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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第69部分

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   The Weave was blocked by the field; but that was all。 Gromph; weak and in pain from loss of blood and the morbid wound in his leg; was all but helpless against anything but spells。 Nimor could walk right up…anyone could walk right up…and kill the Archmage of Menzoberranzan with a dagger across the throat。
   At least; Gromph thought; I don't have to listen to Prath remind me of that。
   The field blocked the telepathic link he'd established with the other Baenre mages。 Gromph was entirely on his own; though he was sure Nauzhror and the others were still watching。
   〃Please tell me you aren't going to just sit there and die;〃 Dyrr said。 〃I've e to expect so much more from you。〃
   〃Have you?〃 Gromph answered; every word ing with a painful effort。 〃What have you 。 。 。 e to expect。 。 。 from Nimor?〃
   〃Why; Archmage;〃 the lich replied; 〃whatever do you mean?〃
   〃Where is he?〃 Gromph said。 〃Where has your half…dragon gone? He could kill me easily enough; and we both know that。 Has he…〃 Gromph winced through a wave of pain…〃abandoned you?〃
   〃I never trusted Nimor Imphraezl;〃 said the lich。 〃What's your excuse ?〃
   Gromph puzzled over that last ment。
   Still; some of what the lich said rang painfully true。 If he didn't drop the antimagic field; the ring would never finish reattaching his leg。 If he sat there he would succumb to shock; loss of blood; even infection soon enough。 The only thing keeping Dyrr from killing him was killing him。
   Gromph did nothing to alert Dyrr to his intentions。 He didn't draw in any dramatic; shuddering breath。 He didn't move his trembling; pain…ravaged body。 He didn't even look at the lich or at the bead of pressed fire waiting for its chance to immolate him。 Everything that was happening was occurring inside his mind。
   Gromph mentally arranged spells; bringing the opening stanzas to mind; willing his fingers in advance to form the gestures。 He kept one hand on his staff; knowing that its magic wasn't gone but was simply suppressed; waiting the same way Dyrr's fireball…and Dyrr himself…was waiting。
   He dropped the antimagic field; and in that same instant the globe burst back around him and the spell tripped rapidly past his lips。 The bead of fire dropped out of its lazy orbit and shot at him as fast as a bolt from a crossbow; but Gromph's spell was a split second faster。 The spell enabled him to push the bead of fire away with a wave of invisible force。 Using the power of his mind; Gromph seized control of the nascent fireball and sent it hurtling back at the lichdrow。
   Dyrr backed quickly away from it then turned and flew fast。 Gromph kept the fireball racing toward the lich; gaining on him。
   The pain in his leg began to fade and was replaced once more by pulses of nettling as it drew itself together。 Concentrating on chasing the fleeing lich with his own fireball; Gromph didn't see the blood that still surrounded him…his own blood…being soaked up by the skin of his leg。 As it drew into his tissue; the blood itself warmed; and one by one the cells came back to life。
   The bead of fire was within a handspan of the fleeing lich when Nimor stabbed Gromph in the back。
   The archmage might have thought that he'd be accustomed to the odd blast of mind…ravaging agony by then; but the pain hit him full force。 He could feel every fraction of an inch of the blade's path through his skin; into and through the muscles of his back。 He could feel the cold steel pierce his heart。
   Gromph gasped and lost control of the spell that held the fireball。 He closed his eyes against the flare of it exploding…too far from Gromph to burn him but too far from the lich to damage him either。
   That wasn't the only fire。 The flickering shield of arcane flames that had surrounded him before he cast the antimagic field had returned to him as had the globe。 Fire poured over the wound in Gromph's back even though it hadn't protected him from the dagger。 Fire washed over Nimor; who released the knife and staggered back; waving off the flames that once again seared his shadow…black face。
   The dagger was still in him; still in his heart; and Gromph lurched forward to sprawl on his stomach on the unforgiving floor of the Bazaar。 The ring fought second by second to keep his heart intact; to keep it beating; to keep his blood flowing; but it did nothing for the pain。 The archmage's vision blurred; and when he tried to reach behind him to pull the dagger out of his back he could only twitch his arm uselessly at his side。
   The archmage was vaguely aware of heat; light; and the sound of crackling; a dull roar 。 。 。 fire。
   He blinked。 His vision cleared enough to see a row of burning merchant's stalls and a thick column of smoke rising into the still; warming air。 Hovering in stark; spindly silhouette against the blinding orange flames was the figure of the lichdrow Dyrr。
   Gromph coughed and felt something warm and thick trickle from his lips。 The dagger twitched in his back; and Gromph was afraid that it was Nimor; turning the blade; driving it deeper; or withdrawing it only to plunge it home again。
   No; Nauzhror said into Gromph's confused; slowing mind。 It's the ring。 Don't move; Archmage。 Try not to move for a few seconds more。
   Gromph looked up at the hovering lich and saw another black silhouette join him to hover far above the burning stalls。 The second silhouette had huge; semi…transparent wings traced with veins。
   The dagger twitched again; and Gromph coughed more blood as it came free of his heart; only to knick his lung。
   A few more seconds; Master; Nauzhror said。 Patience。
   Gromph let that last word play in his mind。 He had no choice but to be patient。 To him; it felt as if the pain were actually pushing him down; driving him into the rock beneath him。
   The two black figures started to grow against the roiling backdrop of uncontrolled fire。 They were ing for him。 They meant to end it。
   The dagger slipped out of Gromph's back to clatter on the stone floor beside him。 He shuddered through a last spasm of pain and clenched his chest when his heart skipped a beat then started up again; strong and regular。 The archmage began to cast a spell。
   Gromph rolled into a seated position as he cast; turning to face his enemies with fire reflected in his stolen eyes。 Nimor was closer; ing at him with his shadow dragon's claws; so Gromph directed the spell at him。 The archmage sent a rolling wave of blinding fire at the assassin; but Nimor stepped quickly to one side and was gone; sinking into the shadows like a rock slipping under the surface of Donigarten Lake。
   The conjured fire flared past the spot where the assassin had been standing; burning nothing but empty air。
   Gromph cringed。
   It's all right; Archmage; Nauzhror said。
   No; it's not; Gromph shot back at him。 I'm using too much fire against Nimor。
   It's true… Prath began but stopped so abruptly Gromph was sure it was Nauzhror who silenced him…lucky for Prath。
   The lichdrow stopped his advance and waved his hands in front of him。 Gromph tightened his grip on his staff; sighing as the last of 
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