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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第29部分

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   〃We 。 。 。〃 the demon gasped。 〃We will see you in the Abyss 。 。 。 drow bitch!〃
   We? Pharaun thought; stealing a glance at Raashub; who was watching with keen interest。
   〃Kill it now; Jeggred;〃 Quenthel manded; her voice still husky and mingled with deep; panting breaths。 〃Kill it before it goes home。〃
   Feral light flashed in the draegloth's eyes and he brought a single claw across the uridezu's midsection。 The daggerlike talon disappeared into the demon's flesh; burying itself six inches deep。 Jeggred cut the thing's belly open wide enough to spill a pile of ropy yellow intestines; steaming with the demon's hot blood; onto the deck of the ship of chaos。
   The demon screamed; the sound echoing unnaturally then fading even as the uridezu itself began to evaporate into nothingness。 It was returning to the Abyss while it still lived。
   Pharaun had to admit that he wasn't sure how long a demon might live after it had been disemboweled; but more than one breed of them could regenerate pletely from even so grievous a wound。
   As the demon began to fade; though; Jeggred quickly withdrew his claw and grabbed the uridezu's head in both his larger; stronger hands。 The draegloth twisted and pulled; hard enough that Pharaun could see veins protrude against his straining muscles。
   There was a sickly wet cracking sound and a sicker wet pop! and the uridezu's head came off in Jeggred's hands。
   The rest of the demon's body disappeared; but the head and entrails remained。 The black eyes stared; dead; at nothing。 The demon's guts slowly sizzled away; being absorbed; Pharaun noted; by the ship itself。 The wizard realized that most of the fragments of bone from the shattered rail had gone as well。 The ship was feeding on itself; repairing the damage bone by bone。
   Jeggred; obviously taking no notice of the ship of chaos's convenient regenerative capacities; tossed the uridezu's head overboard as he turned to face the captain。
   Raashub; already backed away as far as his bonds would allow; put his hands up in supplication and looked away。
   Jeggred; a low growl rumbling in his throat; started forward; stalking the bound uridezu with unveiled intent。
   〃I don't know; nephew;〃 Quenthel said; her voice and breathing slowly returning to normal。 She was bleeding but paid her injuries no heed。 〃I have yet to make up my mind。〃
   The vipers seethed at the end of her whip; and Quenthel glanced at one of them as if she'd heard it speak…and certainly she had; though Pharaun was still not privy to that munication。
   〃Wait;〃 the wizard said; stepping closer but not foolish enough to move between Jeggred and the uridezu。 〃I'm afraid we still need him。〃
   Jeggred growled; not looking at Pharaun; but he did hesitate。
   〃It was to be expected;〃 Pharaun said。 〃You've both worked with demons before; haven't you? So he tried to kill us and failed。〃
   Quenthel's head snapped to look at him。 The abrupt motion caused the vipers in her whip to shudder and turn on the wizard as well。
   〃You can't control him;〃 she said to Pharaun。 〃How can you stop him from doing that again?〃
   〃It wasn't me; Mistress;〃 Raashub pleaded; his voice reedy and dripping with false humility。 〃The Lake of Shadows is home to many of my kind。〃
   Pharaun lifted an eyebrow at that obvious lie then began to cast a spell。
   〃Let me eat his kidneys;〃 Jeggred growled; his eyes still locked on the uridezu。 〃Maybe just one kidney。〃
   Pharaun; ignoring the draegloth; finished his spell。
   Raashub screamed。
   The sound was so sudden and so loud that even Jeggred stepped back from it。 Wild horror passed through the captive uridezu in visible waves。 Raashub threw up his hands and clawed at the air in front of him; whimpering; sobbing; and shrieking in different binations as Pharaun; Quenthel; and Jeggred looked on。
   〃What are you doing to him?〃 Jeggred asked; confused。
   〃Showing him things;〃 Pharaun replied。
   He looked at Quenthel; who obviously wanted a more detailed explanation。
   〃Even demons have nightmares; Mistress;〃 the Master of Sorcere explained。 〃My spell is letting a few of those play out for him。 I assure you both; it is an experience our dear friend Raashub will not soon forget; and he knows I can do it again。〃
   Jeggred sighed so heavily Pharaun could smell his rancid breath。 The draegloth moved toward Raashub。
   〃Hold; Jeggred;〃 Quenthel ordered。
   The draegloth hesitated before doing so; but he did stop。
   〃Raashub still serves a purpose;〃 the high priestess said as she began to assess her injuries。
   Jeggred turned to look at her; but she ignored him。
   〃Who told you that?〃 the draegloth asked in a low growl。 〃The dandy?〃…he nodded at Pharaun…〃or the snakes?〃
   Quenthel ignored the question; but Pharaun thought long and hard about it。
   It took Danifae somewhat longer than she'd intended to remember Zinnirit's favorite mand words and determine which of them powered which of the rings。 Then she turned her attention to studying the finer points of the portals she had 〃inherited〃 from the late Yauntyrr House mage。 Not only had she lost all track of time as she studied Zinnirit's collection of scrolls and tomes on the subject; made a few exploratory scans through open portals; and ignored a summons from Valas; but she had exhausted the limits of her own familiarity with the arcane Art。 Danifae was no wizard; but fortunately she didn't have to be to use many of the features of Zinnirit's gatehouse。
   The gates were used primarily for transportation…whisking someone or something hundreds; even thousands of miles in the blink of an eye…but they could also be used to find someone。 Though the strong psychic link that the Binding had provided was gone; Danifae still had some connection to her former mistress。 She knew Halisstra better than anyone ever had; even ranking members of House Melarn。 Halisstra's sister had tried to kill her; and her mother had always been the model of the aloof; controlling matron mother。 Danifae; though always seething with hate; had served Halisstra loyally and well every minute of every day。
   Ultimately all Danifae really had to do was remember her。 All she had to do was imagine what Halisstra looked like; visualize her; and activate one of the portals in precisely the right way。 At least; she thought that was all she needed to do。
   After several false starts and failed attempts; Danifae stepped away from the gate and began pacing。 As she did she fiddled with a ring on her finger; then another ring on her other hand; and…
   She stopped and looked at her hands。 Danifae had taken three rings from the dead wizard。 Two of them were tucked safely in a pocket。 She wore the ring that Zinnirit had created for her mother; the one that would bring her back to the gatehouse from anywhere; but she wore another ring as well…one she'd almost forgotten about。 It belonged to Ryld Argith; the Menzoberranyr weapons master who; like Danifae's former mistress; had abandoned the expedition。
   They had been spending some time with each other; Ryld and Halisstra。 Even in the 
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