do you manage it? I know how she spends every hour of
her day。〃

〃How about her walk in the Tuileries?〃 said Crevel; rubbing his hands
in triumph。

〃What then?〃 said Hulot; mystified。

〃Your lady love comes to the Tuileries; she is supposed to be airing
herself from one till four。 But; hop; skip; and jump; and she is here。
You know your Moliere? Well; Baron; there is nothing imaginary in your

Hulot; left without a shred of doubt; sat sunk in ominous silence。
Catastrophes lead intelligent and strong…minded men to be
philosophical。 The Baron; morally; was at this moment like a man
trying to find his way by night through a forest。 This gloomy
taciturnity and the change in that dejected countenance made Crevel
very uneasy; for he did not wish the death of his colleague。

〃As I said; old fellow; we are now even; let us play for the odd。 Will
you play off the tie by hook and by crook? Come!〃

〃Why;〃 said Hulot; talking to himself〃why is it that out of ten
pretty women at least seven are false?〃

But the Baron was too much upset to answer his own question。 Beauty is
the greatest of human gifts for power。 Every power that has no
counterpoise; no autocratic control; leads to abuses and folly。
Despotism is the madness of power; in women the despot is caprice。

〃You have nothing to complain of; my good friend; you have a beautiful
wife; and she is virtuous。〃

〃I deserve my fate;〃 said Hulot。 〃I have undervalued my wife and made
her miserable; and she is an angel! Oh; my poor Adeline! you are
avenged! She suffers in solitude and silence; and she is worthy of my
love; I oughtfor she is still charming; fair and girlish evenBut
was there ever a woman known more base; more ignoble; more villainous
than this Valerie?〃

〃She is a good…for…nothing slut;〃 said Crevel; 〃a hussy that deserves
whipping on the Place du Chatelet。 But; my dear Canillac; though we
are such blades; so Marechal de Richelieu; Louis XV。; Pompadour;
Madame du Barry; gay dogs; and everything that is most eighteenth
century; there is no longer a lieutenant of police。〃

〃How can we make them love us?〃 Hulot wondered to himself without
heeding Crevel。

〃It is sheer folly in us to expect to be loved; my dear fellow;〃 said
Crevel。 〃We can only be endured; for Madame Marneffe is a hundred
times more profligate than Josepha。〃

〃And avaricious! she costs me a hundred and ninety…two thousand francs
a year!〃 cried Hulot。

〃And how many centimes!〃 sneered Crevel; with the insolence of a
financier who scorns so small a sum。

〃You do not love her; that is very evident;〃 said the Baron dolefully。

〃I have had enough of her;〃 replied Crevel; 〃for she has had more than
three hundred thousand francs of mine!〃

〃Where is it? Where does it all go?〃 said the Baron; clasping his head
in his hands。

〃If we had come to an agreement; like the simple young men who combine
to maintain a twopenny baggage; she would have cost us less。〃

〃That is an idea〃! replied the Baron。 〃But she would still be cheating
us; for; my burly friend; what do you say to this Brazilian?〃

〃Ay; old sly fox; you are right; we are swindled likelike
shareholders!〃 said Crevel。 〃All such women are an unlimited
liability; and we the sleeping partners。〃

〃Then it was she who told you about the candle in the window?〃

〃My good man;〃 replied Crevel; striking an attitude; 〃she has fooled
us both。 Valerie is aShe told me to keep you here。Now I see it
all。 She has got her Brazilian!Oh; I have done with her; for if you
hold her hands; she would find a way to cheat you with her feet!
There! she is a minx; a jade!〃

〃She is lower than a prostitute;〃 said the Baron。 〃Josepha and Jenny
Cadine were in their rights when they were false to us; they make a
trade of their charms。〃

〃But she; who affects the saintthe prude!〃 said Crevel。 〃I tell you
what; Hulot; do you go back to your wife; your
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