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cousin betty-第26部分

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bring;〃 said the artist in reply。

The dealer was placing on the dining…room sideboard the wax model of
the twelve Hours that the Loves were trying to delay。

〃Leave the clock with me;〃 said the Baron; astounded at the beauty of
the sketch。 〃I should like to show it to the Ministers of the Interior
and of Commerce。〃

〃Who is the young man in whom you take so much interest?〃 the Baroness
asked her daughter。

〃An artist who could afford to execute this model could get a hundred
thousand francs for it;〃 said the curiosity…dealer; putting on a
knowing and mysterious look as he saw that the artist and the girl
were interchanging glances。 〃He would only need to sell twenty copies
at eight thousand francs eachfor the materials would cost about a
thousand crowns for each example。 But if each copy were numbered and
the mould destroyed; it would certainly be possible to meet with
twenty amateurs only too glad to possess a replica of such a work。〃

〃A hundred thousand francs!〃 cried Steinbock; looking from the dealer
to Hortense; the Baron; and the Baroness。

〃Yes; a hundred thousand francs;〃 repeated the dealer。 〃If I were rich
enough; I would buy it of you myself for twenty thousand francs; for
by destroying the mould it would become a valuable property。 But one
of the princes ought to pay thirty or forty thousand francs for such a
work to ornament his drawing…room。 No man has ever succeeded in making
a clock satisfactory alike to the vulgar and to the connoisseur; and
this one; sir; solves the difficulty。〃

〃This is for yourself; monsieur;〃 said Hortense; giving six gold
pieces to the dealer。

〃Never breath a word of this visit to any one living;〃 said the artist
to his friend; at the door。 〃If you should be asked where we sold the
group; mention the Duc d'Herouville; the famous collector in the Rue
de Varenne。〃

The dealer nodded assent。

〃And your name?〃 said Hulot to the artist when he came back。

〃Count Steinbock。〃

〃Have you the papers that prove your identity?〃

〃Yes; Monsieur le Baron。 They are in Russian and in German; but not

〃Do you feel equal to undertaking a statue nine feet high?〃

〃Yes; monsieur。〃

〃Well; then; if the persons whom I shall consult are satisfied with
your work; I can secure you the commission for the statue of Marshal
Montcornet; which is to be erected on his monument at Pere…Lachaise。
The Minister of War and the old officers of the Imperial Guard have
subscribed a sum large enough to enable us to select our artist。〃

〃Oh; monsieur; it will make my fortune!〃 exclaimed Steinbock;
overpowered by so much happiness at once。

〃Be easy;〃 replied the Baron graciously。 〃If the two ministers to whom
I propose to show your group and this sketch in wax are delighted with
these two pieces; your prospects of a fortune are good。〃

Hortense hugged her father's arm so tightly as to hurt him。

〃Bring me your papers; and say nothing of your hopes to anybody; not
even to our old Cousin Betty。〃

〃Lisbeth?〃 said Madame Hulot; at last understanding the end of all
this; though unable to guess the means。

〃I could give proof of my skill by making a bust of the Baroness;〃
added Wenceslas。

The artist; struck by Madame Hulot's beauty; was comparing the mother
and daughter。

〃Indeed; monsieur; life may smile upon you;〃 said the Baron; quite
charmed by Count Steinbock's refined and elegant manner。 〃You will
find out that in Paris no man is clever for nothing; and that
persevering toil always finds its reward here。〃

Hortense; with a blush; held out to the young man a pretty Algerine
purse containing sixty gold pieces。 The artist; with something still
of a gentleman's pride; responded with a mounting color easy enough to

〃This; perhaps; is the first money your works have brought you?〃 said

〃Yes; madamemy works of art。 It is not the first…fruits of my labor;
for I have been a workman。〃

〃Well; we must hope my daughter's money will bring you good luck;〃
said she。

〃And take it without scruple;〃 added the Baron; seeing that Wenceslas
held the purse in his hand instead of pocketing it。 〃The sum will be
repaid by some rich man; a prince perhaps; who will offer it with
interest to possess so fine a work。〃

〃Oh; I want it too much myself; papa; to give it up to anybody in the
world; even a royal prince!〃

〃I can make a far prettier thing than that for you; mademoiselle。〃

〃But it would not be this one;〃 replied she; and then; as if ashamed
of having said too much; she ran out into the garden。

〃Then I shall break the mould and the model as soon as I go home;〃
said Steinbock。

〃Fetch me your papers; and you will hear of me before long; if you are
equal to what I expect of you; monsieur。〃

The artist on this could but take leave。 After bowing to Madame Hulot
and Hortense; who came in from the garden on purpose; he went off to
walk in the Tuileries; not bearingnot daringto return to his
attic; where his tyrant would pelt him with questions and wring his
secret from him。

Hortense's adorer conceived of groups and statues by the hundred; he
felt strong enough to hew the marble himself; like Canova; who was
also a feeble man; and nearly died of it。 He was transfigured by
Hortense; who was to him inspiration made visible。

〃Now then;〃 said the Baroness to her daughter; 〃what does all this

〃Well; dear mamma; you have just seen Cousin Lisbeth's lover; who now;
I hope; is mine。 But shut your eyes; know nothing。 Good Heavens! I was
to keep it all from you; and I cannot help telling you everything〃

〃Good…bye; children!〃 said the Baron; kissing his wife and daughter;
〃I shall perhaps go to call on the Nanny; and from her I shall hear a
great deal about our young man。〃

〃Papa; be cautious!〃 said Hortense。

〃Oh! little girl!〃 cried the Baroness when Hortense had poured out her
poem; of which the morning's adventure was the last canto; 〃dear
little girl; Artlessness will always be the artfulest puss on earth!〃

Genuine passions have an unerring instinct。 Set a greedy man before a
dish of fruit and he will make no mistake; but take the choicest even
without seeing it。 In the same way; if you allow a girl who is well
brought up to choose a husband for herself; if she is in a position to
meet the man of her heart; rarely will she blunder。 The act of nature
in such cases is known as love at first sight; and in love; first
sight is practically second sight。

The Baroness' satisfaction; though disguised under maternal dignity;
was as great as her daughter's; for; of the three ways of marrying
Hortense of which Crevel had spoken; the best; as she opined; was
about to be realized。 And she regarded this little drama as an answer
by Providence to her fervent prayers。

Mademoiselle Fischer's galley slave; obliged at last to go home;
thought he might hide his joy as a lover under his glee as an artist
rejoicing over his first success。

〃Victory! my group is sold to the Duc d'Herouville; who is going to
give me some commissions;〃 cried he; throwing the twelve hundred
francs in gold on the table before the old maid。

He had; as may be supposed concealed Hortens
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