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cousin betty-第12部分

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jesting; she replied:

〃It would be marrying hunger and thirst; he is a workman; I am a
workwoman。 If we had children; they would be workmen。No; no; we love
each other spiritually; it is less expensive。〃

〃Why do you keep him in hiding?〃 Hortense asked。

〃He wears a round jacket;〃 replied the old maid; laughing。

〃You truly love him?〃 the Baroness inquired。

〃I believe you! I love him for his own sake; the dear cherub。 For four
years his home has been in my heart。〃

〃Well; then; if you love him for himself;〃 said the Baroness gravely;
〃and if he really exists; you are treating him criminally。 You do not
know how to love truly。〃

〃We all know that from our birth;〃 said Lisbeth。

〃No; there are women who love and yet are selfish; and that is your

Cousin Betty's head fell; and her glance would have made any one
shiver who had seen it; but her eyes were on her reel of thread。

〃If you would introduce your so…called lover to us; Hector might find
him employment; or put him in a position to make money。〃

〃That is out of the question;〃 said Cousin Betty。

〃And why?〃

〃He is a sort of Polea refugee〃

〃A conspirator?〃 cried Hortense。 〃What luck for you!Has he had any

〃He has fought for Poland。 He was a professor in the school where the
students began the rebellion; and as he had been placed there by the
Grand Duke Constantine; he has no hope of mercy〃

〃A professor of what?〃

〃Of fine arts。〃

〃And he came to Paris when the rebellion was quelled?〃

〃In 1833。 He came through Germany on foot。〃

〃Poor young man! And how old is he?〃

〃He was just four…and…twenty when the insurrection broke outhe is
twenty…nine now。〃

〃Fifteen years your junior;〃 said the Baroness。

〃And what does he live on?〃 asked Hortense。

〃His talent。〃

〃Oh; he gives lessons?〃

〃No;〃 said Cousin Betty; 〃he gets them; and hard ones too!〃

〃And his Christian nameis it a pretty name?〃


〃What a wonderful imagination you old maids have!〃 exclaimed the
Baroness。 〃To hear you talk; Lisbeth; one might really believe you。〃

〃You see; mamma; he is a Pole; and so accustomed to the knout that
Lisbeth reminds him of the joys of his native land。〃

They all three laughed; and Hortense sang /Wenceslas! idole de mon
ame!/ instead of /O Mathilde/。

Then for a few minutes there was a truce。

〃These children;〃 said Cousin Betty; looking at Hortense as she went
up to her; 〃fancy that no one but themselves can have lovers。〃

〃Listen;〃 Hortense replied; finding herself alone with her cousin; 〃if
you prove to me that Wenceslas is not a pure invention; I will give
you my yellow cashmere shawl。〃

〃He is a Count。〃

〃Every Pole is a Count!〃

〃But he is not a Pole; he comes from LivaLitha〃




〃Yes; that's it!〃

〃But what is his name?〃

〃I wonder if you are capable of keeping a secret。〃

〃Cousin Betty; I will be as mute!〃

〃As a fish?〃

〃As a fish。〃

〃By your life eternal?〃

〃By my life eternal!〃

〃No; by your happiness in this world?〃


〃Well; then; his name is Wenceslas Steinbock。〃

〃One of Charles XII。's Generals was named Steinbock。〃

〃He was his grand…uncle。 His own father settled in Livonia after the
death of the King of Sweden; but he lost all his fortune during the
campaign of 1812; and died; leaving the poor boy at the age of eight
without a penny。 The Grand Duke Constantine; for the honor of the name
of Steinbock; took him under his protection and sent him to school。〃

〃I will not break my word;〃 Hortense replied; 〃prove his existence;
and you shall have the yellow shawl。 The color is most becoming to
dark skins。〃

〃And you will keep my secret?〃

〃And tell you mine。〃

〃Well; then; the next time I come you shall have the proof。〃

〃But the proof will be the lover;〃 said Hortense。

Cousin Betty; who; since her first arrival in Paris; had been bitten
by a mania for shawls; was bewitched by the idea of owning the yellow
cashmere given to his wife by the Baron in 1808; and handed down from
mother to daughter after the manner of some families in 1830。 The
shawl had been a good deal worn ten years ago; but the costly object;
now always kept in its sandal…wood box; seemed to the old maid ever
new; like the drawing…room furniture。 So she brought in her handbag a
present for the Baroness' birthday; by which she proposed to prove the
existence of her romantic lover。

This present was a silver seal formed of three little figures back to
back; wreathed with foliage; and supporting the Globe。 They
represented Faith; Hope; and Charity; their feet rested on monsters
rending each other; among them the symbolical serpent。 In 1846; now
that such immense strides have been made in the art of which Benvenuto
Cellini was the master; by Mademoiselle de Fauveau; Wagner; Jeanest;
Froment…Meurice; and wood…carvers like Lienard; this little
masterpiece would amaze nobody; but at that time a girl who understood
the silversmith's art stood astonished as she held the seal which
Lisbeth put into her hands; saying:

〃There! what do you think of that?〃

In design; attitude; and drapery the figures were of the school of
Raphael; but the execution was in the style of the Florentine metal
workersthe school created by Donatello; Brunelleschi; Ghiberti;
Benvenuto Cellini; John of Bologna; and others。 The French masters of
the Renaissance had never invented more strangely twining monsters
than these that symbolized the evil passions。 The palms; ferns; reeds;
and foliage that wreathed the Virtues showed a style; a taste; a
handling that might have driven a practised craftsman to despair; a
scroll floated above the three figures; and on its surface; between
the heads; were a W; a chamois; and the word /fecit/。

〃Who carved this?〃 asked Hortense。

〃Well; just my lover;〃 replied Lisbeth。 〃There are ten months' work in
it; I could earn more at making sword…knots。He told me that
Steinbock means a rock goat; a chamois; in German。 And he intends to
mark all his work in that way。Ah; ha! I shall have the shawl。〃

〃What for?〃

〃Do you suppose I could buy such a thing; or order it? Impossible!
Well; then; it must have been given to me。 And who would make me such
a present? A lover!〃

Hortense; with an artfulness that would have frightened Lisbeth
Fischer if she had detected it; took care not to express all her
admiration; though she was full of the delight which every soul that
is open to a sense of beauty must feel on seeing a faultless piece of
workperfect and unexpected。

〃On my word;〃 said she; 〃it is very pretty。〃

〃Yes; it is pretty;〃 said her cousin; 〃but I like an orange…colored
shawl better。Well; child; my lover spends his time in doing such
work as that。 Since he came to Paris he has turned out three or four
little trifles in that style; and that is the fruit of four years'
study and toil。 He has served as apprentice to founders; metal…
casters; and goldsmiths。There he has paid away thousands and
hundreds of francs。 And my gentleman tells me that in a few months now
he will be famous and rich〃

〃Then you often see him?〃

〃Bless me; do you think it is all a fa
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