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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第30部分

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   They had been spending some time with each other; Ryld and Halisstra。 Even in the cave where Pharaun had summoned the demon Belshazu; Danifae had suspected that Ryld was sneaking off to join Halisstra。 If he had; she could use his ring as a focus。
   It was only after several more false starts that Danifae finally found her mistress。 The former battle…captive had been; like the Menzoberranyr; under the impression that Halisstra had gone to the City of Spiders to report on their progress (or lack thereof); and much of Danifae's time had been spent searching for her there。 Hours later; Danifae realized that Halisstra wasn't even in the Underdark but in the bizarre landscape of the World Above。
   Danifae had suspected that Halisstra was in the process of turning entirely from the worship of Lolth。 They had all seen her reaction to the chaotic; empty Demonweb Pits。
   Even having seen that ruined plane herself; though; Danifae had been a priestess of Lolth when she was free and living in Eryndlyn; and she had served the goddess more faithfully and more sincerely than she served House Melarn ever since; so her faith remained strong。 Guarded; perhaps; more curious; but strong。 Danifae wouldn't presume to question the goddess's will; and Halisstra's mitment to the Spider Queen was none of Danifae's concern。 Danifae could easily enough set aside her religion if necessary; but she would never set aside her vengeance。 Halisstra Melarn had to die; and not on Lolth's behalf。 For Danifae it was a simple imperative。
   As certain as she could be that the portal was properly tuned to the place on the World Above where Halisstra and Ryld were; Danifae stepped through。 She felt as if she were being turned upside down and inside out at the same time; though there was no pain…only a dull; throbbing vertigo…then she was there。
   It was night; and Danifae thanked Lolth for that。 Her eyes still had to adjust to the bright glare of the starlight against the white snow; but she wasn't totally blinded。 She had appeared; apparently silently and without the sort of fanfare…flashing lights and thunderclaps…that often acpanied arcane magic; in front of a ruined building。 The structure was overgrown with vegetation。 No light or fire glowed from inside。
   Danifae drew her piwafwi close around her shoulders against the biting cold in the air。 She stepped as quietly as she could to the entrance。 Her eyes adjusted little by little; and by the time Danifae reached the ruin; she could see fairly well。 Inside; Halisstra sat back to back with Ryld。 The two of them were deep in Reverie and in a position that told Danifae everything she needed to know about their relationship。
   The former battle…captive felt a growing respect for Halisstra; as well as a growing contempt。 Halisstra had managed to outwit Quenthel and the others; seduce the steadfast weapons master…admirable; even for someone schooled her entire life in manipulation and deceit…and had set up a sweet little household for them in the freezing; animal…infested forest…a bizarre and unseemly act of betrayal against her essential nature as a dark elf。
   Danifae took a deep breath and let it out in a thin; reedy whistle。 Halisstra came out of Reverie without a blink and looked at her。 The First Daughter of House Melarn had established that sound as their signal years before; and they had both had occasion to use it more than once。
   Halisstra let one side of her mouth draw up into half a smile。 She indicated Ryld with a slow movement of her eyes; and Danifae shook her head。
   Halisstra stood slowly and carefully; making sure not to disturb Ryld。
   〃Are you all right?〃 the weapons master whispered; his eyes still closed。
   Halisstra replied; also in a whisper; 〃I'm fine。 I'll be right back。〃
   Ryld nodded and returned to his meditation as Halisstra slipped out of the ruined structure。 Certain that Ryld hadn't seen her; Danifae led her former mistress a good distance from the ruin; waiting for Halisstra to indicate they'd gone far enough。 They stopped and faced each other for the first time as two free drow。
   The Binding? Halisstra signed。
   Danifae replied; Removed by Quenthel。 。 。 Pharaun; really; but on Quenthel's orders。 We have found a ship of chaos to take us back to the Abyss。
   Halisstra visibly withdrew and signed; I can see why you escaped。
   I didn't; really; replied Danifae。 I was sent with Master Hune to gather supplies for our doomed little voyage。
   How long before they leave? Halisstra asked。
   Days still; answered Danifae。
   Why are you telling me this? Halisstra asked。 You're free now。 Go back to Eryndlyn if you dare; or go on with the Menzoberranyr until you all inevitably die。 Do as you wish; but you no longer need seek my permission。
   I served you; Danifae replied; and now I serve Quenthel。 I'm not as free as you might think; Binding or no Binding。
   There was a short silence as the two of them studied each other in the darkness。 Danifae could somehow feel how far Halisstra had strayed from the path of Lolth; but it was confirmed seconds later by Halisstra herself。
   I serve Eilistraee now; Danifae。 There will be no more slaves for me。
   Danifae pretended to consider that last statement for a while。 Internally she tried to get her head to stop spinning。 The depth of her former mistress's betrayal was worse than she'd imagined。 Danifae couldn't believe she'd ever allowed herself to be taken captive by so weak a mistress…one who would turn her back on her entire culture at the slightest provocation; at the first sign of weakness。 It was that thought that snapped Danifae out of her confusion。 Halisstra must have seen Lolth's Silence as a sign of weakness and used that opportunity to escape; just as Danifae had seen Halisstra's doubt as a sign of weakness and used that opportunity to escape herself。 But would any priestess seek to escape the service of Lolth?
   I like the sound of that; Danifae signed; but we are all slaves sooner or later。
   We don't have to be; Halisstra was quick to reply。
   Danifae blinked at how strident; how obvious; and how careless her former mistress had bee。
   Lolth isn't ing back; is she? Danifae asked。
   I don't know; replied Halisstra; but it doesn't look good。
   If I die still serving her; Danifae asked; where will my soul go? There were no drow souls in the Demonweb Pits; and no entrance past the sealed doors。 Where are all those souls?
   Halisstra looked at her former servant with a wounded; open look that made Danifae's skin crawl。
   What; Danifae asked; are your intentions here?
   You found me; her former mistress replied。 Tell me; what are your intentions? Spying on me for that Baenre bureaucrat?
   No; Danifae replied sharply。 I sneaked away from Valas in Sschindylryn。 It was the only place to find a portal and to find you; I don't trust the Menzoberranyr。
   Why would you? Halisstra replied; eyeing her former servant carefully。
   What is the weapons master doing here? asked Danifae。
   She could see by Halisstra's reaction that things between she and the weapons master had gon
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