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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第5部分

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 sudden and unexpected death。
Counseling the former matron mother had been more an honor than a treat。 She generally ignored advice; and her deputies were lucky if she let it go at that。 Often enough; she responded to their suggestions with a tornotrent of abuse。
But Triel; Gromph's other sister and the new head of House Baenre; had; over time; proved to be a different sort of sovereign。 Indecisive; overnotwhelmed by the responsibilities of her new office; she relied heavily on the opinions of her siblings。
That meant the Archmage; though a 〃mere male;〃 could theoretically rule Menzoberranzan from behind the throne; and at long last order all things to please himself。 But only if he disposed of the matron's other counselor; the damnably persuasive Quenthel; who continued to oppose him on virtually every matter。 He'd been contemplating her assassination for a long time; until the present situation afforded him an irresistible opnotportunity。
〃You send me to my death!〃 Beradax protested。
〃Your life or death are of no importance;〃 Gromph replied; 〃only my will matters。 Still; you may survive。 Arach…Tinilith has changed; as you know very well。〃
〃Even now; the Academy is warded by all the old enchantments。〃
〃I'll dissolve the barriers for you。
1 won t go!
〃Nonsense。 You've submitted and must obey。 Stop blathering before I lose my patience。〃
He hefted the athame; and Beradax seemed to slump。
〃Very well; wizard; send me and be damned。 I'll kill her as I will one day butcher you。〃
〃You can't go quite yet。 For all your bluster; you're the lowliest kind of nether spirit; a grub crawling on the floor of Hell; but tonight you'll wear the form of a genuine demon; to make the proper impression on the resinotdents of the temple。〃
Gromph lifted his staff in both hands and shouted words of power。 Benotradax howled in agony as her mass of eyeballs flowed and humped into something quite different。
Afterward; Gromph descended to his office。 He had an appointment with a different kind of agent。 

As Pharaun Mizzrym and Ryld Argith strolled through the cool air; fresher than that pent up in Melee…Magthere; the latter looked about Tier Breche; realized he hadn't bothered to set foot outside in days; and rather wondered why; for the view was as spectacular as ever。
Tier Breche; home to the Academy since that institution's founding; was a large cavern where the labor of countless spell casters; artisans; and slaves had turned enormous stalagmites and other masses of rocks into three exnottraordinary citadels。 To the east rose pyramidal Melee…Magthere; where Ryld and others like him turned callow young drow into warriors。 By the western wall stood the many…spired tower of Sorcere; where Pharaun and his colleagues taught wizardry; while to the north crouched the largest and most imposing school of all; Arach…Tinilith; a temple built in the eight…limbed shape of a spider。 Inside; the priestesses of Lolth; goddess of arachnotnids; chaos; assassins; and the drow race; trained dark elf maidens to serve the deity in their turn。
And yet; magnificent as was Tier Breche; considered in the proper connottext; it was only a detail in a scene of far greater splendor。 The Academy sat in a side cavern; a mere nook opening partway up the wall of a truly prodigious vault。 The primary chamber was two miles wide and a thounotsand feet high; and filling all that space was Menzoberranzan。
On the cavern floor; castles; hewn like the Academy from natural pronottrusions of calcite; shone blue; green; and violet amid the darkness。 The phosphorescent mansions served to delineate the pl
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