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cousin betty-第2部分

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in front; pushed out of shape by the working of a piriform stomach。
Being admitted as soon as the servant in livery saw him; the important
and imposing personage followed the man; who opened the door of the
drawing…room; announcing:

〃Monsieur Crevel。〃

On hearing the name; singularly appropriate to the figure of the man
who bore it; a tall; fair woman; evidently young…looking for her age;
rose as if she had received an electric shock。

〃Hortense; my darling; go into the garden with your Cousin Betty;〃 she
said hastily to her daughter; who was working at some embroidery at
her mother's side。

After curtseying prettily to the captain; Mademoiselle Hortense went
out by a glass door; taking with her a withered…looking spinster; who
looked older than the Baroness; though she was five years younger。

〃They are settling your marriage;〃 said Cousin Betty in the girl's
ear; without seeming at all offended at the way in which the Baroness
had dismissed them; counting her almost as zero。

The cousin's dress might; at need; have explained this free…and…easy
demeanor。 The old maid wore a merino gown of a dark plum color; of
which the cut and trimming dated from the year of the Restoration; a
little worked collar; worth perhaps three francs; and a common straw
hat with blue satin ribbons edged with straw plait; such as the old…
clothes buyers wear at market。 On looking down at her kid shoes; made;
it was evident; by the veriest cobbler; a stranger would have
hesitated to recognize Cousin Betty as a member of the family; for she
looked exactly like a journeywoman sempstress。 But she did not leave
the room without bestowing a little friendly nod on Monsieur Crevel;
to which that gentleman responded by a look of mutual understanding。

〃You are coming to us to…morrow; I hope; Mademoiselle Fischer?〃 said

〃You have no company?〃 asked Cousin Betty。

〃My children and yourself; no one else;〃 replied the visitor。

〃Very well;〃 replied she; 〃depend on me。〃

〃And here am I; madame; at your orders;〃 said the citizen…captain;
bowing again to Madame Hulot。

He gave such a look at Madame Hulot as Tartuffe casts at Elmirewhen
a provincial actor plays the part and thinks it necessary to emphasize
its meaningat Poitiers; or at Coutances。

〃If you will come into this room with me; we shall be more
conveniently placed for talking business than we are in this room;〃
said Madame Hulot; going to an adjoining room; which; as the apartment
was arranged; served as a cardroom。

It was divided by a slight partition from a boudoir looking out on the
garden; and Madame Hulot left her visitor to himself for a minute; for
she thought it wise to shut the window and the door of the boudoir; so
that no one should get in and listen。 She even took the precaution of
shutting the glass door of the drawing…room; smiling on her daughter
and her cousin; whom she saw seated in an old summer…house at the end
of the garden。 As she came back she left the cardroom door open; so as
to hear if any one should open that of the drawing…room to come in。

As she came and went; the Baroness; seen by nobody; allowed her face
to betray all her thoughts; and any one who could have seen her would
have been shocked to see her agitation。 But when she finally came back
from the glass door of the drawing…room; as she entered the cardroom;
her face was hidden behind the impenetrable reserve which every woman;
even the most candid; seems to have at her command。

During all these preparationsodd; to say the leastthe National
Guardsman studied the furniture of the room in which he found himself。
As he noted the silk curtains; once red; now faded to dull purple by
the sunshine; and frayed in the pleats by long wear; the carpet; from
which the hues had faded; the discolored gilding of the furniture; and
the silk seats; discolored in patches; and wearing into strips
expressions of scorn; satisfaction; and hope dawned in succession
without disguise on his stupid tradesman's face。 He looked at himself
in the glass over an old clock of the Empire; and was contemplating
the general effect; when the rustle of her silk skirt announced the
Baroness。 He at once struck at attitude。

After dropping on to a sofa; which had been a very handsome one in the
year 1809; the Baroness; pointing to an armchair with the arms ending
in bronze sphinxes' heads; while the paint was peeling from the wood;
which showed through in many places; signed to Crevel to be seated。

〃All the precautions you are taking; madame; would seem full of
promise to a〃

〃To a lover;〃 said she; interrupting him。

〃The word is too feeble;〃 said he; placing his right hand on his
heart; and rolling his eyes in a way which almost always makes a woman
laugh when she; in cold blood; sees such a look。 〃A lover! A lover?
Say a man bewitched〃

〃Listen; Monsieur Crevel;〃 said the Baroness; too anxious to be able
to laugh; 〃you are fiftyten years younger than Monsieur Hulot; I
know; but at my age a woman's follies ought to be justified by beauty;
youth; fame; superior meritsome one of the splendid qualities which
can dazzle us to the point of making us forget all elseeven at our
age。 Though you may have fifty thousand francs a year; your age
counterbalances your fortune; thus you have nothing whatever of what a
woman looks for〃

〃But love!〃 said the officer; rising and coming forward。 〃Such love

〃No; monsieur; such obstinacy!〃 said the Baroness; interrupting him to
put an end to his absurdity。

〃Yes; obstinacy;〃 said he; 〃and love; but something stronger stilla

〃A claim!〃 cried Madame Hulot; rising sublime with scorn; defiance;
and indignation。 〃But;〃 she went on; 〃this will bring us to no issues;
I did not ask you to come here to discuss the matter which led to your
banishment in spite of the connection between our families〃

〃I had fancied so。〃

〃What! still?〃 cried she。 〃Do you not see; monsieur; by the entire
ease and freedom with which I can speak of lovers and love; of
everything least creditable to a woman; that I am perfectly secure in
my own virtue? I fear nothingnot even to shut myself in alone with
you。 Is that the conduct of a weak woman? You know full well why I
begged you to come。〃

〃No; madame;〃 replied Crevel; with an assumption of great coldness。 He
pursed up his lips; and again struck an attitude。

〃Well; I will be brief; to shorten our common discomfort;〃 said the
Baroness; looking at Crevel。

Crevel made an ironical bow; in which a man who knew the race would
have recognized the graces of a bagman。

〃Our son married your daughter〃

〃And if it were to do again〃 said Crevel。

〃It would not be done at all; I suspect;〃 said the baroness hastily。
〃However; you have nothing to complain of。 My son is not only one of
the leading pleaders of Paris; but for the last year he has sat as
Deputy; and his maiden speech was brilliant enough to lead us to
suppose that ere long he will be in office。 Victorin has twice been
called upon to report on important measures; and he might even now; if
he chose; be made Attorney…General in the Court of Appeal。 So; if you
mean to say that your son…in…law has no 
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