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cousin betty-第37部分

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〃Oh; I shall owe you my life a second time!〃 cried he; 〃for I should
lose more than my life if I were thought a bad fellow。〃

Lisbeth went off in great glee; she hoped; by keeping her artist under
lock and key; to put a stop to his marriage by announcing that he was
a married man; pardoned by the efforts of his wife; and gone off to

To carry out this plan; at about three o'clock she went to the
Baroness; though it was not the day when she was due to dine with her;
but she wished to enjoy the anguish which Hortense must endure at the
hour when Wenceslas was in the habit of making his appearance。

〃Have you come to dinner?〃 asked the Baroness; concealing her

〃Well; yes。〃

〃That's well;〃 replied Hortense。 〃I will go and tell them to be
punctual; for you do not like to be kept waiting。〃

Hortense nodded reassuringly to her mother; for she intended to tell
the man…servant to send away Monsieur Steinbock if he should call; the
man; however; happened to be out; so Hortense was obliged to give her
orders to the maid; and the girl went upstairs to fetch her needlework
and sit in the ante…room。

〃And about my lover?〃 said Cousin Betty to Hortense; when the girl
came back。 〃You never ask about him now?〃

〃To be sure; what is he doing?〃 said Hortense。 〃He has become famous。
You ought to be very happy;〃 she added in an undertone to Lisbeth。
〃Everybody is talking of Monsieur Wenceslas Steinbock。〃

〃A great deal too much;〃 replied she in her clear tones。 〃Monsieur is
departing。If it were only a matter of charming him so far as to defy
the attractions of Paris; I know my power; but they say that in order
to secure the services of such an artist; the Emperor Nichols has
pardoned him〃

〃Nonsense!〃 said the Baroness。

〃When did you hear that?〃 asked Hortense; who felt as if her heart had
the cramp。

〃Well;〃 said the villainous Lisbeth; 〃a person to whom he is bound by
the most sacred tieshis wifewrote yesterday to tell him so。 He
wants to be off。 Oh; he will be a great fool to give up France to go
to Russia!〃

Hortense looked at her mother; but her head sank on one side; the
Baroness was only just in time to support her daughter; who dropped
fainting; and as white as her lace kerchief。

〃Lisbeth! you have killed my child!〃 cried the Baroness。 〃You were
born to be our curse!〃

〃Bless me! what fault of mine is this; Adeline?〃 replied Lisbeth; as
she rose with a menacing aspect; of which the Baroness; in her alarm;
took no notice。

〃I was wrong;〃 said Adeline; supporting the girl。 〃Ring。〃

At this instant the door opened; the women both looked round; and saw
Wenceslas Steinbock; who had been admitted by the cook in the maid's

〃Hortense!〃 cried the artist; with one spring to the group of women。
And he kissed his betrothed before her mother's eyes; on the forehead;
and so reverently; that the Baroness could not be angry。 It was a
better restorative than any smelling salts。 Hortense opened her eyes;
saw Wenceslas; and her color came back。 In a few minutes she had quite

〃So this was your secret?〃 said Lisbeth; smiling at Wenceslas; and
affecting to guess the facts from her two cousins' confusion。

〃But how did you steal away my lover?〃 said she; leading Hortense into
the garden。

Hortense artlessly told the romance of her love。 Her father and
mother; she said; being convinced that Lisbeth would never marry; had
authorized the Count's visits。 Only Hortense; like a full…blown Agnes;
attributed to chance her purchase of the group and the introduction of
the artist; who; by her account; had insisted on knowing the name of
his first purchaser。

Presently Steinbock came out to join the cousins; and thanked the old
maid effusively for his prompt release。 Lisbeth replied Jesuitically
that the creditor having given very vague promises; she had not hoped
to be able to get him out before the morrow; and that the person who
had lent her the money; ashamed; perhaps; of such mean conduct; had
been beforehand with her。 The old maid appeared to be perfectly
content; and congratulated Wenceslas on his happiness。

〃You bad boy!〃 said she; before Hortense and her mother; 〃if you had
only told me the evening before last that you loved my cousin
Hortense; and that she loved you; you would have spared me many tears。
I thought that you were deserting your old friend; your governess;
while; on the contrary; you are to become my cousin; henceforth; you
will be connected with me; remotely; it is true; but by ties that
amply justify the feelings I have for you。〃 And she kissed Wenceslas
on the forehead。

Hortense threw herself into Lisbeth's arms and melted into tears。

〃I owe my happiness to you;〃 said she; 〃and I will never forget it。〃

〃Cousin Betty;〃 said the Baroness; embracing Lisbeth in her excitement
at seeing matters so happily settled; 〃the Baron and I owe you a debt
of gratitude; and we will pay it。 Come and talk things over with me;〃
she added; leading her away。

So Lisbeth; to all appearances; was playing the part of a good angel
to the whole family; she was adored by Crevel and Hulot; by Adeline
and Hortense。

〃We wish you to give up working;〃 said the Baroness。 〃If you earn
forty sous a day; Sundays excepted; that makes six hundred francs a
year。 Well; then; how much have you saved?〃

〃Four thousand five hundred francs。〃

〃Poor Betty!〃 said her cousin。

She raised her eyes to heaven; so deeply was she moved at the thought
of all the labor and privation such a sum must represent accumulated
during thirty years。

Lisbeth; misunderstanding the meaning of the exclamation; took it as
the ironical pity of the successful woman; and her hatred was
strengthened by a large infusion of venom at the very moment when her
cousin had cast off her last shred of distrust of the tyrant of her

〃We will add ten thousand five hundred francs to that sum;〃 said
Adeline; 〃and put it in trust so that you shall draw the interest for
life with reversion to Hortense。 Thus; you will have six hundred
francs a year。〃

Lisbeth feigned the utmost satisfaction。 When she went in; her
handkerchief to her eyes; wiping away tears of joy; Hortense told her
of all the favors being showered on Wenceslas; beloved of the family。

So when the Baron came home; he found his family all present; for the
Baroness had formally accepted Wenceslas by the title of Son; and the
wedding was fixed; if her husband should approve; for a day a
fortnight hence。 The moment he came into the drawing…room; Hulot was
rushed at by his wife and daughter; who ran to meet him; Adeline to
speak to him privately; and Hortense to kiss him。

〃You have gone too far in pledging me to this; madame;〃 said the Baron
sternly。 〃You are not married yet;〃 he added with a look at Steinbock;
who turned pale。

〃He has heard of my imprisonment;〃 said the luckless artist to

〃Come; children;〃 said he; leading his daughter and the young man into
the garden; they all sat down on the moss…eaten seat in the summer…

〃Monsieur le Comte; do you love my daughter as well as I loved her
mother?〃 he asked。

〃More; monsieur;〃
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