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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第46部分

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 the swamp。 He watched tiny yellow lights flicker in the air…some kind of bioluminescent insects moving slowly; sluggish in the cold night air。 Pinpoints of light spattered across the black dome of the sky; not painful to look at and actually helping Ryld's natural darkvision。 There was no other light except…
   Except for a faint purple glow shimmering in chaotic waves over Ryld himself。
   Faerie fire。
   Ryld drew Splitter and stepped back; opening his stance; then he turned around once three hundred and sixty degrees looking for anything moving toward him…looking for Danifae。 It was a dark elf who had picked him out from the dark background using the magical ability she; like all drow; was born with。 Who else could it be?
   She must have already killed Halisstra; Ryld thought。
   The world exploded in agonizing light; and he could hear something big running at him。
   Ryld had been trained to fight when unable to see; and as the foe that blinded him charged; he fell back on that training。 The weapons master surprised himself with how well he'd adapted to the way sound traveled on the surface world。 He timed Danifae's charge…and it had to be Danifae…so that when she was no more than three strides from him; he stepped to the side。 The echoes were oddly spaced。 It almost sounded as if Danifae had four legs。
   That aside; Ryld had estimated correctly; and he stepped out of the way of the former battle…captive in time to feel her brush past him in a rush of cold air and an unpleasant; uncharacteristic strong musky smell。
   Still blind; Ryld heard her scuffle to a stop in the ankle…deep; wet moss。 She turned quickly and Ryld could feel her ready to e at him again。
   Ryld heaved Splitter in front of him; again as he was trained to do。 The blade never bit into flesh and bone; but the purpose of that attack wasn't so much to kill as it was to fend off。 He had been blinded by some sort of conjured light; which meant that his eyesight would return in time。 The first rule of fighting blind was keeping yourself alive until you weren't blind anymore。
   It was exactly what he was supposed to do; but it didn't work。 The moment Splitter passed to his left side; opening up his chest and face; she…it。 。 。 something 。 。 。 dived on him。 It was definitely not Danifae。 It was no drow at all。
   The thing that smashed Ryld to the ground was enormous and covered in thick; coarse fur。 It had four strong legs each with a set of long; sharp claws that tugged at his armor but were unable to cut him through his dwarven mithral breastplate。
   Ryld smelled hot; rank breath; and a name came to his mind: Jeggred。
   Why would the draegloth be there with Danifae? Unless the former battle…captive had brought Quenthel with her; but would they all really waste their time running after him and Halisstra when there was still a goddess to awaken?
   Ryld blinked; his sight returning in aching; cramping vibrations in his tired eyes。 The claws worried at his armor and came dangerously close to his face as the creature…could it be the draegloth?…shifted in an effort to find some gap in his armor to exploit for the kill。 Ryld pushed up with the flat of his blade and both his feet and rolled the heavy creature off him。
   When it hit the cold; spongy ground; it wriggled on its side in an effort to get to its feet。 The thing growled; and the sound was both higher in pitch and less intelligent than Jeggred's。 Ryld blinked blotches of purple from his eyes and whirled around and up to his feet; Splitter in front of him to guard against the inevitable next pounce。
   If it was Jeggred; the draegloth was down on all fours and attacking him only with fangs and one set of claws。 Ryld batted away a rake from the thing with the flat of his blade but failed to slice off the paw。 It bit at him; but he stepped back; leaning away from the attack so that the creature's fangs snapped down on thin air。
   Ryld blinked again; and his eyesight returned to nearly normal。 He wasn't fighting Danifae or Jeggred but some kind of furred surface animal。 Ryld had seen similar animals: cats。 The one that was trying to kill him was huge; ten feet from nose to tail。 Mottled gray fur rippled over rolling muscles。 Its tall; pointed ears twitched and moved independently of each other to track Ryld as it circled him; and the weapons master turned to keep the animal in sight at all times。 Steam puffed from its nostrils into the cold air。
   Ryld felt a chill run through the undersides of his arms。 He had a strange feeling of relief that he was only being hunted…again…by a native surface animal。 Danifae hadn't taken her revenge after all; certainly not with Jeggred as her second。 The weapons master briefly entertained the idea that Halisstra was right about her former servant; but the reality of his situation intruded once again。
   The animal leaped at him; and Ryld was ready for it。 He had Splitter up and to the side and had just tensed his arms in preparation for a downward slice across his chest to dig at the animal's head when the thing stopped。 The animal halted in midair for a heartbeat then fell。 It made a sound that was halfway between a growl and a whimper when it hit the ground; already scrambling to regain its feet。
   The weapons master hopped back; bringing Splitter quickly in front of him to guard against…
   〃Jeggred;〃 Ryld said。
   The draegloth held the huge cat by its tail; his eyes glowing red in the darkness。 Even as the animal turned on him; Jeggred's lips pulled back over his teeth in a feral; hate…filled smile。
   Halisstra stepped off the stairs onto what she assumed was the highest floor of the slowly crumbling structure and there she saw Danifae。 A gasp passed across her parted lips at the sight of her former servant。 Danifae had always been beautiful…that was part of what made her such a desirable possession…but though it hardly seemed possible; the girl had grown even more attractive。 The ample curves of her strong body made an alluring silhouette in the dark space; and her bright white hair framed her round; beautiful face in a way Halisstra had never seen on her normally pragmatic and simple battle…captive。
   〃What's wrong?〃 Danifae asked; her voice quiet。 〃Do I look different?〃
   Halisstra nodded and stepped away from the top of the stairs; careful to keep her back to the wall。
   〃Yes; you do。 Freedom agrees with you; Danifae。〃
   〃Yes; Halisstra;〃 Danifae replied。 Halisstra did not fail to miss the fact that Danifae had called her by name。 〃Freedom does agree with me;〃 she continued; 〃but there is much to discuss and precious little time。〃
   Halisstra arced an eyebrow and let a hand slip to the hilt of the Crescent Blade。
   〃You are in danger here;〃 Danifae warned; her eyes darting to Halisstra's weapon。 〃I was careless and was found out。〃
   Halisstra's blood went cold; and she said; 〃Found out?〃
   〃I was gone too long;〃 said Danifae。 〃I was questioned by the high priestess and the mage; and they 。 。 。 did things to me to make me tell them about you; about Ryld; and all of it。 All of it that I know。〃
   Halisstra tried to take a
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