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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第36部分

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of the uridezu she'd dispatched in a messy and uncreative way。
   Another of the rat…demons swayed before the paralyzed priestess; its fangs bared and dripping with toxic spittle。 It giggled in a shrill; excited way as it inched ever closer to the helpless drow female。
   A low rumble drew Aliisza's attention to the draegloth。 The half…demon growled in the face of another rat…demon then slashed the thing across the midsection with the razor claws of one hand。 The demon bounced back on its heels only barely far enough to avoid having its guts opened onto the deck。 A hiss exploded from the uridezu's quivering lips; and its tail lashed around at the draegloth。 The half…drow; half…demon behemoth avoided the appendage with surprising agility。
   The captain of the ship of chaos rattled his chain but remained bound to the deck。 Aliisza sensed the presence of an invisible wall separating the captain from the rest of them。 It was as if the air had turned solid there。 She could see the magic shimmering in her Weave…sensitive eyesight。
   Aliisza didn't particularly care what became of the uridezu captain or the uncouth; unappealing draegloth; but she couldn't stand the thought of the attractive; impressive drow priestess being eaten alive while paralyzed by a creature as lowly as an uridezu。 The alu…fiend began to drain the life…force from that particular rat…creature while still hanging invisible in the air。
   The uridezu looked around。 It could feel that something bad was happening to it。 Maybe it felt cold; or weak; dizzy; sick。 Aliisza was killing it; and it had to know it was dying。 The rat…demon drew its arms around itself; and Aliisza sensed that it was on its way back to the Abyss…but something kept it there on the ship。 Aliisza could see that magic too; binding it to the very air around them。 Only Pharaun could have been responsible for that。
   The fact that the dark elf wizard had that power made Aliisza uneasy。
   She wondered where the invisible wall had e from when she heard a horrid ripping sound and had to dodge an arc of dark…red blood。 The draegloth ripped the arm off the uridezu that was stupid enough to stand up to him。 Aliisza didn't like the smell of the rat…demon's blood 。。。 at least not as much as the draegloth seemed to。
   The half…demon picked up the uridezu's arm and lifted it behind him until it bounced off the invisible wall。 That startled the draegloth…no; not startled; annoyed him。 Aliisza realized someone was trying to separate the uridezu captain and the draegloth。
   That had to be Pharaun's handiwork。 As the draegloth beat the rat…demon to death with its own arm; Aliisza sorted out why the wizard might be trying to protect the captain。
   She whispered a quick spell and rose higher into the air so that no one but Pharaun would be able to hear her。 She had to stop draining the life…force from the last survivor of the demonic boarding party; but the draegloth had already begun stalking toward it。
   〃Pharaun;〃 she whispered over the intervening yards; her voice ing to the drow wizard as a whisper in his ear。
   She saw the mage react and continued; 〃Yes; it's me。 You're protecting the captain from your own draegloth?〃
   〃What of it?〃 the wizard asked; his voice sounding as a whisper in her ear too。
   〃You don't need him;〃 she said。
   〃Yes; I do;〃 replied the mage。 〃It's a ship of chaos; Aliisza; and I'm a drow who isn't much for boats。 I've never piloted one of these things before。 Probably no drow in history ever has。〃
   〃It's not that hard;〃 she explained。 〃The ship is alive。 You simply will it to go where you want。〃
   〃It's that easy?〃 Pharaun asked; skeptical。
   Aliisza watched the draegloth shred the weakened uridezu with a flurry of claws and fangs and said; 〃After a fashion; yes。〃
   Barely missing a beat; the half…demon turned on the invisible wall and went at it with claw and fang; wild and feral。 The sight made Aliisza's heart race。
   The uridezu captain was cowering behind the wall。 He didn't bother trying to pretend he didn't know what the draegloth was going to do to him if he got through the invisible barrier。
   〃Let the draegloth have him; darling;〃 Aliisza said as her spell began to fade。 〃We can pilot the ship together。〃
   Pharaun opened a dimensional rift and stepped through。 In an instant he was standing on the deck of the ship of chaos next to the paralyzed priestess and directly under the hovering; unseen alu…fiend。 She began to sink toward him。
   〃Jeggred;〃 the drow wizard said to the draegloth; 〃stop it。 Stop it; now。 We need him。〃
   The wizard turned to the high priestess; who stood; her hand dripping with uridezu gore。 The snakes at the end of her whip hissed at Pharaun; warning him away。
   〃Mistress;〃 he said to her; 〃tell him to stop it。〃
   〃She's paralyzed;〃 Aliisza whispered in his ear; close enough then to do it without a spell。
   Pharaun didn't flinch but smiled and said; 〃He won't listen to me。〃
   〃I told you it's all right; Pharaun;〃 whispered the alu…fiend; 〃we don't need him。〃
   〃We?〃 he asked。
   Aliisza blushed; though Pharaun still couldn't see her。
   〃If Raashub can pilot this vessel;〃 she asked; 〃why can't we? Could it be that hard?〃
   Pharaun drew in a deep breath and let it out in a sigh。
   〃He's only going to keep defying me anyway; isn't he?〃 Pharaun asked。
   〃Who are you 。 。 。〃 Quenthel said; her joints jerking as she recovered from the uridezu's paralyzing bite; 〃。 。 。 talking to?〃
   〃Wouldn't you; in his place?〃 Aliisza whispered; ignoring the high priestess。
   Pharaun turned to her and looked her in the eyes; though she was sure he wasn't able to see her。 He winked at her then turned back to the priestess。
   〃Jeggred means to kill the captain;〃 he said。
   〃Let him;〃 the priestess replied as she scanned the deck apparently looking for something with which to clean the blood off her。
   〃Well;〃 Aliisza whispered into the wizard's ear; 〃it's her idea now; isn't it?〃
   Pharaun waved a hand and dropped the wall。
   The draegloth leaped onto the uridezu captain。 They both went over the rail。 The chain that bound the uridezu to the deck…and to the material plane…snapped as if it were made of mushroom stem。 There was a huge; echoing splash that sent lake water rolling onto the deck to mingle with the spilled demon blood。
   Aliisza hovered over them as Pharaun and Quenthel ran to the rail and looked over into the black water。 Bubbles peppered the surface; and there were ripples that made it obvious that some violence was occurring below the surface。
   Then the bubbles stopped。 The ripples played themselves out; and there was nothing。
   〃Go after them;〃 the priestess said to Pharaun。
   Aliisza caught herself before she laughed out loud。
   Pharaun raised an eyebrow; looked at the priestess; and said; 〃I'm afraid I had to cancel the spell that allowed me to breathe underwater。〃
   The priestess turned on him angrily; but any further discussion was stopped by the sound of another splash。 Something arced out of the water and thumped onto the deck。 The uridez
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