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cousin betty-第40部分

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be done for。〃

This dirty business was carried out in the name of one Vauvinet; a
small money…lender; one of those jobbers who stand forward to screen
great banking houses; like the little fish that is said to attend the
shark。 This stock…jobber's apprentice was so anxious to gain the
patronage of Monsieur le Baron Hulot; that he promised the great man
to negotiate bills of exchange for thirty thousand francs at eighty
days; and pledged himself to renew them four times; and never pass
them out of his hands。

Fischer's successor was to pay forty thousand francs for the house and
the business; with the promise that he should supply forage to a
department close to Paris。

This was the desperate maze of affairs into which a man who had
hitherto been absolutely honest was led by his passionsone of the
best administrative officials under Napoleonpeculation to pay the
money…lenders; and borrowing of the money…lenders to gratify his
passions and provide for his daughter。 All the efforts of this
elaborate prodigality were directed at making a display before Madame
Marneffe; and to playing Jupiter to this middle…class Danae。 A man
could not expend more activity; intelligence; and presence of mind in
the honest acquisition of a fortune than the Baron displayed in
shoving his head into a wasp's nest: He did all the business of his
department; he hurried on the upholsterers; he talked to the workmen;
he kept a sharp lookout on the smallest details of the house in the
Rue Vanneau。 Wholly devoted to Madame Marneffe; he nevertheless
attended the sittings of the Chambers; he was everywhere at once; and
neither his family nor anybody else discovered where his thoughts

Adeline; quite amazed to hear that her uncle was rescued; and to see a
handsome sum figure in the marriage…contract; was not altogether easy;
in spite of her joy at seeing her daughter married under such
creditable circumstances。 But; on the day before the wedding; fixed by
the Baron to coincide with Madame Marneffe's removal to her new
apartment; Hector allayed his wife's astonishment by this ministerial

〃Now; Adeline; our girl is married; all our anxieties on the subject
are at an end。 The time is come for us to retire from the world: I
shall not remain in office more than three years longeronly the time
necessary to secure my pension。 Why; henceforth; should we be at any
unnecessary expense? Our apartment costs us six thousand francs a year
in rent; we have four servants; we eat thirty thousand francs' worth
of food in a year。 If you want me to pay off my billsfor I have
pledged my salary for the sums I needed to give Hortense her little
money; and pay off your uncle〃

〃You did very right!〃 said she; interrupting her husband; and kissing
his hands。

This explanation relieved Adeline of all her fears。

〃I shall have to ask some little sacrifices of you;〃 he went on;
disengaging his hands and kissing his wife's brow。 〃I have found in
the Rue Plumet a very good flat on the first floor; handsome;
splendidly paneled; at only fifteen hundred francs a year; where you
would only need one woman to wait on you; and I could be quite content
with a boy。〃

〃Yes; my dear。〃

〃If we keep house in a quiet way; keeping up a proper appearance of
course; we should not spend more than six thousand francs a year;
excepting my private account; which I will provide for。〃

The generous…hearted woman threw her arms round her husband's neck in
her joy。

〃How happy I shall be; beginning again to show you how truly I love
you!〃 she exclaimed。 〃And what a capital manager you are!〃

〃We will have the children to dine with us once a week。 I; as you
know; rarely dine at home。 You can very well dine twice a week with
Victorin and twice a week with Hortense。 And; as I believe; I may
succeed in making matters up completely between Crevel and us; we can
dine once a week with him。 These five dinners and our own at home will
fill up the week all but one day; supposing that we may occasionally
be invited to dine elsewhere。〃

〃I shall save a great deal for you;〃 said Adeline。

〃Oh!〃 he cried; 〃you are the pearl of women!〃

〃My kind; divine Hector; I shall bless you with my latest breath;〃
said she; 〃for you have done well for my dear Hortense。〃

This was the beginning of the end of the beautiful Madame Hulot's
home; and; it may be added; of her being totally neglected; as Hulot
had solemnly promised Madame Marneffe。

Crevel; the important and burly; being invited as a matter of course
to the party given for the signing of the marriage…contract; behaved
as though the scene with which this drama opened had never taken
place; as though he had no grievance against the Baron。 Celestin
Crevel was quite amiable; he was perhaps rather too much the
ex…perfumer; but as a Major he was beginning to acquire majestic
dignity。 He talked of dancing at the wedding。

〃Fair lady;〃 said he politely to the Baroness; 〃people like us know
how to forget。 Do not banish me from your home; honor me; pray; by
gracing my house with your presence now and then to meet your
children。 Be quite easy; I will never say anything of what lies buried
at the bottom of my heart。 I behaved; indeed; like an idiot; for I
should lose too much by cutting myself off from seeing you。〃

〃Monsieur; an honest woman has no ears for such speeches as those you
refer to。 If you keep your word; you need not doubt that it will give
me pleasure to see the end of a coolness which must always be painful
in a family。〃

〃Well; you sulky old fellow;〃 said Hulot; dragging Crevel out into the
garden; 〃you avoid me everywhere; even in my own house。 Are two
admirers of the fair sex to quarrel for ever over a petticoat? Come;
this is really too plebeian!〃

〃I; monsieur; am not such a fine man as you are; and my small
attractions hinder me from repairing my losses so easily as you

〃Sarcastic!〃 said the Baron。

〃Irony is allowable from the vanquished to the conquerer。〃

The conversation; begun in this strain; ended in a complete
reconciliation; still Crevel maintained his right to take his revenge。

Madame Marneffe particularly wished to be invited to Mademoiselle
Hulot's wedding。 To enable him to receive his future mistress in his
drawing…room; the great official was obliged to invite all the clerks
of his division down to the deputy head…clerks inclusive。 Thus a grand
ball was a necessity。 The Baroness; as a prudent housewife; calculated
that an evening party would cost less than a dinner; and allow of a
larger number of invitations; so Hortense's wedding was much talked

Marshal Prince Wissembourg and the Baron de Nucingen signed in behalf
of the bride; the Comtes de Rastignac and Popinot in behalf of
Steinbock。 Then; as the highest nobility among the Polish emigrants
had been civil to Count Steinbock since he had become famous; the
artist thought himself bound to invite them。 The State Council; and
the War Office to which the Baron belonged; and the army; anxious to
do honor to the Comte de Forzheim; were all represented by their
magnates。 There were nearly two hundred indispensable invitations。 How
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