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cousin betty-第111部分

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you who ever loved a womana woman beneath himenough to squander
his fortune and his children's; to sacrifice his future and blight his
past; to risk going to the hulks for robbing the Government; to kill
an uncle and a brother; to let his eye be so effectually blinded that
he did not even perceive that it was done to hinder his seeing the
abyss into which; as a crowning jest; he was being driven? Du Tillet
has a cash…box under his left breast; Leon de Lora has his wit; Bixiou
would laugh at himself for a fool if he loved any one but himself;
Massol has a minister's portfolio in the place of a heart; Lousteau
can have nothing but viscera; since he could endure to be thrown over
by Madame de Baudraye; Monsieur le Duc is too rich to prove his love
by his ruin; Vauvinet is not in itI do not regard a bill…broker as
one of the human race; and you have never loved; nor I; nor Jenny
Cadine; nor Malaga。 For my part; I never but once even saw the
phenomenon I have described。 It was;〃 and she turned to Jenny Cadine;
〃that poor Baron Hulot; whom I am going to advertise for like a lost
dog; for I want to find him。〃

〃Oh; ho!〃 said Carabine to herself; and looking keenly at Josepha;
〃then Madame Nourrisson has two pictures by Raphael; since Josepha is
playing my hand!〃

〃Poor fellow;〃 said Vauvinet; 〃he was a great man! Magnificent! And
what a figure; what a style; the air of Francis I。! What a volcano!
and how full of ingenious ways of getting money! He must be looking
for it now; wherever he is; and I make no doubt he extracts it even
from the walls built of bones that you may see in the suburbs of Paris
near the city gates〃

〃And all that;〃 said Bixiou; 〃for that little Madame Marneffe! There
is a precious hussy for you!〃

〃She is just going to marry my friend Crevel;〃 said du Tillet。

〃And she is madly in love with my friend Steinbock;〃 Leon de Lora put

These three phrases were like so many pistol…shots fired point…blank
at Montes。 He turned white; and the shock was so painful that he rose
with difficulty。

〃You are a set of blackguards!〃 cried he。 〃You have no right to speak
the name of an honest woman in the same breath with those fallen
creaturesabove all; not to make it a mark for your slander!〃

He was interrupted by unanimous bravos and applause。 Bixiou; Leon de
Lora; Vauvinet; du Tillet; and Massol set the example; and there was a

〃Hurrah for the Emperor!〃 said Bixiou。

〃Crown him! crown him!〃 cried Vauvinet。

〃Three groans for such a good dog! Hurrah for Brazil!〃 cried Lousteau。

〃So; my copper…colored Baron; it is our Valerie that you love; and you
are not disgusted?〃 said Leon de Lora。

〃His remark is not parliamentary; but it is grand!〃 observed Massol。

〃But; my most delightful customer;〃 said du Tillet; 〃you were
recommended to me; I am your banker; your innocence reflects on my

〃Yes; tell me; you are a reasonable creature〃 said the Brazilian
to the banker。

〃Thanks on behalf of the company;〃 said Bixiou with a bow。

〃Tell me the real facts;〃 Montes went on; heedless of Bixiou's

〃Well; then;〃 replied du Tillet; 〃I have the honor to tell you that I
am asked to the Crevel wedding。〃

〃Ah; ha! Combabus holds a brief for Madame Marneffe!〃 said Josepha;
rising solemnly。

She went round to Montes with a tragic look; patted him kindly on the
head; looked at him for a moment with comical admiration; and nodded

〃Hulot was the first instance of love through fire and water;〃 said
she; 〃this is the second。 But it ought not to count; as it comes from
the Tropics。〃

Montes had dropped into his chair again; when Josepha gently touched
his forehead; and looked at du Tillet as he said:

〃If I am the victim of a Paris jest; if you only wanted to get at my
secret〃 and he sent a flashing look round the table; embracing all
the guests in a flaming glance that blazed with the sun of Brazil;〃I
beg of you as a favor to tell me so;〃 he went on; in a tone of almost
childlike entreaty; 〃but do not vilify the woman I love。〃

〃Nay; indeed;〃 said Carabine in a low voice; 〃but if; on the contrary;
you are shamefully betrayed; cheated; tricked by Valerie; if I should
give you the proof in an hour; in my own house; what then?〃

〃I cannot tell you before all these Iagos;〃 said the Brazilian。

Carabine understood him to say /magots/ (baboons)。

〃Well; well; say no more!〃 she replied; smiling。 〃Do not make yourself
a laughing…stock for all the wittiest men in Paris; come to my house;
we will talk it over。〃

Montes was crushed。 〃Proofs;〃 he stammered; 〃consider〃

〃Only too many;〃 replied Carabine; 〃and if the mere suspicion hits you
so hard; I fear for your reason。〃

〃Is this creature obstinate; I ask you? He is worse than the late
lamented King of Holland!I say; Lousteau; Bixiou; Massol; all the
crew of you; are you not invited to breakfast with Madame Marneffe the
day after to…morrow?〃 said Leon de Lora。

〃/Ya/;〃 said du Tillet; 〃I have the honor of assuring you; Baron; that
if you had by any chance thought of marrying Madame Marneffe; you are
thrown out like a bill in Parliament; beaten by a blackball called
Crevel。 My friend; my old comrade Crevel; has eighty thousand francs a
year; and you; I suppose; did not show such a good hand; for if you
had; you; I imagine; would have been preferred。〃

Montes listened with a half…absent; half…smiling expression; which
struck them all with terror。

At this moment the head…waiter came to whisper to Carabine that a
lady; a relation of hers; was in the drawing…room and wished to speak
to her。

Carabine rose and went out to find Madame Nourrisson; decently veiled
with black lace。

〃Well; child; am I to go to your house? Has he taken the hook?〃

〃Yes; mother; and the pistol is so fully loaded; that my only fear is
that it will burst;〃 said Carabine。

About an hour later; Montes; Cydalise; and Carabine; returning from
the /Rocher de Cancale/; entered Carabine's little sitting…room in the
Rue Saint…Georges。 Madame Nourrisson was sitting in an armchair by the

〃Here is my worthy old aunt;〃 said Carabine。

〃Yes; child; I came in person to fetch my little allowance。 You would
have forgotten me; though you are kind…hearted; and I have some bills
to pay to…morrow。 Buying and selling clothes; I am always short of
cash。 Who is this at your heels? The gentleman looks very much put out
about something。〃

The dreadful Madame Nourrisson; at this moment so completely disguised
as to look like a respectable old body; rose to embrace Carabine; one
of the hundred and odd courtesans she had launched on their horrible
career of vice。

〃He is an Othello who is not to be taken in; whom I have the honor of
introducing to youMonsieur le Baron Montes de Montejanos。〃

〃Oh! I have heard him talked about; and know his name。You are
nicknamed Combabus; because you love but one woman; and in Paris; that
is the same as loving no one at all。 And is it by chance the object of
your affections who is fretting you? Madame Marneffe; Crevel's woman?
I tell you what; my dear sir; you may bless your stars instead of
cursing them。 She is a good…for…not
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