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cousin betty-第52部分

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〃There may be more!〃 retorted the Baron。

〃If Monsieur Crevel is in love with me; he is in his rights as a man
after all; if I favored his passion; that would indeed be the act of a
coquette; or of a woman who would leave much to be desired on your
part。Well; love me as you find me; or let me alone。 If you restore
me to freedom; neither you nor Monsieur Crevel will ever enter my
doors again。 But I will take up with my cousin; just to keep my hand
in; in those charming habits you suppose me to indulge。Good…bye;
Monsieur le Baron Hulot。〃

She rose; but the Baron took her by the arm and made her sit down
again。 The old man could not do without Valerie。 She had become more
imperatively indispensable to him than the necessaries of life; he
preferred remaining in uncertainty to having any proof of Valerie's

〃My dearest Valerie;〃 said he; 〃do you not see how miserable I am? I
only ask you to justify yourself。 Give me sufficient reasons〃

〃Well; go downstairs and wait for me; for I suppose you do not wish to
look on at the various ceremonies required by your cousin's state。〃

Hulot slowly turned away

〃You old profligate;〃 cried Lisbeth; 〃you have not even asked me how
your children are? What are you going to do for Adeline? I; at any
rate; will take her my savings to…morrow。〃

〃You owe your wife white bread to eat at least;〃 said Madame Marneffe;

The Baron; without taking offence at Lisbeth's tone; as despotic as
Josepha's; got out of the room; only too glad to escape so importunate
a question。

The door bolted once more; the Brazilian came out of the dressing…
closet; where he had been waiting; and he appeared with his eyes full
of tears; in a really pitiable condition。 Montes had heard everything。

〃Henri; you must have ceased to love me; I know it!〃 said Madame
Marneffe; hiding her face in her handkerchief and bursting into tears。

It was the outcry of real affection。 The cry of a woman's despair is
so convincing that it wins the forgiveness that lurks at the bottom of
every lover's heartwhen she is young and pretty; and wears a gown so
low that she could slip out at the top and stand in the garb of Eve。

〃But why; if you love me; do you not leave everything for my sake?〃
asked the Brazilian。

This South American born; being logical; as men are who have lived the
life of nature; at once resumed the conversation at the point where it
had been broken off; putting his arm round Valerie's waist。

〃Why?〃 she repeated; gazing up at Henri; whom she subjugated at once
by a look charged with passion; 〃why; my dear boy; I am married; we
are in Paris; not in the savannah; the pampas; the backwoods of
America。My dear Henri; my first and only love; listen to me。 That
husband of mine; a second clerk in the War Office; is bent on being a
head…clerk and officer of the Legion of Honor; can I help his being
ambitious? Now for the very reason that made him leave us our liberty
nearly four years ago; do you remember; you bad boy?he now
abandons me to Monsieur Hulot。 I cannot get rid of that dreadful
official; who snorts like a grampus; who has fins in his nostrils; who
is sixty…three years old; and who had grown ten years older by dint of
trying to be young; who is so odious to me that the very day when
Marneffe is promoted; and gets his Cross of the Legion of Honor〃

〃How much more will your husband get then?〃

〃A thousand crowns。〃

〃I will pay him as much in an annuity;〃 said Baron Montes。 〃We will
leave Paris and go〃

〃Where?〃 said Valerie; with one of the pretty sneers by which a woman
makes fun of a man she is sure of。 〃Paris is the only place where we
can live happy。 I care too much for your love to risk seeing it die
out in a /tete…a…tete/ in the wilderness。 Listen; Henri; you are the
only man I care for in the whole world。 Write that down clearly in
your tiger's brain。〃

For women; when they have made a sheep of a man; always tell him that
he is a lion with a will of iron。

〃Now; attend to me。 Monsieur Marneffe has not five years to live; he
is rotten to the marrow of his bones。 He spends seven months of the
twelve in swallowing drugs and decoctions; he lives wrapped in
flannel; in short; as the doctor says; he lives under the scythe; and
may be cut off at any moment。 An illness that would not harm another
man would be fatal to him; his blood is corrupt; his life undermined
at the root。 For five years I have never allowed him to kiss mehe is
poisonous! Some day; and the day is not far off; I shall be a widow。
Well; then; Iwho have already had an offer from a man with sixty
thousand francs a year; I who am as completely mistress of that man as
I am of this lump of sugarI swear to you that if you were as poor as
Hulot and as foul as Marneffe; if you beat me even; still you are the
only man I will have for a husband; the only man I love; or whose name
I will ever bear。 And I am ready to give any pledge of my love that
you may require。〃

〃Well; then; to…night〃

〃But you; son of the South; my splendid jaguar; come expressly for me
from the virgin forest of Brazil;〃 said she; taking his hand and
kissing and fondling it; 〃I have some consideration for the poor
creature you mean to make your wife。Shall I be your wife; Henri?〃

〃Yes;〃 said the Brazilian; overpowered by this unbridled volubility of
passion。 And he knelt at her feet。

〃Well; then; Henri;〃 said Valerie; taking his two hands and looking
straight into his eyes; 〃swear to me now; in the presence of Lisbeth;
my best and only friend; my sisterthat you will make me your wife at
the end of my year's widowhood。〃

〃I swear it。〃

〃That is not enough。 Swear by your mother's ashes and eternal
salvation; swear by the Virgin Mary and by all your hopes as a

Valerie knew that the Brazilian would keep that oath even if she
should have fallen into the foulest social slough。

The Baron solemnly swore it; his nose almost touching Valerie's white
bosom; and his eyes spellbound。 He was drunk; drunk as a man is when
he sees the woman he loves once more; after a sea voyage of a hundred
and twenty days。

〃Good。 Now be quite easy。 And in Madame Marneffe respect the future
Baroness de Montejanos。 You are not to spend a sou upon me; I forbid
it。Stay here in the outer room; sleep on the sofa。 I myself will
come and tell you when you may move。We will breakfast to…morrow
morning; and you can be leaving at about one o'clock as if you had
come to call at noon。 There is nothing to fear; the gate…keepers love
me as much as if they were my father and mother。Now I must go down
and make tea。〃

She beckoned to Lisbeth; who followed her out on to the landing。 There
Valerie whispered in the old maid's ear:

〃My darkie has come back too soon。 I shall die if I cannot avenge you
on Hortense!〃

〃Make your mind easy; my pretty little devil!〃 said Lisbeth; kissing
her forehead。 〃Love and Revenge on the same track will never lose the
game。 Hortense expects me to…morrow; she is in beggary。 For a thousand
francs you may have a thousand kisses from Wenceslas。〃

On leaving Valerie; Hulot had gone down to the porter's lodge and made
a sudden invasion the
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