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cousin betty-第33部分

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the palette by reason of his importance in this domestic drama。

Have you ever observed how in childhood; or at the early stages of
social life; we create a model for our own imitation; with our own
hands as it were; and often without knowing it? The banker's clerk;
for instance; as he enters his master's drawing…room; dreams of
possessing such another。 If he makes a fortune; it will not be the
luxury of the day; twenty years later; that you will find in his
house; but the old…fashioned splendor that fascinated him of yore。 It
is impossible to tell how many absurdities are due to this
retrospective jealousy; and in the same way we know nothing of the
follies due to the covert rivalry that urges men to copy the type they
have set themselves; and exhaust their powers in shining with a
reflected light; like the moon。

Crevel was deputy mayor because his predecessor had been; he was Major
because he coveted Cesar Birotteau's epaulettes。 In the same way;
struck by the marvels wrought by Grindot the architect; at the time
when Fortune had carried his master to the top of the wheel; Crevel
had 〃never looked at both sides of a crown…piece;〃 to use his own
language; when he wanted to 〃do up〃 his rooms; he had gone with his
purse open and his eyes shut to Grindot; who by this time was quite
forgotten。 It is impossible to guess how long an extinct reputation
may survive; supported by such stale admiration。

So Grindot; for the thousandth time had displayed his white…and…gold
drawing…room paneled with crimson damask。 The furniture; of rosewood;
clumsily carved; as such work is done for the trade; had in the
country been the source of just pride in Paris workmanship on the
occasion of an industrial exhibition。 The candelabra; the fire…dogs;
the fender; the chandelier; the clock; were all in the most unmeaning
style of scroll…work; the round table; a fixture in the middle of the
room; was a mosaic of fragments of Italian and antique marbles;
brought from Rome; where these dissected maps are made of
mineralogical specimensfor all the world like tailors' patternsan
object of perennial admiration to Crevel's citizen friends。 The
portraits of the late lamented Madame Crevel; of Crevel himself; of
his daughter and his son…in…law; hung on the walls; two and two; they
were the work of Pierre Grassou; the favored painter of the
bourgeoisie; to whom Crevel owed his ridiculous Byronic attitude。 The
frames; costing a thousand francs each; were quite in harmony with
this coffee…house magnificence; which would have made any true artist
shrug his shoulders。

Money never yet missed the smallest opportunity of being stupid。 We
should have in Paris ten Venices if our retired merchants had had the
instinct for fine things characteristic of the Italians。 Even in our
own day a Milanese merchant could leave five hundred thousand francs
to the Duomo; to regild the colossal statue of the Virgin that crowns
the edifice。 Canova; in his will; desired his brother to build a
church costing four million francs; and that brother adds something on
his own account。 Would a citizen of Parisand they all; like Rivet;
love their Paris in their heartever dream of building the spires
that are lacking to the towers of Notre…Dame? And only think of the
sums that revert to the State in property for which no heirs are

All the improvements of Paris might have been completed with the money
spent on stucco castings; gilt mouldings; and sham sculpture during
the last fifteen years by individuals of the Crevel stamp。

Beyond this drawing…room was a splendid boudoir furnished with tables
and cabinets in imitation of Boulle。

The bedroom; smart with chintz; also opened out of the drawing…room。
Mahogany in all its glory infested the dining…room; and Swiss views;
gorgeously framed; graced the panels。 Crevel; who hoped to travel in
Switzerland; had set his heart on possessing the scenery in painting
till the time should come when he might see it in reality。

So; as will have been seen; Crevel; the Mayor's deputy; of the Legion
of Honor and of the National Guard; had faithfully reproduced all the
magnificence; even as to furniture; of his luckless predecessor。 Under
the Restoration; where one had sunk; this other; quite overlooked; had
come to the topnot by any strange stroke of fortune; but by the
force of circumstance。 In revolutions; as in storms at sea; solid
treasure goes to the bottom; and light trifles are floated to the
surface。 Cesar Birotteau; a Royalist; in favor and envied; had been
made the mark of bourgeois hostility; while bourgeoisie triumphant
found its incarnation in Crevel。

This apartment; at a rent of a thousand crowns; crammed with all the
vulgar magnificence that money can buy; occupied the first floor of a
fine old house between a courtyard and a garden。 Everything was as
spick…and…span as the beetles in an entomological case; for Crevel
lived very little at home。

This gorgeous residence was the ambitious citizen's legal domicile。
His establishment consisted of a woman…cook and a valet; he hired two
extra men; and had a dinner sent in by Chevet; whenever he gave a
banquet to his political friends; to men he wanted to dazzle or to a
family party。

The seat of Crevel's real domesticity; formerly in the Rue Notre…Dame
de Lorette; with Mademoiselle Heloise Brisetout; had lately been
transferred; as we have seen; to the Rue Chauchat。 Every morning the
retired merchantevery ex…tradesman is a retired merchantspent two
hours in the Rue des Saussayes to attend to business; and gave the
rest of his time to Mademoiselle Zaire; which annoyed Zaire very much。
Orosmanes…Crevel had a fixed bargain with Mademoiselle Heloise; she
owed him five hundred francs worth of enjoyment every month; and no
〃bills delivered。〃 He paid separately for his dinner and all extras。
This agreement; with certain bonuses; for he made her a good many
presents; seemed cheap to the ex…attache of the great singer; and he
would say to widowers who were fond of their daughters; that it paid
better to job your horses than to have a stable of your own。 At the
same time; if the reader remembers the speech made to the Baron by the
porter at the Rue Chauchat; Crevel did not escape the coachman and the

Crevel; as may be seen; had turned his passionate affection for his
daughter to the advantage of his self…indulgence。 The immoral aspect
of the situation was justified by the highest morality。 And then the
ex…perfumer derived from this style of livingit was the inevitable;
a free…and…easy life; /Regence; Pompadour; Marechal de Richelieu/;
what nota certain veneer of superiority。 Crevel set up for being a
man of broad views; a fine gentleman with an air and grace; a liberal
man with nothing narrow in his ideasand all for the small sum of
about twelve to fifteen hundred francs a month。 This was the result
not of hypocritical policy; but of middle…class vanity; though it came
to the same in the end。

On the Bourse Crevel was regarded as a man superior to his time; and
especially as a man of pleasure; a /bon vivant/。 In this particular
Crevel flattered himself that he had overtopped hi
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