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cousin betty-第102部分

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came; on the contrary; to make myself your debtor in gratitude〃

〃Madame; for nearly three years I have provided for Monsieur le
Baron's necessities〃

〃You?〃 interrupted the Baroness; with tears in her eyes。 〃Oh; what can
I do for you? I can only pray〃

〃I and Monsieur le Duc d'Herouville;〃 the singer said; 〃a noble soul;
a true gentleman〃 and Josepha related the settling and /marriage/ of
Monsieur Thoul。

〃And so; thanks to you; mademoiselle; the Baron has wanted nothing?〃

〃We have done our best to that end; madame。〃

〃And where is he now?〃

〃About six months ago; Monsieur le Duc told me that the Baron; known
to the notary by the name of Thoul; had drawn all the eight thousand
francs that were to have been paid to him in fixed sums once a
quarter;〃 replied Josepha。 〃We have heard no more of the Baron;
neither I nor Monsieur d'Herouville。 Our lives are so full; we artists
are so busy; that I really have not time to run after old Thoul。 As it
happens; for the last six months; Bijou; who works for mehiswhat
shall I say?〃

〃His mistress;〃 said Madame Hulot。

〃His mistress;〃 repeated Josepha; 〃has not been here。 Mademoiselle
Olympe Bijou is perhaps divorced。 Divorce is common in the thirteenth

Josepha rose; and foraging among the rare plants in her stands; made a
charming bouquet for Madame Hulot; whose expectations; it may be said;
were by no means fulfilled。 Like those worthy fold; who take men of
genius to be a sort of monsters; eating; drinking; walking; and
speaking unlike other people; the Baroness had hoped to see Josepha
the opera singer; the witch; the amorous and amusing courtesan; she
saw a calm and well…mannered woman; with the dignity of talent; the
simplicity of an actress who knows herself to be at night a queen; and
also; better than all; a woman of the town whose eyes; attitude; and
demeanor paid full and ungrudging homage to the virtuous wife; the
/Mater dolorosa/ of the sacred hymn; and who was crowning her sorrows
with flowers; as the Madonna is crowned in Italy。

〃Madame;〃 said the man…servant; reappearing at the end of half an
hour; 〃Madame Bijou is on her way; but you are not to expect little
Olympe。 Your needle…woman; madame; is settled in life; she is

〃More or less?〃 said Josepha。

〃No; madame; really married。 She is at the head of a very fine
business; she has married the owner of a large and fashionable shop;
on which they have spent millions of francs; on the Boulevard des
Italiens; and she has left the embroidery business to her sister and
mother。 She is Madame Grenouville。 The fat tradesman〃

〃A Crevel?〃

〃Yes; madame;〃 said the man。 〃Well; he has settled thirty thousand
francs a year on Mademoiselle Bijou by the marriage articles。 And her
elder sister; they say; is going to be married to a rich butcher。〃

〃Your business looks rather hopeless; I am afraid;〃 said Josepha to
the Baroness。 〃Monsieur le Baron is no longer where I lodged him。〃

Ten minutes later Madame Bijou was announced。 Josepha very prudently
placed the Baroness in the boudoir; and drew the curtain over the

〃You would scare her;〃 said she to Madame Hulot。 〃She would let
nothing out if she suspected that you were interested in the
information。 Leave me to catechise her。 Hide there; and you will hear
everything。 It is a scene that is played quite as often in real life
as on the stage〃

〃Well; Mother Bijou;〃 she said to an old woman dressed in tartan
stuff; and who looked like a porter's wife in her Sunday best; 〃so you
are all very happy? Your daughter is in luck。〃

〃Oh; happy? As for that!My daughter gives us a hundred francs a
month; while she rides in a carriage and eats off silver plateshe is
a millionary; is my daughter! Olympe might have lifted me above labor。
To have to work at my age? Is that being good to me?〃

〃She ought not to be ungrateful; for she owes her beauty to you;〃
replied Josepha; 〃but why did she not come to see me? It was I who
placed her in ease by settling her with my uncle。〃

〃Yes; madame; with old Monsieur Thoul; but he is very old and

〃But what have you done with him? Is he with you? She was very foolish
to leave him; he is worth millions now。〃

〃Heaven above us!〃 cried the mother。 〃What did I tell her when she
behaved so badly to him; and he as mild as milk; poor old fellow? Oh!
didn't she just give it him hot?Olympe was perverted; madame?〃

〃But how?〃

〃She got to know a /claqueur/; madame; saving your presence; a man
paid to clap; you know; the grand nephew of an old mattress…picker of
the Faubourg Saint…Marceau。 This good…for…naught; as all your good…
looking fellows are; paid to make a piece go; is the cock of the walk
out on the Boulevard du Temple; where he works up the new plays; and
takes care that the actresses get a reception; as he calls it。 First;
he has a good breakfast in the morning; then; before the play; he
dines; to be 'up to the mark;' as he says; in short; he is a born
lover of billiards and drams。 'But that is not following a trade;' as
I said to Olympe。〃

〃It is a trade men follow; unfortunately;〃 said Josepha。

〃Well; the rascal turned Olympe's head; and he; madame; did not keep
good companywhen I tell you he was very near being nabbed by the
police in a tavern where thieves meet。 'Wever; Monsieur Braulard; the
leader of the claque; got him out of that。 He wears gold earrings; and
he lives by doing nothing; hanging on to women; who are fools about
these good…looking scamps。 He spent all the money Monsieur Thoul used
to give the child。

〃Then the business was going to grief; what embroidery brought in went
out across the billiard table。 'Wever; the young fellow had a pretty
sister; madame; who; like her brother; lived by hook and by crook; and
no better than she should be neither; over in the students' quarter。〃

〃One of the sluts at the Chaumiere;〃 said Josepha。

〃So; madame;〃 said the old woman。 〃So Idamore; his name is Idamore;
leastways that is what he calls himself; for his real name is Chardin
Idamore fancied that your uncle had a deal more money than he owned
to; and he managed to send his sister Elodieand that was a stage
name he gave herto send her to be a workwoman at our place; without
my daughter's knowing who she was; and; gracious goodness! but that
girl turned the whole place topsy…turvy; she got all those poor girls
into mischiefimpossible to whitewash them; saving your presence

〃And she was so sharp; she won over poor old Thoul; and took him away;
and we don't know where; and left us in a pretty fix; with a lot of
bills coming in。 To this day as ever is we have not been able to
settle up; but my daughter; who knows all about such things; keeps an
eye on them as they fall due。Then; when Idamore saw he had got hold
of the old man; through his sister; you understand; he threw over my
daughter; and now he has got hold of a little actress at the
/Funambules/。And that was how my daughter came to get married; as
you will see〃

〃But you must know where the mattress…picker lives?〃 said Josepha。

〃What! old Chardin? As if he lived anywhere at all!He is drunk by
six in the morning; he makes 
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